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2. Outline. Program OverviewEMP and the PPBESWhere do we go from here?. 3. Forecasters Add Value. Models provide basis for improvement. . . Why NOAA Uses Models. 4. Key Roles Data Assimilation and Processing. 5. Program Overview Mission Requirements. Provide models, and model-based forecast guidance products which:Prevent injury, loss of life, and damage to the economy resulting from environmental conditions, Integrate science and environmental understanding and prediction capabilities acro1140
1. 1 NOAA Leadership SeminarPPBES Case Study:NOAA’s Environmental Modeling Program Fred Toepfer
Environmental Modeling Program Manager
Deputy Director, NCEP Environmental Modeling Center
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4 Key Roles Data Assimilation and Processing
5. 5 Program OverviewMission Requirements Provide models, and model-based forecast guidance products which:
Prevent injury, loss of life, and damage to the economy resulting from environmental conditions,
Integrate science and environmental understanding and prediction capabilities across NOAA mission goals, programs, and activities,
Provide a disciplined, defensible basis for NOAA's Integrated Observing System Investment,
Advance decision support services, aid forecasters, and educate stakeholders,
Ensure the sustainable use of resources to balance competing uses of ecosystems,
Improve the quantification, understanding, and predictability of climate change,
Support sound decisions on aviation, marine, and surface navigation.
Ensure that the outcome is linked to or supports a goal outcome and/or performance objective in the NOAA Strategic Plan (See the draft NOAA Strategic Plan at www.spo.noaa.gov)Ensure that the outcome is linked to or supports a goal outcome and/or performance objective in the NOAA Strategic Plan (See the draft NOAA Strategic Plan at www.spo.noaa.gov)
6. 6 NOAA’s Four Mission Goals:
Climate Mission Goal Programs
Commerce and Transportation Mission Goal Programs
Ecosystem Goal Programs
Weather & Water Mission Goal Programs
DTRA, AF & Navy,
Other National Weather Services
Commercial Weather Services and other commercial interests Program OverviewCustomers EMP Steering Group (Key NOAA managers)
Program activities and priorities
Funding allocations to program activities,
Program plans and annual objectives for Line Office annual operating plans
Goal Team Leads
Overall program funding
Overall program objectives
NOAA High Performance Computing Board
Oversight of HPC Management
Oversight of HPCC Asset Acquisition
EMP Steering Group (Key NOAA managers)
Program activities and priorities
Funding allocations to program activities,
Program plans and annual objectives for Line Office annual operating plans
Goal Team Leads
Overall program funding
Overall program objectives
NOAA High Performance Computing Board
Oversight of HPC Management
Oversight of HPCC Asset Acquisition
7. 7 Environmental Modeling Program - Capabilities
8. 8 The Environmental Forecast Process
9. 9 Program Overview Outcome: An Integrated Environmental Modeling and Data Assimilation System that:
Meets ALL of NOAA’s Needs
From research to operations
From estuary to ocean to weather prediction to climate change
Is extensible to ecosystems as science matures
Achieves quality consistent with the state-of-the-science and customer requirements – in cost-effective manner
Supports the timely and reliable delivery of NOAA’s products and Services
Provides a disciplined, defensible basis for NOAA’s Observing System Investment
10. 10 Program Management EMP is a Matrix Program
Oversight Responsibility – NWS
Steering Group (Members designated by LO)
NWS – Louis Uccellini – Director NCEP
OAR – Ants Leetmaa – Director, GFDL
NESDIS – Al Powell - Director, ORA)
NOS – Marie Colton, - NOS Technical Director
CIO, Carl Staton, - NOAA CIO
Program Manager – Fred Toepfer
11. 11 Key Team Members NWS
Fred Toepfer - EMC
Paul Dallavalle – MDL
Will Shaffer – MDL
Sreela Nandi – OS&T (new coordinator – part-time)
Mary Erickson - CSDL
Frank Aikman – CSDL
Mark Vincent – CO-OPS OAR
Brian Gross – GFDL
Stan Benjamin – ESRL GSD
Alan Leonardi – OSS (prior part-time coordinator until May)
Jim Yoe - JCSDA
Stan Wilson – NESDIS Senior Scientist
Bill Turnbull – Deputy CIO
Mike Kane
12. 12
13. 13 Key NOAA Modeling Activities Earth System Modeling Development
Long-term Climate Modeling
Short-term Climate Modeling – Research
Short-term Climate Modeling – Operations
Ocean Modeling
Modeling Technique Research and Development
Transition & Implementation Modular Ocean Model (MOM)
Transition & Implementation Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HyCOM)
Real Time Ocean Forecast System - Atlantic Operations
Ocean Data Assimilation -
Wave Modeling
Land Modeling
Coastal and Estuary Tide and Current Modeling
Storm Surge Modeling
14. 14 Key NOAA Modeling Activities Atmospheric Modeling
Global Model Research & Development
Global Forecast System Operations
Global Modeling (Ensembles)
North American Ensemble Forecast System – NOAA & Canadians (Navy Future)
Mesoscale Modeling
North American Model
Rapid Refresh Model
Short Range Ensemble Forecast System
Hurricane Model
Fire Weather – EMC
Post Processing
15. 15 Program Activities Computing Operations and Management
Operational Computing Acquisition and Management
R&D Computing Acquisition and Management
R&D Computing (Management Integration)
NOAA HPC Computing (Oversight
Communications Infrastructure
Operational Computing
NOAA R&D Computing Communication
NOAA Operations - Internet 2 Access
Computing Infrastructure
Advanced Computing Technique Development
Advanced Computing Techniques
16. 16 Program Activities Data Assimilation System Development
Atmospheric Data Assimilation System
Land Data Assimilation
Ocean Data Assimilation
Data Assimilation Technique Development
Advanced Technique Development (not data or instrument specific)
Observing System Studies
17. 17 Program ActivitiesProposed Future Ecosystem Forecasting
Ecosystem Model Integration (Physical & Biological) Joint With Ecosystems
Transition to operations
Space Weather Forecasting
Transition to Operations
18. 18 Program Performance Metrics
19. 19 EMP Gaps/AlternativesGoal Objectives Supported
20. 20 Environmental Modeling Program&Program Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution
21. 21 Environmental ModelingMulti-dimensional Matrix Provides a Core NOAA Mission Capability - Analyses and Prediction
A challenge and a strength of the program is its breadth
Includes multiple Line Offices and Organizational Units (diff cultures)
Serving all four Mission Goals
Several disciplines; atmosphere, water, climate
Long and short time scales: from hours to decades
Crosses Research, Development, Operations (different cultures)
22. 22 Progress in the Matrix Building pathways for communication and trust across the matrix (NOAA)
Takes time and effort
Is essential to innovative and corporate thinking
Getting Buy-In
Use of a Steering Committee to involve science experts and managers in program decisions
Articulating critical issues and strategies to address them
To Senior Managers
To the Team
23. 23 Making Progress Integrated Planning
Cross Organization
Cross Discipline
Integrated Capabilities
Core Technologies Supporting Multiple Missions
Data Assimilation and Analysis
Global Prediction (the Earth System Model)
Enables Mission-Unique Extensions
Ecosystem Forecasting begins with an Integrated Multi-time Scale Physical Ocean Model
24. 24 On-going Program Management Initiatives Weather Research Model (WRF) Program Implementation
Inter-Agency Agreement
WRF Develop Test Center Partnership
Integrated Ocean Observing System - Modeling and Analysis Sub-system Definition
Tri-Agency (Navy, NOAA, Air Force) Development of the National Unified Operational Prediction Capability
Navy-NOAA Partnership for Operational Ocean Modeling
Next-Generation Global Modeling System and Earth System Model
NOAA High Performance Computing NOAA Administrative Order (NAO) Implementation
Integrated Planning with Ecosystem Goal toward an “operational” Ecosystem Forecast System
25. 25 Successes? R&D HPC – Acquisition and Management
HPC Board
NOAA Ownership of Assets
Enhanced Partnerships with other Agencies
More poised to articulate NOAA’s goals and gaps – Speak with One-voice
Bring stronger group to discussions
Program Manager: Having a “face” for NOAA’s Modeling
Sort through territorial games
Represents Program to Senior Management
Provides program management leadership
26. 26 Where we want to go The world’s best Earth System Forecast is a NOAA-led National Effort
Elevate NOAA’s National Computing Posture
Elevate Environmental Modeling to a Cross-goal Enabling Program
Improving NOAA’s Mission Capabilities Requires Improving Models
Need to re-look at NOAA’s investment portfolio between Observations, Computing, and Modeling to Maximize Return on the Total Investment
27. 27 Back-ups
28. 28 WRF Management Multi-agency (NOAA, AF, Navy?, NSF, FAA) Memorandum of Agreement for management and evolution of WRF Program
Empowers Program Manager and Steering Group
Guides Evolution of WRF Model
Joint Project Agreement for WRF DTC
Defines scope, authority, and functions of WRF DTC
Defines funding requirements, sources, and priorities
Funding source identified for FY2007
Fy2009 initiative to get WRF DTC in NOAA budget as a line item
29. 29 IOOS Modeling and Analysis Working with IOOS project management and Goal lead to define NOAA-related IOOS and Modeling
2 page preliminary draft white-paper prepared describing intersection of IOOS modeling and analysis and NOAA EMP
All IOOS M&A not in NOAA
Some Ocean and Coastal Ocean Model Development
All NOAA IOOS-related Modeling not in EMP
Ecosystem Modeling Research
Ecosystem Modeling Development
30. 30 EMP Proposed NOAA IOOS M&A Global Ocean Physical Ocean Observing, Analysis, and Prediction System Back-bone
Coast and coastal ocean physical modeling back-bone extensions
Operational Ecosystem Forecasting Back-bone (built on above)
Community Modeling Test-bed
Observing System Evolution Capability to maximize return on NOAA and IOOS investments
31. 31 Environmental Modeling Program & IOOS Modeling and Analysis NOAA funds and operates ocean and coastal ocean physical and ecosystem backbone model (including ODA) system to meet NOAA requirements:
Climate Prediction and Projection
Marine Transportation and Safety
Global Weather and Hurricane Forecasting
Ecosystem Management IOOS Focus:
Integration of Modeling Activities (within NOAA and with IOOS Community
Observing System Design Activities
Outreach to broader IOOS Community
RA and Community Test-bed Activities
Extensions to support IOOS Societal Goals
32. 32 National Unified Operational Prediction Capability Tri-agency (NOAA, Navy, AF) effort to integrate and leverage our individual investments in atmospheric modeling
Directed at agency head level
Tiger-team established to develop and analyze 3 alternatives for a NUOPC
NOAA team includes Fred Toepfer, Julian Wang, Mark Iredell, Al Powell
Recommendation due Dec 31, 2006.
Initial step: define alternatives to be evaluated – August 9 and 10
33. 33 NOAA-Navy Ocean Modeling Partnership Directed in NOAA response to SAB on ocean modeling – Ocean Modeling Action Plan
Environmental Modeling Program action
NOS Technical Director Lead
OAR support and liaison: Julian Wang
Status review in preparation for AA’s and DUS
34. 34 Global Modeling Purpose: Integrate NOAA’s Global Modeling efforts
Environmental Modeling Workshop held January, 2006
5 Areas identified for further development -
Strategic Plan and management
Research and Development Agenda
Follow-up being scheduled for this fall
35. 35 Environmental Modeling HPC Responsibilities SECTION 3. POLICY.
.02 The NOAA Environmental Modeling Program (EMP) will manage NOAA’s HPC through an HPC Board to meet NOAA’s goals and subgoals.
.01 The Environmental Modeling Program Manager and the NOAA Chief Information Officer (CIO) are responsible for implementing this Order.
.02 The CIO, or a designee (subject to the concurrence of the EMP Program Manager), will chair the HPC Board.
36. 36 Environmental Modeling HPC Responsibilities SECTION 4. RESPONSIBILITIES. (cont.)
.03 The Environmental Modeling Program will:
establish and appoint the HPC Board;
provide prioritized and funded requirements to the HPC Board;
have oversight to ensure that HPC has been used in accordance with NOAA’s goals and subgoals and priorities;
promote and support the use of HPC to non-traditional HPC users across NOAA;
work with the affected Mission Goal Leads, with the support of the HPC Board, to satisfy Mission Goal requirements that are identified outside the scope of the EMP; and
ensure that additional cost associated with requirements emanating from programs other than EMP shall be funded by the program to which the requirements are attributable.
37. 37 HPC ManagementProposed Actions HPC Board working to develop and implement R&D HPC integrated management policy and procedures
Environmental Modeling Program SG will meet
Review/Approve charter & Membership of reconstituted HPC Board
Establish R&D Computing Allocation Board
Establish initial FY2007 allocations and priorities (Funded Requirements)
Agree to Project Managers
Quarterly Review to ensure FY2007 activities and milestones adequately supported; readjust allocations and priorities as required
Review allocation with Goal and sub-Goal Leads
38. 38 Proposed R&D HPC Projectsfor FY2007 Advanced Data Assimilation Research and Development
Climate Test Bed
ESMF and Software infrastructure Development
High Performance Computing Grants to NOAA Labs
Hydro-meteorological Test Bed
Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation
Long-term Climate Model Research & Development
Long-term Climate Scenario Generation
Long-term Climate Scenario Analysis
Next generation Global Atmospheric Model Research and Development
Next-generation ocean model research and development
Observing System Research and Development
Re-forecasting Research and Development
Global Reanalysis
Regional Reanalysis
Seasonal Climate Modeling Research and Development
Seasonal Climate Model Calibration
WRF Rapid Refresh Research and Development
WRF DTC Computing Grants
39. 39 EMP Gaps by Capability
40. 40 EMP PrioritiesAligned With AGM Hurricane Intensity (w/DTC)
IOOS Ocean Modeling, ODA, Community Modeling Test-bed, and IOOS Observing System Evolution
Ecosystem Forecasting
Accelerate NWP Guidance
Forecast Uncertainty