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Entrepreneurship Festival at Elementary School in Israel

Entrepreneurship festival at elementary school in Israel<br>https://www.tomorrowsuccess.com/

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Entrepreneurship Festival at Elementary School in Israel

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  1. Impressions from the Entrepreneurship Festival at “Kaplan” Elementary School in Israel April 2016

  2. “Kaplan”, led by Tali Toledano, is an entrepreneurial school. The school believes that choice and relevance promote the will to learn, and help develop students into proactive and involved entrepreneurs, which are important skills in the 21st century. The school developed a multi-year program for entrepreneurial learning that develops entrepreneurial skills. The entrepreneurship festival is a day where personal and class-wide ventures were presented, as was what is done and learned in different subjects at the school. This slideshow shows some of the many activities the school offers involving entrepreneurship. The entrepreneur students identified needs, came up with ideas for ventures, learned the subject, defined benefits and target audiences, created action plans and executed their ventures and/or developed models.

  3. Model presentation stations for ventures developed by school students

  4. The venture: Managing the blog: “respond 6th grade 1” The team: 6th-grade class A Accompanying teacher: Lina Zabunyan With: Innon Boim, entrepreneur and CEO of PTNeto The idea: Managing a class-wide blog on PTNeto

  5. The venture: Big Brother The team: 3rd-grade students Education team: Hadas Amiel, Amira Shina and Miri Cohen The idea: 3rd graders will lead activities about animals for kindergarteners

  6. The venture: Independent in the field, good morning! The team: 1st-grade students With: Parents of students and teachers Orit Mor and Yafit Guetta The idea: Finding a solution to opening the cereal bag, pouring it into the bowl and pouring in milk without it spilling into the cereal bowl.

  7. The venture: Come enjoy Petah Tikva The team: 4th-grade students Education team: EstiPritas and Iris Barkan The idea: Creating a digital book for children and parents to choose a place to spend time with the kids in Petah Tikva using different measures.

  8. The venture: Clean bathrooms under the children’s responsibility The team: 2nd-grade students With: Parents of students, teachers Sivan Keller Eliash and Nurit Smama, and the class helper The idea: Raise awareness about the need to keep the bathrooms clean, hygienic and well-smelling in various ways.

  9. The venture: Smiling trash cans The team: 5th-grade class B With: Galit Avudi The idea: Upgrade existing trash cans and add new trash cans with a new and unique logo.

  10. The venture: S & S= smiles and soldiers The team: 6th-grade class A With: Teacher Lina Zabunyan, the parent organization, teacher Ilana and her son Yoav The idea: Inviting soldiers from the rescue unit 669 in the air force to meet students in order to thank them for their work for citizens.

  11. The venture: A vegetable garden to help the animal corner The team: 2nd-grade class C With: Parents and teacher Galia Krisi The idea: Starting a vegetable garden at the school lawn, where the children will grow different types of vegetables, which will be used to feed the animals in the school’s animal corner.

  12. The venture: Starting on the right foot The team: 6th-grade class B With: Teacher Liat Ben-Moshe The idea: The entrepreneurship students will help at the kindergarten, which accompanies the school, by leading activities for different topics to help the kids prepare for 1st grade.

  13. The venture: Health Kiosk Kaplan The team: 5th-grade class A With: Teacher Ilana David The idea:Hold a “Kiosk” once every two weeks, which will sell healthy foods, and whose profit will be used to improve the school and/or special communities that need money.

  14. The venture: The Library: Reading is fun The team: 5th-grade class C With: Teacher Dina Lieberman The idea: Liven up the library at Kaplan school

  15. The venture: Happy Stand The team: 3rd-grade class A With: Teacher Aliza Samni The idea: Finding children that need help and keeping them busy with fun activities during recess.

  16. The venture: Israel embassy at Kaplan The team: 6th-grade students With: Teacher Esti Pritas The idea: Represent Israel around the world using video clips that showcase Israel’s advantages.

  17. The venture: Man Kel The team: Bar, Anat, Guy, Matanel, Orel and Karin Description: A mop with a box divided into two parts. One part has cleaning products and the other has water for cleaning The need: Helping cleaners lift cleaning products and ease the cleaning.

  18. The venture: Wake Up Application The team: Rotem Albukerk, Hila Oved, Roni Sela, Or Sason, Yael Galon, Max Zolotenkov Description: App users set goals, and get points for reaching them. The points can be used for different purchases The need: Helping people who struggle to manage their time.

  19. The venture: Be careful helmet The team: Eric, Stav, Shira, Hila Ein Ali, Shahar Tepper and Karin Description: A hard helmet that alerts you to dangers, with accessories: a camera, a straw connected to a water sack and a sun visor The need: Reducing the number of injured motorcycle riders.

  20. The venture: How to cook? Application The team: Rony, Shaked Zamir, Topaz, Ma’ayan, Dime and Beatrice Description: An app that lists recipes based on ingredients the user inputs. The need: Finding a recipe by input

  21. The venture: Pachli, trash can for the table The team: Lea Igla, Noa Lebovitz, Tal Matnia, David Glazer and Liam Saprir Description: A plastic trash can divide into two parts and attached to the table. One part of paper and the other for trash The need: Allow students to throw their trash out without disrupting lessons.

  22. The venture: Scanmach The team: Maya, Gal, Shoham and Shelly Description: A portable X-ray that enables x-raying the body effectively and easily, and sends the data about the area that was scanned, and offers various treatment options: see a doctor/stay home, etc. The need: Identifying how badly hurt you are.

  23. The venture: Ta-Li The team: Lior Saida, Michal, Talia, Lior Shalom, Matan and Lital Description: A chair that accommodates a bag and school materials, and where one can hang a weekly schedule The need: The material that the student needs will be nearby, and underneath the chair will be a shelf for the backpack, so the classroom will look nicer and it won’t get in the way.

  24. The venture: Opening Drawer The team: Amit, Adi, Ariel, Ilan, Yarin, and Natalie Description: A table that opens upwards and has a storage space to store daily school supplies The need: A product that stores our supplies without disrupting the lesson

  25. The venture: “And you chose life” A joint venture for Kaplan students in Petah Tikva and Beit Israel school in Texas The team: 6th-grade students With: Israel Culture teacher Efrat Inga and Together Program leaders: Hadas Peled and Rabbi Josh Herman. The idea: Raise awareness for youth in Israel and in Texas about understanding and appreciated the lives of Holocaust survivors by holding a number of meetings between the generations.

  26. Entrepreneurship Graffiti Wall at Kaplan

  27. Like the page “Omer’s Butterflies”, you will receive a bracelet and you can pass the bracelet on when you do a good deed towards someone else The bracelet will be passed on just like the butterfly effect and you will know that you began a chain of good deeds

  28. The venture: Statue Chairs The team: Aman El group, 5th and 6th-grade students With: Artist Shlomit Timor and Art teacher Efrat Iger The idea: Sculpting images from paper mache onto broken chairs.

  29. Market stands during the entrepreneurship festival at Kaplan

  30. Entrepreneurship Festival at Kaplan Elementary School in Israel “If you invent, it’s no legend.”

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