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There are so many amazing resources available, we might as well make use of them. The best part about this is that you can go to virtual classes while wearing your favourite Dandelion cotton pyjamas!
WhatToDoAtHomeDuringTheMonsoon Loveitorhate it,thereisstillawaytogowhenitcomestotherainyseason.The monsoon usually lasts till at least the end of August and often extends to SeptemberandOctoberwhichgives usquitealotofmotivationtospendmore timeindoors!Wedon’tknowaboutyoubutgettingcaughtinpuddlesisnotour ideaofafunafternoon.Ifyou’refeelinglikeusandarenowcompletelycaught up with everything Netflix has to offer, you might be struggling to stay entertained during this season. We figured we would share some of the things we’vefoundcanmakethemonsoonseasonlookprettygood,especiallyfrom indoors! Exercise Ifyouthinkthattherainisgoingtostopusfromgettingourdailyendorphins, then you must be mistaken. Even if your usual park or workout area is waterlogged, there are so many great online videos and workouts available. Andguessthat,they’recompletelyfree.SomeofourfavouritesarePopSugarfor high intensity and Pilates style workouts while Heart Alchemy has really nice vinyasaflowyogaclasses.Allyouusuallyneedisamatandmaybeafewlight
weights,thoughlotsofvideosarecompletelyequipmentfreeaswell.Usethese monthstofocusonyourselfandgetfit! LearnSomethingNew Think about how much time you spend scrolling through Instagram to checking Facebook.Nowimagineifyoucoulddevoteallthosehourstoupskillingyourself insomethingyou’realreadyinterestedinorlearningsomethingcompletelynew. With the amount of information available online, it’s possible to take university style courses on portals like Coursera and get taught by some of the best teachers in the world for free! You can learn anything from a new language to health sciences. There are so many amazing resources available, we might as well make use of them. The best part about this is that you can go to virtual classeswhilewearingyourfavouriteDandelioncottonpyjamas! StartCooking
If you aren’t already spending some time in the kitchen, now could be the perfectexcusetochannelyourinnermasterchef!Youcanaskyourfamilyor househelptoteachyouthebasicsandthenfindrecipesonlineforyour favouritedishes.Ifyoudon’thaveanyonetoaskyoucanexploreYouTubeand findavideofromoneofthethousandsoffoodbloggersandchefswhoteach online.Beingabletocookforyourselfisagreatskillthatwillreallyhelpyou throughyourlife,plusyouwon’thavetodependonallthosefooddeliveryapps anymore! Eleanor Roosevalt once said, “never be bored and you will never be boring” which we couldn’t agree more with. Though the monsoon can get quite grey anddepressing,thereisalwaysasilverlining.Use thistimetospendtimelearning something new or focusing on the things you love to create magic from your ownhome!