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CYCLE CAMPAIGNING Where are we at, and where are we going? Roger Geffen Campaigns & Policy Manager CTC, the national cyclists’ organisation Review of 2007 Campaigns… Highway Code (2 nd round!) “Keep Cycling on Track” campaign Fillthathole and Clearthattrail Coastal access
CYCLE CAMPAIGNINGWhere are we at, and where are we going? Roger Geffen Campaigns & Policy Manager CTC, the national cyclists’ organisation
Review of 2007 Campaigns… • Highway Code (2nd round!) • “Keep Cycling on Track” campaign • Fillthathole and Clearthattrail • Coastal access • Influencing Comprehensive Spending Review Development… • £300K DEFRA funding for climate film • £4m Lottery funding for 12 ‘cycle champions’ doing cycle development (health, social inclusion) • Benefits also for cycle trainers, campaigners etc
New opportunities • PACTS call for 20mph default speed limit • Obesity Foresight report • Personalised Travel Planning increases cycle use by up to 65%, and reduces car use by 9-13% • Stern / Eddington response notes excellent value of small schemes and ‘smarter choice’ measures • Cycling England’s “Bike for the Future” – Government support likely
Campaigning in 2008:still semi-reactive • DfT climate change strategy and another White Paper (post Stern/Eddington): ‘smarter choices’ v major infrastructure • Climate Change Bill v Planning Bill • Local Transport Bill and overhaul of local transport planning system • LAAs, LSPs, RDAs, RPBs, RSSs and other TLAs • Cycle Infrastructure Design • Study of factors affecting cycle safety • Cycle parking initiative
Cycle parking • Web-based tool for cyclists to nominate cycle parking locations – in partnership with local authorities • Paving the way for further web-based initiatives e.g. prioritising cycle infrastructure improvements, reporting bad drivers, national cycle journey planner…
Cycle safety study • Needs to go beyond the “Highway Code issues” (i.e. cycle lanes/tracks and helmets!) • Must also cover wider infrastructure issues (e.g. lane widths, junctions, maintenance), vehicle design and – above all – driver behaviour
Climate change v major infrastructure: LTPs and other acronyms • Climate Change Bill to establish Climate Commission, set 60% reduction target (to be reviewed by Commission), and 5-year updates • Planning Bill to set up Major Infrastructure Projects Commission • LT planning proposes 10-15 year LT strategies • Sub-national review proposes transfer of planning powers to RDAs • “Sustainable Communities”? • Are LTPs, LDDs, LSPs, LAAs real or sham?
Getting strategic: campaigning • 20mph: Opportunities in London, coalition-building, legislation for willing LAs • Traffic law and driver behaviour: use of web to make the case for new offences, tougher sentencing, more traffic policing, driver liability • Planning and design: work with LAs to establish the “Hierarchy of Solutions” (i.e. reduce traffic volumes and speeds before “cycle infrastructure”) and make sure cycling is included in major schemes / developments
Getting strategic: CTC general • Membership categories review • Development activities: cycle training, workplaces, women, students health, social inclusion etc • ‘Professionalising’ our allies: local cycle campaigners, trainers and other allies – using web for briefings, online tools, positive engagement with local authorities
CYCLE CAMPAIGNINGWhere are we at, and where are we going? Roger Geffen Campaigns & Policy Manager CTC, the national cyclists’ organisation 0870 873 0060 (main) / 01483 238322 (direct) roger.geffen@ctc.org.uk
Health costs of physical inactivity and obesity • 37% of deaths related to physical inactivity (c42,000 pa) • Obesity shortens life expectancy by c9 years, causing c30,000 deaths pa. Increases risks of: Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidaemia, coronary artery disease and stroke, respiratory problems, certain cancers, infertility, osteoarthritis, liver and gall bladder disease, mental illness. • NHS costs due to obesity set to rise from £1bn in 2007 to £6.5bn in 2050. Wider social costs are c7 times higher.
Real cycle safety • Cycling is safe: cyclists have a far lower involvement rate in collisions where someone else gets injured • Health benefits far outweigh the risks – by a factor of c20:1. • 100,000 extra ‘regular cyclists’ would result in a net saving of 50 lives p.a • (N.B. this makes no allowance for improvements – but...) • Cycling gets safer the more people do it – e.g. 83% increase in cycle use in London while cycle casualties reduced 28%.
What constitutes good cycle provision? • A cycle-friendly road network, with additional beneficial cycle links where safe • Hierarchy of provision
What constitutes good cycle provision? • Cycle tracks fine on high speed / major inter-urban roads (few interruptions or pedestrians) • Cycle lanes on busier 30mph and some higher-speed roads where there is either sufficient width or traffic is light enough for safe overtaking • Contraflows also very useful • Otherwise, no need for cycle facilities on low-speed / low traffic roads: 20mph limit is a perfectly good ‘cycle facility’
Benefits of 20mph speed limits • Reduced casualties • 20mph zones in Hull (covering 26% of the city’s road network) have reduced total casualties by 56%, child cycle casualties by 69%, child pedestrian casualties by 74% and fatal/serious casualties (all ages) by 90%. • 20mph zones GB-wide have reduced traffic speeds by 9mph, cut traffic volumes by 27%, reduced total casualties by 61% and fatal/serious casualties by 70%. • Health Development Agency estimates 20mph default would reduce child deaths and injuries by 67% (13,000 children p.a). • More people walking cycling and using public transport • A better residential and town centre environment (better for house prices and retail vitality!) • POPULAR! (75% of all people / 72% of drivers support residential 20mph limits)
Benefits of ‘smarter choices’ measures(School and employer travel plans, personal travel planning, cycle training) • Cycle training increases the frequency and the length of cycle trips people make, their willingness to cycle all year round, and their confidence when cycling. • Cycle use has increased by 25% in Peterborough, 36% in Worcester and 79% in Darlington in the first 2 years of the “Sustainable Travel Towns” demonstration project – car use is down by 11-13% in all three towns. • Sustrans “BikeIt” project for schools has typically quadrupled cycle use for school travel, from 2% to 8% of trips (national average 1%). • Overall, ‘smarter choices’ have a benefit:cost ratio (BCR) of 10:1. • Personalised travel planning (PTP) has a BCR of 30:1.
Bike for the Future II • “START” programme: £23m p.a. (2008/9) / £37m p.a. (2009/10 – 2011/12) • Level 2 ‘Bikeability’ cycle training for all children by 2012 (£12m) • School champions to work with half of all schools in England (£10m) • 600 new links to school and 1000 cycle parking facilities (£10m) • Schools cycle clubs / cycling for ‘extended schools’ / engage families (£5m) • Aim for 10% school run trips by cycle in targeted schools by 2012, and a 5% reduction in car use for school run • “Cycling city, cycling towns”: £11m p.a (2008/9) / £20m p.a. (2009/10– 2011/12) • £10m for one city (pop >100,000) and another £10m for 16 Cycling Demonstration Towns (including 6 existing towns) • Aim to double cycle use in each city / town between 2008/9 and 2012. • Other programmes: £6m p.a. (2008/9) / £ p.a. (2009/10 – 2011/12) • Training cycling instructors (£1m) • Local / regional authority support (£1.5m) • Encouraging adult cycling, e.g. via workplace (£4m) • Marketing and communications (£4m) • Monitoring (£2m) • Central support (£0.5m) • Total £40m (2008/9) / £70m (2011/12) • Overall aim: 20% increase in cycle use in England by 2012
Existing CyclingDemonstration Towns • Aylesbury: integrating cycling into new housing developments, incl a £5m bridge • Brighton: Personalised Travel Planning • Darlington: City centre traffic restrictions, permeable using radial cycle routes, cycle training • Derby: Focus on under-25s – cycle training and bike to school days • Exeter: Links to / cycle parking at schools, aim for 20% cycle use for school trips • Lancaster / Morecambe: Opening promenade and a disused railway line, cycle maps, links with employers