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Join Winnie Rickenbaker in August 2005 as she presents the various technology categories, software, hardware, and management tools used at Pelion Elementary School for effective technology integration. Explore keywords related to software, hardware, storage, and management.
Technology Integration at Pelion Elementary School Presented by Winnie Rickenbaker August 2005
Technology Categories • Software • Hardware • Storage • Misc. Thoughts/Reminders
Management • Class XP • IG Pro • Novell • GroupWise • SubFinder • School Check-In • Edline • Tranquility
Class XP Class XP is primarily used for recording student attendance. This program can also be used to view student data, attendance data, and to print student or class grade reports. Open Class XP by double clicking the blue Class XP icon located in the Novell Applications window. Class XP will not be available to teachers until August 4th.
IG Pro Integrade Pro is the program used to create your electronic grade book. Teachers have only 1 Integrade Pro grade book that is used to record student grades for all classes taught the entire year. At the end of each term, grades are exported from this grade book to SASI for printing of electronic report cards. Your IGPro grade book is also used for viewing and printing student demographics, class rosters, student or class progress reports, spreadsheet reports, and seating charts as well as sharing student information with parents via EdlineOpen IGPro by double clicking the IGPro grade book icon located in the Novell Applications window. . Mandatory sessions for gradebook setup will take place after August 4th for all 2, 3, 4th grades and related arts. New version 9.1.2 will be available soon
Novell Novell Login and Novell Applications Your Novell login connects you to the school network. This enables you access to network drives and shared network drives (your personal network drive (G:), IntegradePro (I:), Students Shared, Teachers Shared, etc.). Your Novell login also opens the Novell applications window where you will have access to programs such as Accelerated Reader, IGPro, ClassXP, DISCUS, Inspiration, etc.
GroupWise GroupWise Email GroupWise is the district email service. It is used for communication between school, district, students, parents, etc. GroupWise email can be accessed from school or via the web from home. Double click the GroupWise blue globe icon on your computer desktop to open your email at school. GroupWise web access URL: <http://mail.lexington1.net>
SubFinder Log on or call SubFinder to report changes in staff attendance, absences, early release and staff development. Everyone is responsible for reporting this information as directed by the administration.
School Check-In Print Volunteer ID BadgesPrint Visitor ID BadgesPrint Late/Tardy PassesPrint Early Release PassPrint Early Dismissal PassesPrint Sub TeacherID BadgesPrint Reports On ActivitiesFaculty & Staff Check In/OutTrack VisitorsTrack Volunteer HoursTrack Early DismissalsTrack Late/Tardy Students
Edline = Lex Connects • A district letter will be sent to parents explaining the site. • The school will decide if they want ot keep the school website or just maintain the Edline school site. • District will enter all information concerning the district. A school designee will maintain the school information. THe teacher will maintain his/her own site. • The school calendar will be maintained by a school designee. At PES we will have all activities placed on the calendar so that if a teacher plans a field trip or special event, that teacher can access the main calendar (staff eyes only) to avoid conflicts. Events can be added after approved by administration. Only designated personel can add to this calendar. • A rubric has been developed to evaluate the Edline web pages.
Lexington Technology Webpage http://www.lexington1.net/technology/?page=instruct/tutorials.htm
Tranquility Tranquility (Special Education) Special education teachers use Tranquility to develop, record, and/or print each individual student IEP (Individual Education Program).
Instructional Software • Internet Explorer • Discus • Edline • Math Packs • Fraction Island • Riverdeep
Discus No password needed at school. New WebAccess password will be distributed to teachers via T drive.
Math Packs Math activities using Math Packs 1 and 2 are available. You may download the software from the T- Drive. This program integrates hands on math activities that can be used for concept introduction as well as practice or review of standards using a projector and /or Smartboard.
Riverdeep Riverdeep Kickoff will be on August 19th This software is intended for use in all grades levels. The 2005-06 school year will be our implementation year with the emphasis on familiarizing all teachers who teach related subjects with the new software, its capabilities and its management program. Math and Reading software programs have been adopted by the school district. The software is web based and is designed for supplementary services. The math software addresses standards in Kindergarten through Algebra I and the reading software addresses standards in grades Kindergarten through grade Three.
Teacher Resources • Smart Notebook • Microsoft Office Tools • Matchware • NCS Mentor • United Streaming • Internet Explorer • ProfilerPRO • Intel Teach to the Future • Inspiration Station
Smart Notebook Smart notebook is one of the software programs that is available to use with our Smartboards.
Microsoft Office Tools • Word • PowerPoint • Access • Excel • Photo Editor
Matchware • Mediator • Open Mind
NCS Mentor NCS Mentor is available to teachers to use as a teaching/scoring tool to assist with writing activities in Third Grade. Second and Fourth Grades teachers would benefit by reviewing scoring criteria and samples of student writing in preparation for PACT.
United Streaming A web-based digital video delivery system from United Learning is the largest and most current library of K-12 digital video/video clips available today (20,000 video clips). All video is correlated to South Carolina state standards. Access Unitedstreaming via the web www.unitedstreaming.com Each school has a passcode that you can obtain from your TIS. Lexington 1 now has a United Streaming Server. It will be continually updated. We will not need to worry about internet traffic to get videos. Teachers may also continue to burn videos to CDs
ProfilerPRO This software can be used with students as well as teachers. Teachers will set up an account. There are several sites to help develop surveys not only for interest inventories but feedback from others. http://www.hprtex.org http://openoffice.org http://del.icio.us/
Intel Teach to the Future Intel Teach to the future is a worldwide effort to help teachers integrate technology into instruction and enhance student learning. Lexington School District One has 15 new certified Intel Trainers as a result of train the trainer class that was taught earlier this summer. Each will be scheduling and teaching the Intel Teach to the Future courses at some point this year.
Inspiration Station A recently released elementary resource in Lexington 1 to integrate technology and the content standards across the curriculum. This resource was introduced to elementary teachers last week to start receiving input
Assessment • SCRAPI • MAP • Riverdeep • TTCA • MClass
SCRAPI SCRAPI (Kindergarten and Grade 1) SCRAPI (South Carolina Readiness Assessment Program Initiative) is the online program used by Kindergarten and Grade 1 teachers to record student readiness skills. SCRAPI is closely aligned to report cards for kindergarten and first grade. Teachers may print and share SCRAPI reports in parent conferences if they choose to do so. SCRAPI URL: <https://www.myscschools.com/apps/scrapi/>
MAP MAP Measures of Academic Progress is used to diagnose instructional needs for students. MAP was developed by the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) and is a computerized adaptive assessment program. At PES, students are assessed in the Fall, Winter, and Spring.
TTCA • The district has a new system of managing TTCA completion data. The program will : • track the progress of teachers on the TTCA that will be helpful with TISs when scheduling staff development and short sessions. • used an approach to manage and monitor technology proficiency plans , special needs, and goal based initiatives on a district level. • a hands-on program for addressing the State Department of Education technology competencies for teachers and administrators . • The district's strategic plan target for 2005/2006 is to have 100% of the Instructional staff identified as technology competent.
TTCA Schedule Date Start Time Location Tuesday, Aug 23, 2005 3:45 PM GHS, LHS Thursday, Sept 29, 2005 3:45 PM WKH, PMS Tuesday, Oct 25, 2005 3:45 PM LHS, WKM Thursday, Nov 17, 2005 3:45 PM GHS, PHS Tuesday, Dec 13, 2005 3:45 PM LHS, WKH Thursday, Jan 19, 2006 3:45 PM PMS, LHS Wednesday, Feb 22, 2006 3:45 PM WKH, GHS Thursday, Mar 9, 2006 3:45 PM PHS, LHS Tuesday, Apr 18, 2006 3:45 PM LHS, WKH Thursday, May 18, 2006 3:45 PM LHS, WKH
Technology Competencies Teach to the Future course will give the Lexington One teacher Level II Technology competency certification . There will be other means of achieving this certification , but the course will probably offer the most supportive path to that goal.
MClass MClass software has been piloted in the district at Lexington Elementary school. MClass software allows preschool and early childhood teachers to use handheld computers to do reading running records for students. Several elementary schools are considering the use of MClass in the near future.
Hardware • CPS • SmartCart • Elmo and Projector • IBM Laptop • Writers • Printers • InterWrite Tablet • Handheld Computers
CPS • Training • Setup • Lessons • Resource
SmartBoard • Training • Setup • Lessons • Resource
Projector • Training • Setup • Lessons/Resource
Elmo and Projector • Training • Setup • Lessons/Resource
IBM Laptop • Training • Setup/Usage • Care • Troubleshooting IBM Laptops have been issued to all certified staff as they have completed TTCA. Classroom computers using Windows 98 are beginning to develop problems with newer software. It will be necessary for all staff to bring laptops to school on a daily basis.
Writers Writers are portable keyboards that are being used in the elementary schools to teach basic keyboarding and beginning word processing skills. Writers are stationed in charging carts and usually shared between two or three teachers. They are being used primarily at the fourth grade level but several schools have moved them successfully to the second grade.
Printers • Network- all computers have access to network printers throughout the school. If you experience a problem with a printer, please report it promptly • Personal printers are NOT maintained by the school or district. Teachers are responsible for loading and maintaining their personal computer.
InterWrite Tablet InterWrite tablet can be used with or without a Smartboard to increase wireless interaction in lessons. You must have a projector and computer that has the bluetooth software loaded.
Handheld Computers Lexington One has been a national leader in the use of handheld computers b y district and school level administrators. Classes and workshops have been offered on a regular basis in the district and more teachers are starting to use handheld computers for assessment and instructional purposes.
Storage • PES Server • Thumb Drive • CD • Computer Hard Drive
PES Server • G Drive (Personal) • T Drive (Shared Admin) • S Drive (Shared Teacher/Student)
Hmnnn…How Many Flash Drives Does It Take To Store All of That Floppy Disk Memory? =
(1) 16 MB Flash Drive = 11 Floppy Disks (1) 128 MB Flash Drive = 88 Floppy Disks (1) 256 MB Flash Drive = 178 Floppy Disks (1) 512 MB Flash Drive = 355 Floppy Disks How Much Can You Store on a “Flash” or “Jump” Drive?
IBM Record Now IBM Record Now is the program that you will use when saving data to a CD.
Computer Hard Drive IBM Preload C Drive- Avoid saving data to the C – Drive or My documents. If your computer should crash or the drive have to be replaces, the data saved there will be lost.