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War in the Pacific

War in the Pacific. Objectives. Explain why Japan began a war with the U.S. List the reasons why the U.S. won the war. List 3 facts about America’s war with Japan. Japan pre-1941. Militarism Imperialism Invasion of China Invasion of Korea Brink of war with USSR. Problems with America.

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War in the Pacific

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  1. War in the Pacific

  2. Objectives • Explain why Japan began a war with the U.S. • List the reasons why the U.S. won the war

  3. List 3 facts about America’s war with Japan.

  4. Japan pre-1941 • Militarism • Imperialism • Invasion of China • Invasion of Korea • Brink of war with USSR

  5. Problems with America In response to Japanese aggression in Asia, the U.S. froze Japanese asset and embargoed these products from going to Japan: • Scrap iron • Oil Negotiations went nowhere

  6. Pearl Harbor

  7. Pearl Harbor • U.S. Pacific Fleet based at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii • Surprise attack…7:55 a.m., Sunday, Dec. 7, 1941

  8. Pearl Harbor • Japanese bombed Pacific Fleet and military airfields • U.S. casualties: 2,350 servicemen and civilians died; 1,178 wounded; 21 ships and 323 aircraft destroyed or damaged • USS Arizona sunk, killing 1,177 • Japanese casualties: less than 100 men, 29 planes, 5 midget submarines

  9. Pearl Harbor: U.S. reaction • U.S. declared war on Japanon Dec. 8, 1941 • U.S. mobilizes for total war

  10. Pearl Harbor: U.S. reaction • Executive Order 9066: Japanese living on the West Coast of the U.S. forced to move to internment camps

  11. If you were FDR in 1942, what would you have about the Japanese living in the U.S.? Why?Share your answers with a partner.

  12. Pearl Harbor: World reaction • Great Britain declared war on Japan on Dec. 8, 1941 • Germany and Italy declared war on the U.S. on Dec. 11, 1941

  13. Battles/Engagements Through 1942, the Japanese expanded their empire in Asia and in the Pacific, but after that: • Doolittle raid – April 1942 • Battle of Coral Sea – May 1942 • Midway – June 1942 • Guadalcanal – Nov. 1942

  14. Battles/Engagements • Solomon Islands – Nov. 1943 • Kwajalein – Feb. 1944 • Leyte Gulf – Oct. 1944 • Iwo Jima – Feb. 1945 • Firebombing Tokyo – March 1945

  15. Note-check Take a few minutes to compare notes with a partner. Clarify any info you don’t fully understand.

  16. Japanese atrocities Rape of Nanking Bataan Death March

  17. Kamikaze pilots • An honor to die for the emperor

  18. Atomic bomb • Decision by Truman • His justification: would save American lives • Dropped on Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945; no Japanese surrender • Dropped on Nagasaki on Aug. 9, 1945; Japanese surrender • Death toll from bombs: approx. 214,000

  19. End of the Pacific War • USSR declared war on Japan on Aug. 8, 1945 • Japan surrendered Aug. 14, 1945 • Deaths: U.S. approx. 500,000; Japan approx. 2 million

  20. Summary/Discussion • Why did Japan start the war with the U.S.? • Why did the U.S. win the war?

  21. Stump your partner • Take a minute to come up with 1 question. Then see if you can stump your partner. • We’ll then answer harder questions as a class.

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