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Understanding Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration stages illustrate the progression of this sight-threatening condition. By understanding these stagend promptly seeking medical attention, individuals can take control of their eye health and potentially slow the disease's advancement. Regular eye exams and adopting a healthy lifestyle are key components of managing macular degeneration effectively. Early detection and intervention offer the best chance of preserving vision and maintaining a good quality of life.<br>

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Understanding Macular Degeneration

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Unveiling the Potential: E ploringVisible Genomics Platform

  2. Introduction VisibleGenomicsprovideprecisetests toidentifyandunderstandAMDstages, ensuringproactiveandeffectivecare.

  3. UnderstandingAge- RelatedMacular Degeneration Age-relatedmaculardegeneration (AMD)istheleadingcauseof irreversiblevisionlossintheUnited States,affectingover11millionpeople. Globally,anestimated196million individualshaveAMD,andthis numberisexpectedtoriseto288 millionby2040,drivenbypopulation aging.AdvancedformsofAMDaffect 1.75millionAmericans.

  4. Stagesof MacularDegeneration Maculardegenerationhasthreestagesbasedonthe presence and size of drusen under the retina. These stages range from early with minimal drusen to advanced with large drusen or pigment changes. In neovascularAMD(wetAMD),abnormalbloodvessels grow beneath the retina, leading to rapid and severe damage. This can cause fluid leakage and blood, resultinginmacularswellingandimpairment.

  5. EARLYAMD Early AMD. Early age-related macular degeneration stage is diagnosed by the presence of medium-sized drusen, which are about the width of an average humanhair.AnAMDrisktestcanhelppeople determine whether to expect age-related macular degeneration.People withearlyAMD typically do nothavevisionloss.

  6. Intermediate Macular Degeneration People with intermediate AMD typically have large drusen,pigmentchangesintheretina,orboth. Again,these changes can onlybe detected during an eyeexam.IntermediateAMD may cause some vision loss, but most people will not experience any symptoms.

  7. LateAMD. Inadditiontodrusen,peoplewithlateAMDhave visionlossfromdamagetothemacula

  8. Conclusion Explore comprehensive testing and treatment options for various stages of AMD. Our experts are dedicated to addressing macular degeneration at all stages,ensuringyoureceivethebestcareforintermediate macular degenerationandbeyond

  9. Thanks! Tel:(855-693-9377) Email:customersupport@visiblegenomics.io Address:17W22022ndStOakbrookTerrace,IL6018

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