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Top 8 Reasons to consider Live CHAT for Your Business

Increased usage:<br>LIVE CHAT usage has grown from 30% in 2013 to 65% in 2016<br><br>High customer satisfaction rates:<br>LIVE CHAT has the highest over all satisfaction of all customer service channels (73%)

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Top 8 Reasons to consider Live CHAT for Your Business

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  1. Top 8 Reasons to consider Live CHAT for Your Business

  2. Increased usage: LIVE CHAT usage has grown from 30% in 2013 to 65% in 2016

  3. High customer satisfaction rates: LIVE CHAT has the highest over all satisfaction of all customer service channels (73%)

  4. High expectation of availability: 30% of consumers expect LIVE CHAT to be available to them when contacting a brand

  5. Increased popularity: 19% of consumers indicate LIVE CHAT as their preferred communication channel

  6. Cost reduction: LIVE CHAT is typically 1/4th the cost of a phone service

  7. Increased sales conversion rate: 47% of online shoppers are more likely to make a purchase if they could talk to live online assistant

  8. Greater productivity: chat agents, depending on the complexity of an issue, can take anywhere from 1 to 10 simultaneous chats.

  9. Bigger average order value: Companies using LIVE CHAT experience a 30% lift in the average value of their orders.

  10. www.imsupporting.com 020 8242 1966

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