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Technological leap in the government offices

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Technological leap in the government offices

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  1. IV Congress of Innovative Marketing in Local Governments| Łukasz Szymański Technological leap in the government offices How isitdone in practice?

  2. Technologicalleap – whichiswhatexactly?

  3. Whatdoesanaverage Poleassociatethe "IT revolution" with? Failure of the voting system. The tender was settled just three months ago

  4. Whatdoesanaverage Poleassociatethe "IT revolution" with? PKW: the websitehasbeenhacked, but the results of the election are not in danger

  5. Whatdoesanaverage Poleassociatethe "IT revolution" with? Pendolino: the entire system collapses. You can no longer buy tickets for any train

  6. Whatdoesanaverage Poleassociatethe "IT revolution" with? The ministry spent 49 million on a portal for the homeless

  7. Whatdoesanaverage Poleassociatethe "IT revolution" with? DolnyŚląskwillspend66 milion on theirnew portal – peopleareshocked

  8. Whatdoesanaverage Poleassociatethe "IT revolution" with? „ Pleasefill in the form… „

  9. The NationalElectionCommissionwas not ready "The NationalElectionCommissionsimply doesn’thave enough vacancies. Itwas not prepared for the fast implementation of such a system" comments VicePresident of the company that provided The National Electoral Commission with the system to count the results of voting(interview with "TVN Facts”)

  10. 3 months for efficient system Determining the subject and therangeof the order ... In total 12 elements. One of them is Providingtraining for the users of ordered software In the autumn municipal elections, 27.6 thousand of wards (electoralsubdivisions) werecreated in localelections in the fall.

  11. IV Congress of Innovative Marketing in Local Governments| Łukasz Szymański Surprise! Tomorrow you have to introduce a revolutionary change!

  12. What will make the "surprise" more fun? Organizational rulesof tenders and principles of common sense In the administration, itisnecesaryto takecertain actionsand carry out needed projects In business, only those actions are carried out that are justified by business

  13. What will make the "surprise" more fun? Good IT systemit’s not just X lines of code SEO / SEM consultingThe analysis of needs(websitedevelopment) Designing User testing Technologicalinfrastructure Post-implementation support / editing User training Technical support Business Consulting Pre-established development work

  14. What will make the "surprise" more fun? It is a verycomplextask. Not even a smart person canundertakeitalone. In the Central Statistical Office, the design / editorial team consists of about 50 people. More people were involved in the analytical and design work.

  15. What will make the "surprise" more fun? You need to know exactly what you want to implement Only then you can determine competencies thatshould be required from the contractor andasseshiscurrent experience

  16. What will make the "surprise" more fun? You have to describe accurately what you want to implement What couldit be? „… IT system countingvotes…” „… the informationportalmust be accessibleto everyone….”

  17. What will make the "surprise" more fun? Choosing a contractor is not the end of your job Current control Consulting implemented solutions Testing effects of theirwork Troubleshooting problems that you have not experienced before

  18. What will make the "surprise" more fun? Youshouldhave confidencein yourcontractor, not only at the selection stage I trust that if you havemade the offer, you know what you're doing Youknowwhatisyourdomain, so advise me as much as youcan

  19. What will make the "surprise" more fun? Trustingthe clientand his knowledge of the subject Ifthe clientclaims that something is needed this is probably the case

  20. What will make the "surprise" more fun? Implementation of the system is not the end of contractor’s job Post-implementation support Training for users / editors Warranty for the implemented solution

  21. What will make the "surprise" more fun? Even the best system requires continuous development Creation Testing Optimization Testing Optimization Testing Optimization Testing Optimization

  22. Effects? GUS with a fullyrenewedinformation portal http://nowymarketing.pl/a/3247,gus-z-odswiezonym-portalem-informacyjnym

  23. Effects? The new Central Statistical Office of Poland sitecost only 584 000 zl http://lukaszpiechowiak.blogbank.pl/2014/04/28/nowa-strona-gus-u-kosztowala-tylko-584-tys-zlotych/

  24. Effects? The new Central Statistical Office of Poland site cost only 584 000 zl http://www.wykop.pl/link/1968286/nowa-strona-gus-u-kosztowala-tylko-584-tys-zlotych-firma-po-pracy/

  25. Effects? New Central Statistical Office of Poland website: affordable and well done http://www.pcworld.pl/news/396314/Nowa.strona.GUS.u.niedroga.i.porzadnie.zrobiona.html

  26. Effects? Government websites do not have to be boring, just look at the new Statistical Office of Polandwebsite http://dailyweb.pl/niusy-www/strony-rzadowe-nie-musza-byc-nudne-popatrzcie-tylko-na-nowa-strone-gus,9741.html

  27. Effects? Central Statistical Office of Poland’snew website is a technological leap http://interaktywnie.com/biznes/newsy/portale/nowa-strona-gus-u-to-skok-technologiczny-248460

  28. IV Congress of Innovative Marketing in Local Governments| Łukasz Szymański Surprise? Just do your job well

  29. You can also appreciate our work Vote for GUS In the contest for the best website TextWSF.W0101 to7255

  30. Interactive Agency& Internet Software House Information systems tailored to your needs • Ideo Sp. z o.o. • Headquarters • Ul. Nad Przyrwą 13 • 35-234 Rzeszów • Branch in Warsaw • Al. Niepodległości 124/2 • 02-577 Warszawa • www.ideoagency.com • zapytanie@ideo.pl

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