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Introduction to Human Computer Interaction - Department of Information Technology

This presentation discusses Human Computer Interaction and discusses topics like What is Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and its importance. Why HCI is required and what are its scope and goals. It is presented by Prof. Vishal Chaudhary, from the department of Information Technology at International Institute of Information Technology, Iu00b2IT.<br>

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Introduction to Human Computer Interaction - Department of Information Technology

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to Human Computer Interaction Prof. Vishal ChaudharyAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Information TechnologyHope Foundation’sInternational Institute of Information Technology, I²ITwww.isquareit.edu.in

  2. 0BHumanComputerInteraction:AnOverview • WhatisHumanComputerInteraction(HCI)? • ImportanceofHCI • GoodandPoorDesignExamples • WhatandWhoareinvolvedinHCIdesign?

  3. WhatisHCI? Thestudyofbridgebetweenthem,whichincludes • Observationofinteractionsbetweenpeople&computers,e.g.,FindexaminationpapersviaourlibraryWeb • Analysisoftheinvolvedinteractions,e.g.,Areallthestepsinvolvedarenecessary? • Humanconsequencesafterinteractingwithcomputers,e.g.,Cantheuserperformhistask?Doesheenjoyworkingwiththecomputer?

  4. WhatisHCI? • concernedwiththedesign,evaluation&implementationofinteractivecomputersystemsforhumanuse&withthestudyofmajorphenomenasurroundingthem”(1992) • Dix:HCIisstudyofpeople,computertechnologyandthesetheseinfluenceeach determinehow wecanmakemoreusablebypeople”(1998) • Carroll: HCI is thestudy andpracticeofusability.Itis aboutunderstandingandcreatingsoftwareandothertechnologythatpeoplewillwanttouse,willbeabletouse,andwillfindeffectivewhenused.”(2002)

  5. WhyHCI? • Now,computersarecheap andusedby non-technicalpeople(differentbackgrounds,needs,knowledge,skills) • Computerandsoftwaremanufacturershavenoticedtheimportanceofmakingcomputers“user-friendly”:easytouse,savepeopletime,etc. • Howtoachieve“user-friendliness”in computerdesign?

  6. HCIScope • Use&Context:Findapplicationareasforcomputers • Human : Study psychological & physiologicalaspects e.g.,study howauserlearnstouseanewproduct,studyhumantypingspeed • Computer: Hardware&softwareoffered e.g.,input&outputdevices, speed, interactionstyles,computergraphics • Development: Design,implementation&evaluation

  7. HCIGoals • HCI developorimprove • Safety • Utility • Effectiveness • Efficiency • Usability • Appeal

  8. GoodandPoorDesignExamples • Insidealiftcontrol • Anyproblems?

  9. GoodandPoorDesignExamples • Thisisalampswitch Thereare3modes:“I”,“O”and“II”correspondtoLow,OffandHigh,respective Isitagooddesign?Why?

  10. GoodandPoorDesignExamples • Thisisaninterfaceofadialogbox Isitagooddesign?

  11. THANK YOU • For further details, please contact • VishalChaudhary • vishalc@isquareit.edu.in • Department of Information Technology • Hope Foundation’s • International Institute of Information Technology, I²IT • P-14,Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park • MIDC Phase 1, Hinjawadi, Pune – 411057 • Tel - +91 20 22933441/2/3 • www.isquareit.edu.in | info@isquareit.edu.in

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