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How can we stop Child Labour in India

Practice of child labour in India still continues to persist, with more than 80 lakh children (5u201314 years) toiling in fields, factories, shops and elsewhere. Thankfully, a combination of successive government policies and stringent civil society initiatives by organizations like World Vision India have demonstrated an assertive direction on protecting children and restoring their rights. Combined with the increasing number of socially responsible corporations and people who donate online for the cause remind us that Child Labour free India is achievable.

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How can we stop Child Labour in India

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  1. How can we stop Child Labour in India

  2. DONATE ONLINE • Practice of child labour in India still continues to persist, with more than 80 lakh children (5–14 years) toiling in fields, factories, shops and elsewhere. Thankfully, a combination of successive government policies and stringent civil society initiatives by organizations like World Vision India have demonstrated an assertive direction on protecting children and restoring their rights. Combined with the increasing number of socially responsible corporations and people who donate online for the cause remind us that Child Labour free India is achievable.

  3. Here is how we can Stop Child Labour: Spread awareness If parents and communities are aware and alert, disruption in children’s education can be prevented and many of them will not get pushed into child labour. Such children cannot go back to school due to family pressure. Lack of understanding on the part of parents creates situations where traffickers prey upon children and many trafficked children end up in child labour. Aware communities can tap growth, education, employment, and enterprise opportunities and create a socially and economically developed society in which children suffer much less and they can go back to school. NGOs like World Vision India use community events, sports, arts and theatre to educate communities about the importance of child rights in India. We also create income resources, educational resources, and help communities to access information services — all with an aim to help children, educate children and ensure they get back to school to access education. 2. Effective Implementation of Anti Child Labour Laws Driving policy-level change requires relationships with several stakeholders — media, lawmakers, citizens, fellow civil society members and others. Many cases have been filed under the recent Protection of Children Against Sexual Offences Act (2012) and Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, which have successfully translated into increased convictions, demonstrating how legislating can curb child trafficking. NGOs also maintain coordination with district- and state-level authorities for a vigilant eye on the implementation of pro-child laws.

  4. 3. Sending more children back to school and Educate children India has the world’s largest educational system, yet faces the hurdles of low literacy, due to low enrolment and lack of education infrastructure. Organisations like World Vision India execute several initiatives to educate children and boost children’s enrolment in schools. The organisation maps out-of-school children and those who are at risk of dropping out and ensures that they are back to school. 4. Discouraging people to employ children in homes, shops, factories, etc Child labour gets a resounding approval when Indian businesses openly use it, in industries like retail, hospitality, and menial work. NGOs today sensitise trade organisations to end this social evil, and educate locals about reporting instances of child labour at businesses and homes. World Vison India ensures that all the vendors and partners sign the child protection policy which has a declaration of not engaging children for work at all levels. We encourage people to donate online and help children get back to school. 5. Supporting NGOs like World Vision India World Vision India also offers immediate aid to children involved in child labour, while also working for long-term societal change through policy change. The NGO works to ensure that existing policies are followed through with action. The NGO works with state and national level authorities, including Police departments of states to prevent child exploitation incidents.

  5. World Vision India’s Initiatives to end Child Labour include the following: · Creating Remedial Education Centres (ages 6–13 years) across the country — as diverse as urban slums to the remotest villages in India · Create a dialogue with children and families through children clubs and ensure to send children back to school and also provide admissions assistance · Create fun, meaningful experiences in school, with child-friendly and interactive teaching-learning methods · Support Government schools with construction of toilets, digital classrooms, libraries and provide support with infrastructure which includes benches, computers and sports equipment. · Successfully bringing children back to-school (Dropouts and both never-been-to-school children)

  6. To conclude- Initiatives from civil societies have given lakhs of children the means of living a dignified life where they can cherish their childhood. World Vision India has forged powerful relationships with government, national and International bodies to make child rights a “movement”. Fighting child labourrequires a multi-pronged push, and there is a need to make this a “people’s issue”. While officials and government can only institute policies, ignoring everyday child abuse must also be addressed at an individual level, wherever possible. Donate online and support this cause with World Vision India. Every bit of help counts to stop Child Labour in India. Join us. Together for children. For change. For life.

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