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FIA INSTITUTE SUSTAINABLILITY POLICIES MOTOR SPORT SUSTAINABILITY SEMINAR Gus Glover, FIA Institute Head of Sustainability 16/11/2010. Contents - What is sustainable motor sport - Adopting and implementing FIA Policy - 2011 work plan Environmental Sound Facility management and build
Contents • - What is sustainable motor sport • - Adopting and implementing FIA Policy • - 2011 work plan • Environmental Sound • Facility management and build • Carbon offsetting certification • - Project support
What is sustainable motor sport • Sustainability • Sustainability can be defined as being able to continue one’s activities without interruption for the foreseeable future. • Sustainability focuses on possible threats to this future, such as financial, resource based, or political threats, each must be addressed for the long term success. • Sustainability applied to motor sport • During the recent motor sport development workshop five areas were identified as presenting sustainability threats to motor sport: • Noise • Move from fossil fuels • Impact on the local environment • Affordability • Safety
Adopting and implementing FIA Policy FIA Policy The Environmentally Sustainable Motor Sport Commission was tasked with developing FIA Policy on Environmentally Sustainable issues. Initially within the Commission and in consultation with US counterparts, the Commission developed a policy framework which was presented to a plenary of ASN and FIA Commission Presidents for feedback in June 2009. The amended paper became official FIA Policy when it was formerly adopted by the October WMSC. FIA Institute Environmental Policy The FIA Institute is committed to adopting the FIA’s policies and in line with its role as a non regulatory body, it will focus its attention on project work and activities which will help implement the policies into motor sport.
2011 work plan Develop a business plan The Institute is looking to a hire a Sustainability Programme Coordinator to take forward Programme, set its goals and objectives, and monitor the implementation of various projects. Further the work of the ESMSC Working Groups The ESMSC formed three working groups to supports its work. The first the Power Train Working Group has completed the review of the potential of power trains to contribute to improved environmental performance, and specific research into hybrids. The other two groups, the Noise Working Group and Facilities Working Group, still have outstanding work. The Institute will continue to develop the work of both these groups. ASN Funding opportunities The FIA Institute is working in conjunction with the FIA Foundation and FIA to amend the criteria for funding from the Motor Sport Development Fund to allow funding for specific sustainability projects.
Environmental Sound • Noise Pollution • Noise pollution is a problem on the rise in for motor sport. Local authorities are becoming increasingly strict in their regulation of the noise from motor sport facilities. • With no fixed international standards for noise measurement of noise levels, the sustainability of motor sport is being threatened through local rules and regulations impacting on their activity. • Institute project • Through the Environmental Noise Working Group the FIA Institute is working to develop a single type dynamic noise system which can be used to track noise levels in a consistent at facilities across the world. • Such a system would pave the way for self regulation of motor sport noise levels.
Sustainable facilities Environmental Management Environmental management of motor sport facilities plays an important role in reducing the impact of motor sport. Environmental Build Building standards are required to ensure that the correct environmental steps are taken not just during the construction, but the entire life cycle of the facility. Institute Projects The Facilities Working Group will define best practice in the field of environmental management, looking towards established global best practice frameworks for motor sport based on existing standards such as EMAS. On the built environment, the Institute intends to work with BRE to create a BREEAM standard and assessment tools for facilities.
Carbon Offsetting Carbon Management Carbon offsetting is not a solution to climate change, and should not be treated as such. Some carbon emissions are avoidable, offsetting should be reserved for those emissions which are not. Emissions assessments must be conducted at the highest possible standard. Motor Sport specific Carbon Offsetting In a typical event actors will include: promoters, teams, circuits, the regulator, and spectators. A key component relating to offsetting is the polluter pays principle, each actor is accountable for their own emissions. Institute Programme The FIA Institute will develop a carbon offset project identifying best practice and developing a motor sport framework for offsetting allowing ASN and stakeholders to align themselves and be certified against the framework.
Conclusions • - Sustainability is the ability to continue one’s activity unhindered for the foreseeable future. • The FIA Institute will support the implementation of the FIA’s Sustainable Motor Sport Policies. • In 2011 the Institute will take forward the work of the Noise and facilities working groups. • A carbon offset project will be developed to assist stakeholders in achieving carbon neutrality. • Funding will be made available to ASNs seeking support for environmental projects.