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Money Talks Event 131109

Gian Luca Cioletti presentation for Money Talks event held in Helsinki the 12th and 13th of November 09

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Money Talks Event 131109

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  1. Gian L uca Cioletti , : +358 50 324 3554 - Head Business Development EMEA , Mob : . Forum Nokia Nokia Corp - . . E mail gian luca cioletti@nokia com 1 © 2009 Nokia V1-Filenam e.ppt / YYYY-M M -DD / Initials

  2. This is m y bet!!! W hat is changing in the apps m arket and how does it change? W hat are the trends? W hat w ould be the next “ big thing” 2 © 2009 Nokia V1-Filenam e.ppt / YYYY-M M -DD / Initials

  3. W ho I’ m originally from Italy been living for 25 years in Finland degree in Electronic Engineering degree in International Business M anagem ent an executive and professional in the Telecom industry, a strategic thinker, a visionary and inspiring Leader, a consum er, a hum an being w ith over 16 years of experiences in international business m ore about m e on www.linkedin.com/ in/ gianlucacioletti 3 © 2009 Nokia V1-Filenam e.ppt / YYYY-M M -DD / Initials

  4. Everything started from the Business m arket The Business m arket is a “ rich” m arket The first m obile phones w ere for Business people the price w as 24,000 Finnish M arks in 1987 (approxim ately EUR 4,560) The w orld’ s first GSM call w as m ade in 1991 and the first m obile “ killer app / service” the SM S m essage w as sent in 1992 The second m obile ” killer app /service” w as the e-m ail, in 2008 the m arket w as estim ate for $3,5 billion 4 © 2009 Nokia V1-Filenam e.ppt / YYYY-M M -DD / Initials

  5. … from the Business m arket to the m ass m arket… The m ass m arket is a “ poor” m arket but… In the em erging m arkets m ost of the m obile services are SM S based and to support the business In 2008 the SM S m arket w as $130 billion and expected to be $224 by 2013 In 2006 China M obile m ade $100 m illion in 10 m inutes w hen the chinese year changed and chinese sent over 1 billion SM S. Apple app store: over 100.000 apps, over 2 billion dow nloads, average price ~ $2, but over 80% of the dow nloads are free apps M obile9.com : 5,292,393 m em bers, 760,014 free stuffs, 8,467,612,530 dow nloads 5 © 2009 Nokia V1-Filenam e.ppt / YYYY-M M -DD / Initials

  6. The Convergence In Platform s PC <=> m obile Apps <=> services Worldm ate by M obim ate World Traveller by Psiloc Handy Shell by Epocw are (Paragon) Social Netw ork <=> Com m unity 6 © 2009 Nokia V1-Filenam e.ppt / YYYY-M M -DD / Initials

  7. !!! Thanks 7 © 2009 Nokia V1-Filenam e.ppt / YYYY-M M -DD / Initials

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