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Chester County Youth Suicide Prevention Task Force. Mission:. It is the mission of the CCYSP to collaborate with community members and service providers to develop prevention and intervention strategies to reduce the risk, stigma and occurrence of youth suicide in Chester County.
Mission: It is the mission of the CCYSP to collaborate with community members and service providers to develop prevention and intervention strategies to reduce the risk, stigma and occurrence of youth suicide in Chester County.
Vision Statement: It is the vision of CCYSP to educate and inform the people of Chester County about suicide recognition, prevention and its impact on the community.
Projects: • Received grant funding from Chester County Regional Education Services (CCRES) to train Task Force Members as Trainers in QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) a suicide prevention program from the QPR Institute.
Projects: • Collaborated with several local schools, civic groups and agencies to provide QPR trainings. Since 2007 CCYSP has provided 29 QPR trainings to over 600 people, including educators, first responders and students. .
Projects: • Collaborated with NAMI, Feeling Blue Suicide Prevention Council and other agencies to present two half-day trainings in Suicide Prevention and Postvention for local clergy. 40 representatives from the local clergy attended the trainings.
Projects: • In 2006 sponsored a 5k run/ 1 mile walk to raise awareness of youth suicide prevention. Approximately 50 people attended the walk and about 50 participated in the 5k run. It was decided to discontinue this event to concentrate on music awareness concerts for youth.
Projects: • Collaborated with schools, universities, local agencies and local groups to produce 7 music awareness concerts for youth. The Jake Kelleher Liv • Live concerts are sponsored and organized by CCYSP and planned by local youth that recruit peer performers.
Projects: The Jake Kelleher Liv• Live concerts are held 3 times a year and have reached hundreds of Chester County youth. The event has become the signature CCYSP event.
Collaboration: • This October will be the 3rd year that CCYSP will have a group participating in the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) Out of the Darkness Walk in Philadelphia.
Looking Ahead: • CCYSP plans to continue to train it’s members as QPR trainers and provide QPR trainings in Chester County. • Update and expand the CCYSP website – www.ccysp.org.
Looking Ahead: • Collaborate to continue the Clergy Training days. • Continue to sponsor and organize 3 music awareness concerts each year. • Continue to support AFSP Out of Darkness Walk.
Contact Information: To contact CCYSP visit their website at www.ccysp.org. Or call the Chester County Office of MH/MR at 610344-6265.