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Mormon 1-6. Mormon, the Prophet. WHO IS THIS?. 1. A prophet came to him when he was young and told him of records engraved on metal plates that he had hidden in a hill. The prophet told him that he was to go to the hill when he was older and obtain the plates. WHO IS THIS?.
Mormon 1-6 Mormon, the Prophet
WHO IS THIS? 1. A prophet came to him when he was young and told him of records engraved on metal plates that he had hidden in a hill. The prophet told him that he was to go to the hill when he was older and obtain the plates
WHO IS THIS? 2. In his mid‑teens he was visited of the Lord
WHO IS THIS? 3. He tried to share part of what he had learned, but the people hardened their hearts
WHO IS THIS? 4. He was in his early twenties when he received the plates
WHO IS THIS? 5. He was large in stature
WHO IS THIS? 6. He had the same name as his father
WHO IS THIS? 7. The people in his time lived in a state of apostasy
WHO IS THIS? 8. He led his people as a military leader, prophet, and record keeper
WHO IS THIS? 9. He was forced by his enemies to leave his home and move with his people from city to city
WHO IS THIS? 10. His enemies finally succeeded in killing him
Joseph Smith and Mormon Joseph Mormon Mormon Joseph Named after their father Age 11 Age 12 “Sober” child Age 14 By Age 15 Visited by the Lord Age 23 Age 24 Responsible for Nephite Records Preached the Gospel Yes Yes Yes Called as Apostle Yes Saw attacks against the Church Yes Yes Nauvoo Age 16 Became a General Carthage Cumorah Killed defending his people
Mormon How do you feel when people call you a Mormon?
Mormon President Gordon B. Hinckley: “While I sometimes regret that people do not call this church by its proper name, I am happy that the nickname they use is one of great honor made so by a remarkable man and a book which gives an unmatched testimony concerning the Redeemer of the world. “Anyone who comes to know the man Mormon, through the reading and pondering of his words, anyone who reads this precious trove of history which was assembled and preserved in large measure by him, will come to know that Mormon is not a word of disrepute, but that it represents the greatest good—that good which is of God” (“Mormon Should Mean ‘More Good,’” Ensign, Nov. 1990, 52–53).
Mormon 1:2 As used in the scriptures, the word observe has two primary uses. One use denotes “to look” or “to see” or “to notice”.The second use of the wordobserve suggests “to obey” or “to keep”—as is evident in the Doctrine and Covenants: “But blessed are they who have kept the covenant and observed the commandment, for they shall obtain mercy” (D&C 54:6; emphasis added). When we are quick to observe, we promptly look or notice and obey. Both of these fundamental elements—looking and obeying—are essential to being quick to observe. And the prophet Mormon is an impressive example of this gift in action. (Elder Bendar, “Quick to Observe”)
Question In your experience, what are the challenges associated with being “quick to observe”?
Principle: Mormon 5:17 Sheep? Or Ship?
Read Mormon 3:20,22 - What do you do for someone heading down the wrong path? • Mormon 3:3 Invite • Mormon 3:12 Lead and Love • Mormon 3:13 Seek to deliver • Mormon 3:15 Don’t seek retaliation
President James E. Faust: “We need to recognize and acknowledge angry feelings. It will take humility to do this, but if we will get on our knees and ask Heavenly Father for a feeling of forgiveness, He will help us. The Lord requires us ‘to forgive all men’ [D&C 64:10] for our own good because ‘hatred retards spiritual growth.’ [Orson F. Whitney, Gospel Themes (1914), 144.] Only as we rid ourselves of hatred and bitterness can the Lord put comfort into our hearts. …
“… When tragedy strikes, we should not respond by seeking personal revenge but rather let justice take its course and then let go. It is not easy to let go and empty our hearts of festering resentment. The Savior has offered to all of us a precious peace through His Atonement, but this can come only as we are willing to cast out negative feelings of anger, spite, or revenge” (“The Healing Power of Forgiveness,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2007, 69).
What do you do for someone heading down the wrong path? • Mormon 3:3 Invite • Mormon 3:12 Lead and Love • Mormon 3:13 Seek to deliver • Mormon 3:15 Don’t seek retaliation • Mormon 5:2 Never give up • Mormon 5:11 Eternal Perspective • Mormon 6:16 Pour your heart out
President George A. Smith: “There is a line of demarcation well defined. On one side of the line is the Lord’s territory, and on the other side of the line is the devil’s territory. If you will stay on the Lord’s side of the line the devil cannot come over there to tempt you or to annoy or distress you. If you go onto the devil’s side of the line just one inch you are in his territory, you are in his power, and he will seek to draw you just as far from that line of demarcation, that division line, as he can, knowing that if he can keep you in his territory he has you in his power” (Conference Report, Oct. 1932, 27).
Elder James E. Talmage: “As the time of repentance is procrastinated, the ability to repent grows weaker; neglect of opportunity in holy things develops inability” (The Articles of Faith, 12th ed. [ 1924], 114).
“Nephi”, in Egyptian, is ‘nfr’ Meaning: Good, beautiful, fair And their young men and their daughters became exceedingly fair,and they were numbered among the Nephites,and they were called Nephites. (3 Nephi 2:16) PRINCIPLE: Mormon 6:17-19
Mormon 1-6 Mormon, the Prophet