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California Task Force on Youth and Workplace Wellness. Private/public partnership Began in 2002 Mission To create and promote programs and policies which increase access to fresh foods and regular physical activity in California’s schools and workplaces. Strategies
California Task Force on Youth and Workplace Wellness • Private/public partnership • Began in 2002 • Mission • To create and promote programs and policies which increase access to fresh foods and regular physical activity in California’s schools and workplaces. • Strategies • Promote models and resources that support healthy nutrition, physical activity, and healthy food access in California’s schools and workplaces; • Raise the political and media profiles of child and workplace health and fitness issues in local communities and statewide; and • Support the creation and passage of health legislation that will lead to lower rates of obesity and obesity related diseases in children and adults in California. • Committees: Schools, Workplace, Policy • Special Events: Step Into Fitness Faire, CA Fit Business Awards, Educational Policy Briefings • Funding: Why we need it!
Wellness Task Force Members • Senator Mark DeSaulnier • Senator Sam Aanestad • Senator Mark Wyland • Assemblymember Tom Torlakson • Assemblymember Ed Hernandez • Jane Adams, California Parks and Recreation Society • Joel Cohen, Dental Health Foundation • Suzanne Flint, California State Libraries • Jim Garfield, Active Media • Dr. Harold Goldstein, California Public Health Advocacy • Martin Gonzalez, California School Boards Association • Dean Karnazes, Athlete • Chris Mittelstaedt, The FruitGuys • Kathryn Scott, University of California Berkeley • Paul Wright , Savvy Fitness
2010 Wellness Task Force Sponsors/Funders & Significant Partners Sponsors/Funders • Kaiser Permanente • The California Endowment • PepsiCo • Club One • Vons Foundation • Wells Fargo Insurance Services
Workplace Committee Members • Paul Wright, Savvy Fitness • Robyn VanDerLuit, Club One • Robin Van Vliet, Presidio Benefits • Lynette Kaminski, Wells Fargo Insurance Services • Mai Linh Tompkins, Health Education Council • Vita Sarginson, American Cancer Society
What is the California Fit Business Award? The CA Fit Business Award is an opportunity for employers to have their workplace wellness programs reviewed by a panel of experts and to receive recognition for their commitment to employee health. • Nearly 300 CA businesses have applied • 2010 Smallest employer applicant: 32 employees • 2010 Largest employer applicant: 159,000 employees
Who Can Apply The CA Fit Business application is open to all businesses and organizations regardless of size. This includes public, private and non-profit organizations. Examples Include • Nevada Joint Union High School District • Anheuser-Busch, Inc. • Extra Space Storage • County of Ventura • Mercy General Hospital • Sacramento Municipal Utilities District • San Francisco International Airport • Westlake Realty
Why Apply? • Learning Opportunity • We can help you see potential gaps in your processes or strategies • Connect with other business who have had similar challenges • Self-Evaluation • What are you already doing? • What are some additional strategies you hadn’t thought of? • Honor and Recognition! • You aren’t getting paid to do this, so you should at least be recognized for your efforts.
How to Apply • Visit www.wellnesstaskforce.org • Thoroughly read Directions document • Complete application or renewal document • Send in supplementary materials • Mail check (payable to Public Health Institute) or use PayPal through our website New in 2010 • Application in Excel ($35 or $50) • Renewal Document ($20) • One-page SOW
New Documents Renewal Document Can only be used if you applied in 2009 Can only be used if you wish to maintain the same award level you had in 2009 (Bronze to Bronze, etc.) If you want to increase your award level, you must complete the full application One-page Scope of Work Must be bulleted, in a Word or PDF doc In addition to your supplementary materials List the names of all of your programs Must be submitted same time as Application or Renewal
Application Three Parts Part A • Checkboxes (yes/no and fill in the blank) • Policy vs. Guideline • Helps create an overall picture of your employee wellness opportunities • Total score of this section is approximately 1/3 of the narrative sections
Application Part B Narrative • 3 sections – PA, Food, Other • 4 subsections – about program, promotion, evaluation, outcomes • Limited space
Application Part C (See Directions Document) Supplementary Materials • Up to five (5) documents total • Examples • Cafeteria menus • Program calendars • Photos • Must be emailed (exception video) • 5 min video option
Narrative Sections (3) Program Information • Can apply to more than one Program Description • May not exceed 500 words • Be descriptive! • Answer: What? When? Who? How? Program Goals • Tied to Evaluation and Outcomes! Promotion • How do you promote • How often • Does it make sense Evaluation • Does your evaluation system make sense • Will it provide quality data Outcomes • Automatically tied to your Goals
The Safeway Fitness Challenge was fitness and wellness based incentive program designed for Corporate employees. Employees were asked to register for the Safeway Fitness Challenge online. At that time they selected which Sr. Management led team they would join. All eight teams had catchy names that had either department, or business entity significance. Example names were Project 60, Wired Winners, Fresh Champs, Pace Setters, etc. Each team member was asked to sign a promissory note stating their dedication to participating in baseline biometric measurements, and quarterly follow up biometric measurements. The biometric measurements that were measured for this activity were BMI, Body Fat, Weight, Blood Pressure and Waist Circumference. Initial baseline testing was conducted in July of 2007 and continued quarterly for 1 full year. At the initial screenings we issued T-shirts with separate team names and separate identifying colors. These T-shirts were used throughout the competition to raise awareness and excitement to the program. Measurements were taken at the end of each business quarter. Team stats were reported at the Quarterly Town Hall Meeting. The goal was to decrease BMI and body fat mass, through physical activity and weight loss in order to reduce the risk of chronic disease. As the program gained momentum we also began to track blood pressure, in order to bring awareness to employees on the importance of knowing their numbers. All of the measurements were taken in cubicles that were assembled in a corner of the company café for convenience in location as well as privacy. These measurements were attained by a third party wellness company and their Registered Nurses. All stats were kept completely confidential by the use of four digit numbers for each team member. Once all of the data was collected it was entered into a database for further analyzing so that it could be presented to the company at each Quarterly Town Hall presented by the CEO… The Safeway Fitness Challenge coincided with the implementation of new and innovative programs in the Fitness Center in addition to our standard Group Exercise Programs. This includes between 7-9 activities that change monthly. These activities encouraged employees to take action in improving their overall health. Some of the activities included: Wellness screenings, educational seminars on nutrition, fitness, or wellness, meditation, Tai chi, and self defense classes. … During the Safeway Fitness Challenge individual Team Leaders would produce monthly magazine type e-mails that would encourage Fitness, provide health tips and local activities. Team leaders would send out weekly notes to their teams with encouraging tips like taking a walk at lunch, taking a weekend hike, or taking the family for a bike ride. Some team leaders even paid entry fees for any team members that would want to participate in a local 5K or 10K race. Other Team leaders scheduled onsite group workouts at the fitness Center and all team members wore their shirt as a show of force. The focus of the Challenge was to get moving and make good nutritional choices, focusing on Calories IN, and Calories OUT education.
Promotion • Promotion is the means in which you communicate your wellness opportunities to employees • Email, newsletters, posters, video announcements, flyers, meetings, orientation • May include incentives (awards, prizes) • What reviewers are looking for: • The types of promotion strategies you are you using • How often is each one used (weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.) • Does your promotion strategy seem to “fit” with both the program and the business environment
Evaluation • Why is it important? Who does it? Who receives information? • Evaluation is two-fold 1) A logical analysis of the work you are doing: Is it working? What needs to be changed? Enhanced? Etc? 2) Includes “tools” • Sign in sheets (easy!) • Surveys (participant satisfaction) • Discussion groups • HRAs, BMI, etc, before/after information
Outcomes • Why is it important? • Demonstrates need for program • Cost savings • Increased productivity • Increased morale, etc. • Tied to your Goals! • Evaluation tools help feed outcomes • Start with a plan: What are you goals? How will you evaluate? What determines success? How does the outcomes affect future programming?
Examples of Data Collected by an Actual Applicant • BMI (per annual HRA) • Chronic Claims (quarterly) • ER visits, hospitalization admissions (quarterly) • No. of new enrollees; program completion with risk reduction, declined enrollment, program referrals • “…the HealthWorks Disease Mgmt calculated the ROI for year one as 5.57 to 1.”
Specific Applicant Examples • “XYZ company provides free lunch vouchers [$4.00/day] to all employees who commute via bicycle. …Employees collectively pedaled more than 14,000 miles [in May 2008].” • “Health care premiums significantly reduced over the past four years – low single digit increase in ’07 and no increase in ’08 – low single digit in ‘09. We are 50% or lower in premium trends for our health care provider. This is especially significant considering our average employee age is 44.” • “According to Kaiser, based on the risk factors of participants in the …Healthy Lifestyle Program, they estimate a preventable cost per person to be $963.89. Further preventable risks…can produce a realistic total savings of about $579,300 per year.” • “Subsidized healthy snacks and beverages in vending machines…result[ed] in a 50% increase in healthy food/beverage consumption.” • “6.4% increase in employees with zero risk factors & 7% increase with 2-3 risk factors.” (Based on HRA data.)
More Examples • “…life-changing situations directly attributed to…Danielle’s 87 pound weight loss.” • “I hope you will continue to have personal best programs. It has motivated me during the lunch hour to walk…I purchased a pedometer and better walking shoes, clothing and socks.” • “Camaraderie was great; it really helps boost the morale to know that we work with such wonderful people.” • “The program was very, very informative and I learned more than I ever expected. It was motivating and quite an accomplishment to finish my first 5k. It made me very proud that my organization would support something like this.”
Reviewers • Reviewers: How are they chosen? How are they trained? How do we address conflict of interest? • Review Process • TWO independent reviewers per application • Scores totaled and averaged • A third reviewer is brought in if there is a large discrepancy in scores • Let’s talk about favoritism…
Scoring • Businesses are separated by size and whether or not they have vending, food service or fitness facilities. • Check boxes are weighted and receive full scores or no scores. • Narrative is as objective as possible. Reviewers are given a rubric from which to score (and trained on how to use it).
Scoring Remember: Checkbox points vary by company size and amenities Award Levels varies with points possible per co. size and amenities
Scoring 2009 Fit Business Scoring Matrix Sm. Business <100 Employees Large Business >100 Employees
Application Timeline • Applications available March 1, 2010 • Applications due, June 16, 2010 • Electronic pymt. due, June 17, 2010 • Check pymt. due, June 23, 2010 • Review process, June-September • Award Notification, late September • Award Ceremony*, Oct. or Nov. 2010 *Great networking opportunity – a chance to learn from others!
Trainings and Workshops • Feb. 25 – In-person networking workshop (Sacramento, CA) • April 6, May 6, June 1 – Application training webinars • April 22 – Evaluation training webinar • May 13 – In-person networking workshop (La Jolla, CA) • July 12 – In-person networking workshop (San Jose, CA)
Contact Information Leah Cox, Director wellnesstaskforce@yahoo.com 916/534-7750 www.wellnesstaskforce.org