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Mormon 101. Foundation History Practices Doctrine. Foundation: God Speaks Through Prophets. Moses. Isaiah. Adam. Samuel. Abraham. Christ’s Church. Christ’s Church. Christ’s Church. Prophet (Gordon Hinckley). Pope (Peter). Prophet (Peter). Prophet (Peter). 12 Apostles.
Mormon 101 • Foundation • History • Practices • Doctrine
Foundation: God Speaks Through Prophets Moses Isaiah Adam Samuel Abraham
Christ’s Church Christ’s Church Christ’s Church Prophet (Gordon Hinckley) Pope (Peter) Prophet (Peter) Prophet (Peter) 12 Apostles 12 Apostles 12 Apostles 12 Apostles Apostasy Apostasy Foundation: Comparison of Christian Churches Catholic Protestant Mormon Enlightenment Restoration (1830) God calls a prophet and restores His church Joseph Smith Martin Luther (Lutheran) John Wesley (Methodist) 12 Apostles Etc. Pope Benedict XVI Direct line of authority to Christ’s Church. Pope is infallible. No authority. Churches do their best to understand true doctrine. God calls new prophet and restores authority. Prophet receives revelation.
History: Mormon History Timeline Nauvoo was the largest city in Illinois in 1845 with a population of 20,000. There were 26,000 members when Joseph Smith was Martyred in 1844. 70,000 saints traveled the 1300 mile Mormon Trail before the railroad arrived in 1869. Church Organized Fayette, New York 1830 First Temple Built Kirtland, Ohio 1831-1838 Saints Settle in Nauvoo, Illinois 1840-1846 Saints Settle in Utah 1847 Saints Settle in Jackson County, Missouri 1831-1839 Brigham Young, second prophet. Colonization (Settled over 600 Communities)
History: Church Membership • Today • 52,500 Mormons in Chicago • 54% of Mormons live outside United States 13 million • Prominent Mormons • Stephen Covey • Mitt Romney • Senator Orrin Hatch • Gladys Knight • J. W. Marriott • Steve Young • The Osmonds 4 million 250,000 500,000 1,000,000 6 1978 2006 1947 1896 1930 1830
Practices: Church • Lay Clergy – The clergy at the Mormon church is not paid. Normal members serve as bishop for 5-7 years. • Sermon – The sermon each Sunday is given by different members each week. • Fast Sunday – The first Sunday of each month Mormons fast 24 hours (two meals) and donate the money saved to poor. • Sabbath Day – Mormons keep the Sabbath day holy by refraining from shopping, work and leisure activities. • Home Teaching – Pairs of men are assigned to teach and watch over 2-5 families. • Visiting Teaching – Pairs of women areassigned to teach and watch over 2-5women. • Mutual – The youth meet every Wednesday evening to work on Scouting for the young men and a similar program for the young women.
Practices: Church Schedule Church Schedule Sacrament Meeting Hymns, Bread & Water, Talks, Musical Numbers (Everyone Combined) Hour 1 Jr. Primary Combined (3-7 yrs old) Sr. Primary Classes (8-11 yrs old) Sunday School Classes (12+ yrs old) Hour 2 Nursery (1.5-3 yrs old) Jr. Primary Classes (3-7 yrs old) Sr. Primary Combined (8-11 yrs old) Young Men (12-18) Young Women (12-18) Priesthood (Men) Relief Society (Women) Hour 3 The chapel is shared by three wards. Each year times are rotated. 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3
Practices: Church Organization Jesus Christ Jesus Christ leads his church by communicating with the prophet. Prophet Chosen by God as a prophet, seer, revelator and president of the church. 12 Apostles Called as a special witness of Jesus Christ. They are called to serve until they die. Go about the church teaching and organizing under the direction of the 12 apostles. Seventy Stakes (8-10 Wards per stake) A Stake President leads a stake. He is called to serve for 7-10 years. Wards (200-400 members per ward) A Bishop leads a ward. He is called to serve for 5-7 years. The name of the church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. “Of Latter-Day Saints” is used distinguish today’s church from the church in Christ’s time. The Mormon church is a nick name.
Practices: Commandments • 10 Commandments – Mormons keep the 10 commandments. • Tithing – Mormons believe in the law of tithing (donating one-tenth of their increase to the Lord). • Word of Wisdom – Mormons keep a modern commandment called the Word of Wisdom. They do not consume tea, coffee, alcohol or tobacco. • Law of Chastity – No sexual relations out of wedlock.
Practices: Home • Family Home Evening – Mormons reserve Monday evening for family night. Family night typically includes: prayer, songs, lesson, game and treat. • Prayer – Mormon prayers are extemporaneous, not memorized. They pray to the father in the name of the Son. They say blessings on their food at each meal. They are encouraged to pray together as a family morning and evening. They also say individual prayers for others, help, comfort, questions and protection. • Scripture Study – Mormons are encouraged to study the scriptures as a family and as an individual each day.
Practices: Preparedness • Food Storage – Mormons are taught be prepared by keeping a year’s supply of food and money. • 72 Hour Kits – Mormons are taught to have a kit containing food and other preparedness items to take with in times of an emergency. • Gardens – Mormons are encouraged to grow a vegetable garden.
Practices: Ordinances • Baptism – Mormons choose to be baptized at age 8. They believe that children who die before the age of eight are innocent and saved through the atonement of Christ. • Priesthood – All worthy men in the church may hold the priesthood. Young men hold the Aaronic priesthood giving them the power to administer the sacrament and baptize. Men hold the Melchezideck priesthood giving them the authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost, bless the sick and lead the church. • Temple Endowment – Adult members go to the temple to receive their endowment, an extension of their baptismal covenants. Only worthy members may enter the temple. • Eternal Marriage – Couples are married in the temple for eternity. Also, children are sealed to their parents for eternity. Marriages for time are performed in the chapel.
Practices: Temple Worship • Temples – There are 120 temples in operation today. Temples used to perform ordinances for the living and the dead. The dead may then choose to accept or reject the ordinances that have been done for them. Temples are closed on Sundays and Monday evening. • Baptisms for the dead – Youth and adults go to the temple to perform baptisms for the dead. • Genealogy – Mormons research their ancestors so they can do ordinance work for them. • Genealogy Resources – The Mormon church has the largest genealogy library in the world. Records are photographed around the world and stored on microfilm. • 2.4 million rolls of microfilm, 742,000 microfiche • Currently 200 cameras filming in 45 countries • 725 million names transcribed into computer • 36 million names linked to families Washington DC Temple
Practices: Education • Seminary – High school students attend seminary every morning at 6am before school. • BYU – The church operates Brigham Young University. It has campuses in Utah (30,000), Idaho (11,600) and Hawaii (2,400).
Practices: Missionary Work • Missions – Mormon young men are encourage to serve two-year missions at age 19. Mormon young women may also serve missions at age 21. Retired older couples also serve missions. Missionaries pay for their own living expenses. There are currently 56,000 fulltime missionaries. • Missionary Work – Mormons believe it is there responsibility to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and the news of the restoration of His church with others. • Belief About Other Churches – Mormons believe that all people have the right to worship as they wish. Mormons believe that other churches have some truth and that God has restored additional truths through his modern day prophets.
Doctrine: Joseph Smith 1844 1805 1820 1823 1827 1829 1830 1836 First Vision Receives Book of Mormon (Moroni) Receives Gold Plates Sealing Powers (Elijah) Birth (Vermont) Martyrdom (Illinois) Book Of Mormon Published - Church Organized Aaronic Priesthood Restored (John The Baptist) - Melchezidek Priesthood Restored (Peter, James and John)
Doctrine: Plan of Salvation 1 Cor 15:40-41 Celestial Kingdom Accept Jesus Christ, baptized, temple ordinances Agency Satan • Purposes: • Obtain a body • Be tested Prison Satan’s Plan Paradise 1 Cor 15:12-22 1/3 Terrestrial Kingdom Pre-Earth Life God’s Plan Earth Spirit World Good people of the world Spirit’s Birth Body’s Birth Death Resurrection Judgment 2/3 Rev. 12:7, Jer. 1:5 Alma 34:31-35 1 Peter 3:19, 4:6 Telestial Kingdom Alma 40:11-14 Thieves, murderers, etc. Veil of Forgetfulness Spirit Spirit and Immortal Body Spirit Intelligence Spirit and Mortal Body Outer Darkness Deny Jesus Christ after having a perfect knowledge • Problems • Death • Sin • Solutions • Resurrection • Atonement Jesus Christ
Doctrine: Book of Mormon Christ’s Birth 5000 BC 4000 BC 3000 BC 2000 BC 1000 BC 1000 AD 2000 AD New Testament Old Testament 600 BC 421 AD Book of Mormon • The Book of Mormon serves as a second witness of Jesus Christ. • The American Indians are the descendents of the people in the Book of Mormon. Lehi commanded to leave Jerusalem and sail to the Americas. Last prophet (Moroni) dies. Christ visits the Americas as a resurrected being after his death.