Things To Consider While Applying For Car Loans A lot many things need to be done before you can actually buy and swoosh away in your new car. As buying a car is one big financial investment,so most people prefer to take a loan to purchase it. Here are a few things that need to be considered while applying for a car loan - Credit score is a very important aspect which is considered in the loan sanctioning process. So, make sure that you possess a good credit score in order to get a loan at lower interest rates. 01 Be sure to check the interest rates of different loan providers. Lower the interest rate, cheaper will your loan amount be. However, taking loan from a credit union can be your best bet. 02 Always take additional charges into account such as processing fees, pre-payment charges, late payment fees etc. as this may impact your 03 monthly EMI. Consider the tenure period. It is usually dependent on your monthly income and the loan amount you are applying for. 04 Make sure that you check and read all terms and conditions in the loan document before finalizing your car loan. This can help you prevent any future implications. 05 www.gctfcu.net 3305 E. Elms Rd., Killeen, TX 76542 Phone: (254) 690 - 2274