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brenner patents

The patent book of students who learn the entrepreneurship for kids program<br>https://www.tomorrowsuccess.com/

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brenner patents

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  1. The patent book of the “Amirim” group from “Berner” school in Israel, which is studying the Entrepreneurship for Kids Program

  2. A Kitchen Patent First patent The first patent is called a Badle. It is a combination of a bowl and ladle. It looks like this: It is simply a bowl and ladle that connect using a string or glue, and so when you make soup and want to add herbs, you just shake the badle and you have herbs in the soup

  3. A Sport Patent This patent is called a drinking hat. It looks like this: This patent is a combination of a normal hat and two drink cans (in this case Coke cans) that are connected using glue and then connected to the hat. You take two straws and put one end in the can, and the other end in your mouth. When you run and you are thirsty and you don’t want to stop running, you just drink.

  4. Snore Watch (An Anti-Snoring Watch) The Snore Watch is a patent that usually helps women The snore watch makes snores unheard. How? Using electricity. Sensors inside the device sense the airwaves that carry the snores. It then sends a gentle electric pulse to the snorer’s arm, which causes him to turn over. The electric pulse is gentle and causes the muscles to move slightly. Doctors use stronger electric pulses to block pain signals from reaching the brain.

  5. A Kitchen Patent This patent is called the Butter Glue and it looks like this: After you finish a glue stick, take the box, wash it well, and put butter inside. You will have a device that makes spreading butter easier.

  6. A Patent for Children This patent is called the Water Turtle Bag and it looks like this: When you are thirsty and you don’t want to reach into your bag and get water, use the water turtle bag to effortlessly get the bottle.

  7. Shower Radio This invention is called a shower-radio and it looks like this: Since it is a normal radio with the ability to connect in the shower, and enjoy music during the shower.

  8. Clacu-clock (Clock Calculator) The clock calculator is a patent intended to calculate how much time is left until the expected time. For example: Now it is 13:25:23. You can set the clock to tell you when it will be 20:30:43 And the clock will show a number that represents the time left until the requested hour, (20:30:42). In this example, the clock would show 07:05:20, meaning 7 hours, 5 minutes and 20 seconds.

  9. Oven Washer (Oven Dishwasher) The oven washer is a patent that helps you serve food using dishes from the dishwasher. When you press a button, a robotic hand comes out, takes a plate/bowl, depending on the button pressed. The hand serves the food on the plate and you can start eating.

  10. Mobile Pacifier The mobile pacifier is a patent like a mobile, but with sound detectors. When the detectors which are in the mobile pick up the baby’s crying, a robotic hand takes out a pacifier, locates the baby’s mouth and puts the pacifier in the mouth.

  11. Thank you for reading our book Creators: Omer Hatuka, Itay Manu, Elad Saig, Guy Kababiah Entrepreneurship for Kids Program

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