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Insights Success have come up with this special edition of "The 10 Most Recommended Facility Management Service Providers to Watch in 2019". This issue has featured a handful of companies offering a diverse mix of creativity and distinctiveness.
E The Winning Leap One of the most significant initiatives of the 21 century, taken by our honorable Prime Minister is “Digital India”. His dream of a high-speed digital highway, easy access to all the government services on mobile devices, and farmer’s empowerment through real-time data is moving forward with the great zeal. Also, Cybersecurity is contributing majorly to st the initiative. The campaign was launched on 1 July 2015 and ever since, it has progressed a lot in terms of India’s digital literacy. st This is the campaign of making things convenient and easy for the public and private sector by increasing high-speed connectivity across the country. This step has increased internet connectivity even to remote rural places in the country. With more than billions of internet subscribers, India is one of the fastest-growing markets in the Digital world. This rapid growth gives India the potential to be a truly connected nation by 2025. In India’s new and emerging digital ecosystems of the future, businesses will have to find new ways to engage with customers. They need to gear up to capture the opportunities and manage the challenges that emerge from being a connected nation. Along with the rising demand of the digital literacy, this month, Insights Success has come with an issue “The 10 Accelerators of Broadband Growth for Digital India!”. On the Cover of the magazine we have featured a special story Broadband India Forum—which is a dedicated to enhancing the potential of the entire digital ecosystem to deliver broadband across the whole country and making Digital Transformation possible. We have also focused on the companies that are providing unique solutions. The list includes, Elision Technolab LLP—helping people in transforming their old business processes with more advanced and efficient process automation
Shruti P . Jambhale using unified communication solutions. Also, helps businesses to transform their processes from manual to digital. Esto Internet—which is one of the most dependable organization, providing impeccable service, premium products and comprehensive solutions to the customers. Kenstar Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd—it has spread its wings to provide Internet Connection by the means of Wireless technology and Fiber Optic Cable in Aurangabad City. Along with this, we have an exclusive ‘Interview with Insights Success’. Here, the key leaders of the company talk about their overall journey and the influences made by their firm, service offerings, winning honors, current, and future perceptions. Mr. Aniruddhasinhji Jadeja and Mr. Kanaksinh Rana, the Promoters share some insightful views and highlight the influences made by their company—GTPL Hathway Ltd—One such leading wireless broadband service provider, GTPL gives a view to aspirations and passion for imaginative India. Another company is one such foremost digital marketing agency in India, Kinnect is simultaneously creative and media- driven and builds digital capabilities to match diverse business needs and create visible and lasting impact. In an interview with Insights Success, Chandni Shah, the Co-founder/COO has shared some insightful views and highlighted the influences made by her company—Kinnect. This magazine includes a leader’s thoughts section as well, where Mr. Krishnakant Panchal, the Founder and CEO of Rushi Market Research discusses the topic “Digital India,” and Ashutosh Sharma, the founder of datapotential.com discusses the topic “The Future of Customer Satisfaction.” Also, we have included the article “Living the Digital Dream” scripted by our in-house editors in the delightful pages of this magazine. So, flip the pages of our magazine and explore interesting insights from the world of business!
COVER STORY Broadband India Forum Empowering Consumers with Efcient and Economic Broadband 08 20 34 Kenstar Web Solutions Faster. Stable. Reliable. 24 Elision Technolab Next Gen Telecom Solutions Esto Internet Leading the Market with Innovation and Adaptability
C CO ON NT T E EN NT TS S 26 The Future of India is here... DIGITAL INDIA ARTICLE 38 C X O Broadband Evolution Living the Digital Dream 42 Solving the Puzzle The future of customer satisfaction and how data science will separate the boys from men 16 GTPL Connecting the World through Technological Advancements Interview with Insights Success 30 Kinnect Connecting the Digital Dots to the Next Frontier
Editor-in-Chief Pooja M. Bansal Managing Editor Shruti Jambhale Sneha, Abhishaj, Rajkunwar Executive Editor Art & Design Head Amol Kamble Associate Designer Poonam Mahajan Art & Picture Editor Sapana Shinde Co-designer Shweta Ambilwade Business Development Leader Ashwini Pahurkar Business Development Executive Snehalata Lad Technical Head Pratiksha Patil Technical Specialist Amar Sawant Digital Marketing Manager Prashant Chevale SME-SMO Executives Uma, Ketki Circulation Manager Tanaji sales@insightssuccess.com October, 2019 Corporate Ofces: Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd. Off. No. 22 & 510, Rainbow Plaza, Shivar Chowk, Pimple Saudagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411017 Phone - India: +91 7410079881/ 82/ 83/ 84/ 85 Email: info@insightssuccess.in For Subscription: www.insightssuccess.in Insights Success Media Tech LLC 555 Metro Place North, Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017, United States Phone - (614)-602-1754 Email: info@insightssuccess.com For Subscription: www.insightssuccess.com Cover Price : RS. 150/- https://twitter.com/insightssuccess Follow us on : www.facebook.com/insightssuccess/ Copyright © 2019 Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd., All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd. Reprint rights remain solely with Insights Success. Printed and Published by Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd. RNI NUMBER: MAHENG/2018/75953
‘‘ W that particular service and ease in delivery. The access to it is one of the most important factors along with its user- friendliness. Creating a way towards an efficient system of facilitating a service is a complex process and to streamline such process various strategies should be kept in place in order to attain higher effective customer satisfaction. Digital platforms all over the globe are proving to be pivotal in delivering next-gen advanced services. hen it comes to providing consumers with the optimum level of services, one thing that needs to be taken into consideration is the wide approach of Inside BIF • BIF was established in October 2015, and is a dedicated forum to the cause of broadband with participation from all the stakeholders. This list includes - Technology Providers, Telecommunication Operators, Internet Service Providers, Value-Added Service Providers, Satellite Operators, and other Service Providers enabling broadband proliferation in the country. The organisation is providing special emphasis and focus on Startups , Academia and other professional entities in the Digital Technologies space. The Forum’s senior leadership teamincludes renowned and respected professionals from varied backgrounds from the Industry, Regulatory bodies and the Government. In our country also, Digital India has opened up new horizons for enabling various services across different domains. It is the foundation for next-generation entrepreneurs, who are smart and digitally literate. They are expected to build on the existing bedrock to create and produce innovative products, solutions, apps (applications) and services. All of this would be able to help in overcoming the challenges and issues prevailing in the sector. It will also assist the country in becoming a $1 Trillion Digital Economy by 2022, as per the results laid down by the NDCP. There are a lot of companies, old and new, that are contributing to creating a nation built on the most advanced tech-enabled lifestyle on the get-go. BIF is greatly privileged to have a distinguished Panel of experts as Honorary Principal Advisors. It has also engaged with leading consumer awareness & consumer protection bodies, academic institutions & standardization bodies to broaden and enhance the horizon of activities in the broadband space. Since its inception four years ago, Broadband India Forum (BIF) has worked for the development and enhancement of the entire broadband ecosystem of the country. It functions as a policy forum and think-tank making necessary efforts in reaching out to various institutions and entities involved in different aspects of broadband proliferation. BIF has established itself as a thought leader and a credible source with an effective voice to help propel the nation’s vision of creating a powerful and secure ‘Digital India company aids in promoting the rapid development of policies to facilitate affordable and high-speed ubiquitous broadband throughout the country. BIF functions through its Hi-Level Committees on various subjects like 5G, SatCom, Content & Applications, Networks, Spectrum & Licensing, Manufacturing – Mobile Devices & Equipment, New Technologies & Innovations, Rural Digital Initiatives, Technology, Media & Telecom (TMT), etc. BIF has as many as 14 Hi-level Committees and Working Groups ’. To achieve this, the
One of the key thrust areas for BIF is to nurture and help Startups in Digital Communication Technologies. To fulfill this end, BIF is working through its Academia & Standards Committee with special emphasis on Startups, whose focus will be entirely on nurturing innovation led Startups in the Digital Technology space to meet the goals of the G o v e r n m e n t i n t h e D i g i t a l Communications domain. developing efficient digital infrastructure in India. ADBI has rich international expertise and insights in - prudent investments, appropriate business plans suited to markets, and international workshops, focused towards developing digital infrastructure, and have offered the same to BIF to help drive the growth of the digital economy in the country. BIF is working with ADBI on several global comparative and in-depth studies, building general public awareness, assessments and evaluations of the present scenario in India and the requirements thereof, to facilitate the progress of developing a world class digital infrastructure. ‘‘ We are constantly working on the response to regulatory policy consultation papers, productive workshops and seminars along with in-depth research and studies ‘‘ The Forum has signed a co-operation agreement with Global Standardization bodies such as ETSI and 3GPP, the latter having nominated the firm as an MRP (Market Representation Partner). It is also actively pursuing areas of cooperation with other organizations and forums of repute viz. IET-IoT forum, TSDSI, 5GIA, and several other bodies to actively promote its broadband proliferation agenda in technology, service, and vendor-agnostic manner. BIF has entered into an MOU with CUTS International - a Global Consumer Broadband Labelling organization that is involved with consumer protection and consumer affairs. The two organisations have jointly submitted a paper to the Regulator & the government on Wireless Broadband Data speeds, besides participating and representing their position on a number of issues including 5G, in important industry seminars and relevant forums as well. “Broadband India Forum is well poised to play an even greater role in future for accelerating Economic Transformation through the induction of Next generation Digital Technologies viz. 5G, AI, IoT, Cloud Computing, etc. and consequent proliferation of broadband throughout India,” conveys the BIF team. “Our journey co-incidentally started with the launch of the Digital India campaign and though we have come a long way, we believe there is still a longer way ahead of us,” the team adds. Inherent Expertise Broadband India Forum undertook the preparation and release of a joint study report in the area of assessment of impact on the creation of consumer surplus related to Rich Internet Applications jointly with WIK Consult Gmbh and on the economic impact of Next-Generation Internet-based applications on the Indian economy with ICRIER. Both the study reports have made a far reaching impact among all the stakeholders including policymakers, the Regulator, academia, industry, etc. T.V. Ramachandran – Founder/President of BIF, aka “TV” has a Master’s degree in Physics (specialization in Wireless and Electronics). With more than 50 years of work experience, his initial 25 years of the professional journey were in Dunlop India where he shuffled between top management positions. Since the beginning of mobile telecommunications in 1994, Mr. T.V. BIF has also established a congenial working relationship with the prestigious Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), engaging on the prospects of
Ramachandran or TVR (as he is popularly known) was the first CEO of Sterling Cellular - Delhi, the predecessor of Vodafone India, which he helped establish as the largest Indian cellular network of that time. • Conduct conferences, seminars and knowledge events. • Write and develop research papers and white papers in collaboration with reputed research institutes such as ICRIER, IIM Bangalore and Counterpoint Research. • Conduct awareness campaigns within the highest echelons of the Government’s policymakers on several issues. • Release media articles on issues currently pertinent to the telecommunication sector in India as Make in India, EMF radiation, Net Neutrality, OTT Regulations SatCom Liberalization & Reforms, V band, GST based incentivisation for Local Manufacturing, etc., and conducting R&D Projects in partnerships with leading consumer organisations as part of an overall Consumer Awareness Program. He was the first Chairman of the India Interest Group of GSM- MoU Association. He also founded and led as the first Director General of Cellular Operators’ Association of India (COAI) for twelve years, establishing it as a credible voice of the industry. Subsequently, TVR served as Resident Director – Regulatory Affairs & Govt. Relations, Vodafone India, for the next five years. For his contributions to Mobile Telephony in India, he was conferred the ‘Voice & Data Lifetime Contribution Award’, in March 2015.TVR was recently nominated by the Government as a member of the prestigious ‘Hi-level 5G Forum’ formed to develop the Vision & Road-map for 5G in India. Industry Dynamics The Telecommunication Sector has done fairly well in providing mobile access connectivity to over 93% Indians.. However, the Broadband Penetration is currently at barely 50% and is threatening to stagnate. This is based on the current definition of Broadband which is 512kbps. If one were to increase the same to even 2Mbps, the penetration figures would sharply decrease. Besides, there is a huge challenge to get the whole country ‘broadband covered’ and enjoy the fruits of high-speed internet. Also, the huge benefits that accrue from utilizing the plethora of innovative applications & services, can be enabled with true broadband. Between all of this, BIF’s mission has been to support and enhance policy, regulatory & standards initiatives for the escalation of high-quality broadband in the country in a technology-neutral and all- inclusive manner. But as every mission comes with a challenge, BIF has its own set of issues to tackle, namely: As one of the three distinguished Indians to be a lifetime member of the Global Advisory Council of Institution of Engineers & Technologies ( IET) , he has been one of the chief patrons and part of the Core Organising Team of IET- IoT Congress since its very inceptionand has served the IET India Development Panel for three years. Some of the exclusive services offered by BIF to its members are listed below: • Coordinate, Promote and Formulate expert opinions on topical subjects related to Broadband. • Act as a credible and reliable platform for Industry, Government, Regulatory and Standards agencies. • Spearhead independent and non-partisan work in several areas related to policy, regulation, and standards. ‘‘‘‘ 1. Challenge of Regulatory Levies on Telecom Service Providers. 2. High Spectrum Pricing. 3. Right of Way Challenges. 4. Challenges of introducing E & V band for Wireless Backhaul. 5. Mainstreaming use of Satellite for delivering Broadband & 5G. 6. The proliferation of Public WiFi Hotspots. 7. Broadband definition of 512 kbps. The current projects handled by BIF are: • Consumer Awareness Program for Digital Literacy • ICT for Persons with Disabilities • Industry-Academia Cooperation for Innovation • Public WiFi Liberalization • 5G Awareness Program • Impact of Liberalized Sat-Com Policy & Regulation • Boost Indigenous R&D, Product Development, IPR Creation & Manufacturing • Impact of Emerging Technologies on Job creation
Mr. Aniruddhasinhji Jadeja Managing Director 16 October 2019|
GTPL TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS T along with a secure and reliable network protocols at low cost. Moreover, the ability to connect instantly and anywhere, makes them popular and successful. CONNECTING THE WORLD THROUGH oday, the amazing wireless technology has totally changed the meaning of communication which plays a vital role in information exchange. This always demands a high speed data transfer and faster access to data, One such leading wireless broadband service provider, GTPL Hathway Ltd. is here to give a view to aspirations and passion for imaginative India. With its services and products, which are designed to deliver simplicity and value, the company has enabled its customers to access digital opportunities 24x7. In an interview with Insights Success, Mr. Aniruddhasinhji Jadeja and Mr. Kanaksinh Rana, the Promoters share some insightful views and highlight the influences made by their company—GTPL Hathway Ltd. Let’s hear it from them. • Kindly brief us about the company – inception and the overall journey to date. GTPL was incorporated in August 2006 by the promoters, Mr. Aniruddhasinhji Jadeja and Mr. Kanaksinh Rana, through the consolidation of cable service businesses in Ahmedabad and Vadodara. In October 2007, Hathway acquired a 50% share of our business. Over the past over ten years, we have grown both organically, through the expansion of our services, and inorganically, through acquisitions, joint ventures or by entering into Right to Use Agreements with other smaller regional MSOs, LCOs and ISOs. Today GTPL Hathway Limited is a leading national player in Cable and Broadband business with presence in 11 States and over 500+ towns; serving around 7.5mn active CATV digital subscribers and around 290k Broadband active subscribers. • Please tell us something about your Founder/CEO and his/her contribution towards the company and the industry. Mr. Aniruddhasinhji Jadeja, aged 46 years is an Entrepreneur and is 17 | October 2019
Interview with Insights Success Promoter and Managing Director of GTPL Hathway Limited. He has over 24 years of experience in the cable and broadband industry. 2021 and will overtake urban penetration, which will pose great opportunity to innovate and improve for the existing broadband players and new entrants. • Kindly describe in detail about your distinct services and products. He started his career as Local Cable Operator in Ahmedabad, Gujarat and created GTPL in the year 2006 by consolidating his different cable operations. In last 11 years, he has been instrumental in expanding the GTPL’s Cable and Broadband business to a Pan-India scale with its quality service to millions of subscribers. Mr. Jadeja’s strategic vision coupled with his collaborative work methodologies are the corner stones for the meteoric rise of GTPL as India’s leading and fastest growing Multi System Operator and Broadband Service provider. GTPL is a distinct leader in Digital Cable market in Gujarat and has a significant market share in Maharashtra, West Bengal and Assam and other parts of the country. GTPL with its successful reach to the households of the country has been effectively able to penetrate them with its high-speed broadband connectivity as well. GTPL offers a unique proposition of High Speed Broadband and Digital Cable solutions to its consumers under a single umbrella at a very competitive pricing on a state of the art technology and with a committed sales and service team He has been presented an award of excellence by One Alliance and an award for social services excellence by Dr. Kamla Beniwal, erstwhile Governor of Gujarat. • How the ISP industry has evolved over the last decade? How does the introduction of the internet, broadband, Wi-Fi, etc. has changed the industry? • What is your viewpoint regarding the present scenario of ISP industry in India? The current Wireline Broadband penetration in India is about 19 mn which is way beyond the developed countries of America and Europe. If we compare on user basis, there are 10 lines in Brazil, 20 in Russia and China, 30 in the US and 40 in South Korea whereas in India, there is a little over one broadband line for every 100 people. However, growth estimates are very positive such as hi-speed broadband penetration is expected to breach 53% by 2020. Internet User base in rural markets is expected to grow to 52% from current level of 38% by ISP industry has seen a tremendous growth in last decade or so. From the ages of dial-ups to connectivity of 256Kbps then to 512 Kbps and the 1Mbps, now consumers are enjoying 10-40Mbps speed in many parts of the country and pretty soon Indian consumers will have average broadband speed upto 100 Mbps. The rapid technological development and customer demand has given new dimensions to the industry and now we can see more transformation in the days to come. 18 October 2019|
• How are you fighting the challenges in terms of emerging market players and competitive costs? contribution towards the social and economic development of Gujarat. Recently, GTPL has launched unlimited data plan with Superfast Speed 100 Mbps at just Rs. 649* per month. And today, it has become Gujarat's no. 1 Fiber Broadband ISP with the widest optical Fiber Network among all other Private ISPs in Gujarat. Wide spread network of GTPL Fiber Broadband has vast no. of satisfied customers base in Gujarat and it is growing rapidly. Current user base of wireline broadband customers in India is around 19mn which is expected to grow to 50mn in next 3-5 years horizon, which will require huge infrastructure and investments. Therefore, any entry of a new player would help in expansion of the market only. We welcome the new entries in the sector as that will create more opportunities. GTPL, largest private ISP in Gujarat with its 25000+ KM long pan-India fiber, its deep rooted last mile connectivity, wide industry experience, competent and skilled workforce and on top of that its pocket friendly plans, it is well geared-up for the upcoming competition and changing market demands. • Kindly share us with your Vision and Mission of your organization. GTPL Identity- GTPL's cutting edge entertainment and connectivity opportunities are here to give a view to aspirations and passion for imaginative India. With our services and products, which are designed to deliver simplicity and value, we can better enable our customers to access opportunities 24x7 • Is there any specific area which you are trying to concentrate in the ISP industry? Or, have you identified any gaps in the industry which you intend to fill in with your services. GTPL Vision - As India’s Leading Multi System Operator (MSO) it is our endeavor to deliver latest & high quality video products and data services through technologically advanced fiber optic networks, strong trade partnerships and empathetic customer service. Affordability of high-speed, consistent broadband connectivity is still a big challenge for many in India. While wireless internet has taken a leap in last couple of years yet consistent, reliable and affordable internet is not available for the masses. • How do you portray the future of ISP industry and how do you plan to embrace the change. GTPL has been trying to address this gap and meet the requirements of the masses with plans starting as low as Rs 388/pm for a whooping speed of 40Mbps with unlimited data services. All future technological changes/innovations are going to be data centric, be it Internet of Things (IOT), Smart Homes, Driverless Car, 3D plotting or real-time streaming. These technologies not only would require high speed connectivity but also need un-interrupted flow of the same. GTPL is continuously and consistently investing in latest technologies, upgrading skill-sets of its workforce, updating its systems and processes and most importantly expanding is territories of operations. With all these initiatives, GTPL is all set to conquer the market, delight its customers and bring-up the industry standards. • What is the USP of your business? Key features and highlights. GTPL’s combined offering of High-speed Broadband and Digital Cable services to its consumers is a big differentiator in the market place. This unmatched bouquet of services coupled with consistency, speed and volume is a big USP for GTPL. Competitive pricing makes the proposition more exiting for its customers. • Kindly make us aware about your company's greatest achievement along with your contribution to it. Mr. Aniruddhasinhji was presented an awarded of “Mahasanman Purskar” for his indispensable 19 | October 2019
ELISION TECHNOLAB NEXT GEN TELECOM SOLUTIONS individuals can find and discover anything they might want to communicate which adds tremendous values in Business and Personal life at the most economically possible rates. Exclusive Services The company offers turnkey solutions i.e. it provides hardware and software solutions to the customers. It also provide on-premises services. The company has the most advanced call center software, namely, DialShree. It is an omnichannel call center solution and supports a wide range of features that are not available in any other call center solution in India. The company has developed various omnichannel communication and collaboration solutions. From a full- fledged omnichannel contact center solution to live chat software, web, and video conferencing solution. There are many other systems that are in production and thus, empowering the business of some big brands in India. Mehul Shah Founder & Director I company started with a clear aim to provide unified communication solutions to the global industry and transforming clients’ old business processes with more advanced and efficient process automation using unified communication solutions. Coping with Challenges ncorporated in the year 2007, Ahmedabad, Gujarat based Elision Technolab LLP is helping businesses to transform their processes from manual to digital. The The initial challenges which were faced by the company were majorly related to the funds, infrastructure limitations and the conservative mindset of people. However, it is pursuing its dream of building an irresistible unified communication solution. In its twelve years of journey, the company has provisioned its best solutions to big names in India, including, major banks, automobile companies, Government organizations, etc. A Passionate Technopreneur Overcoming all the challenges, over the years, Elision has earned various awards and recognition. It received an award from GlobalLinker in Singapore. Sangoma awarded it as accreditation for The Best Contact Center Solution and deployment of a unified solution in the Smart City. Mehul Shah, the Founder and Director An ambitious leader Mehul drives this VoIP company more popularly known as Elision. Elision has been catering its worldwide customers with unified communication solutions for more than a decade. On-going Projects Mehul has started the company with his vision to be earth’s most customer-centric company where customers or The leading supplier and pioneer of VoIP solutions, Elision TechnoLab is now looking for government tender to bid for 20 October 2019|
the smart city. It has catered multiple banks, BPOs, KPOs, automobile companies, insurance agencies, educational institutes, and hospitals with its unified communication solutions such as contact center solution, IVR solution, conferencing solution, live chat software, click to call system, CodeBlue: Emergency Alert System and many more. Also, it is developing a web and video conferencing solution to benefit businesses with a collaborative solution. It is advancing technologies in call center software to let its customers use the most advanced and omnichannel call center solution. ‘ ‘ ‘ Our mission is effective Communication through Elision Technolabs VoIP Solutions, so as to power today’s, tomorrow & forever civilization – The world is ever-changing Telecom: Evolving across the Nation People are more conscious about their brand presence and its power to gain a competitive edge in the market. This encourages companies to furnish businesses with the most advanced tools. If we talk about the telecom sector, companies are now switching to software based solutions by replacing old, traditional, legacy systems as the software based solutions are cost effective and more feature-rich. In some countries, the government also supports the SIP solution which transformed the telecom industry completely. ‘ ‘ ‘ Headquarter in: Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India Bringing Transformation Major Operation Centers: Delhi, Mumbai in India; Mexico and the USA Elision’s solutions let businesses gain benefits from omnichannel (Email, SMS, Chat, Social Media Integration, SSO, Audio, Video, Fax, WhatsApp, etc.) communication. The solutions are helping people in transforming their old business processes with more advanced and efficient process automation using unified communication solutions. It also helps businesses to transform their processes from manual to digital. A way Forward Elision is catering to small to big businesses with unified communication solutions and striving to be the most client- centric to make sure its customers use the power of the advancements in technology through its solutions. Founded in Year: 2007 -- Total number of clients served & Countries served: 1000+ customers in 50+ countries Major Prominent Clients: PMC bank, Mahindra Group, Mumbai Firebridge (101), Wipro, CarDekho, Gujarat Police, Indus Health, CIMS, Ganesh Housing, Lifcare, Prudent, Astute, etc. Advice for Newbies “Be persistent and give your 100%. You may face challenges, but if you keep putting 100% and deliver quality solutions, you will definitely achieve success”, advises Mehul. 21 | October 2019
ESTO INTERNET LEADING THE MARKET WITH INNOVATION AND ADAPTABILITY comparable with global service providers. Today, the company is committed to achieving excellence in communication development, for SMEs to large enterprises. A Dynamic Duo The company is directed by the brother duo, Manish Makhija and Rahul Makhija. Both of them are very well experienced entrepreneurs in their respective field. Manish is having a decade of experience in business management, while Rahul is profound in technical aspect with experience of about 13 years in the field of computers & IP networks including internet connectivity. Under the leadership of the founders, the company has grown to be one of the fastest- growing Internet service providers. The management of the company expresses their gratitude especially to the whole team for their valuable inputs and hard work. With the support of their team members, they have spread their network across 100+ town and cities in the nation. Rahul Makhija Founder A users by the end of 2019. Whereas, a decade ago in 2009, India had only 95 million Internet users. Lots of people are moving towards digitization at work and home. A big thanks to the Government who is pushing toward "Digital India", the adoption rate is at its highest. , 10 years ago, the 'fastest' broadband connection available in the market had 4Mbps of peak speed, but today 1Gbps of speed on a broadband connection is not very rare, which is roughly 250 times faster. So, definitely, a lot has changed and has changed for good. Adapt the Latest Technologies before others even Realize! s per an independent report, India had approx 566 million internet users as of December 2018. The numbers are projected to touch 627 million internet With the unique feature of adapting the latest technologies ; innovation is in the DNA of Esto Internet. It provides end- to-end managed data services to include Data Connectivity, equipment and managed network services to meet all data connectivity requirements of customers. Even on the pricing front, it keeps on coming up with the innovative ideas that no-one has thought of. Recently, it has introduced the Flexi-prepaid plan, which doesn't need a monthly commitment. Users can buy data as and when required and enjoy high-speed internet as long as the data in their account last. And, this is one of the ever best services it offers. Emphasizing on the faster broadband connection, one such leading providers of Information Technology services, Esto Internet started their operations in 2009 from a small town in Panchkula, Himachal Pradesh. Ongoing Projects As per "The Global Internet Phenomena Report" released in October 2018, 58% of the total internet traffic is only video streaming. This trend is continuously on the rise; thanks to the increasing internet penetration and the decreasing cost of data. Now, Esto Internet has taken this Esto Internet is one of the most dependable organization, providing impeccable service, premium products and comprehensive solutions to the customers. The company started with the mission to bring quality services and solution and implementation of international standards, 24 October 2019|
responsibility to fulfill the demand of the customer. And, that's exactly what the company is working on these days. ‘ ‘ ‘ Also, it is building solutions to take care of the OTT (over- the-top) video streaming needs of its customers. Apart from OTT, it is also working on providing live TV services for its customers. We grow the business rapidly while maintaining the highest quality of service Bringing Transformation In today's time when users are demanding for speed higher than ever when everyone is running out of time and every millisecond matters, Esto Internet is focusing on bringing the content closer to the user. The closer the content is the lesser time it'll take to download a file relative to some file of the same size which is hosted somewhere on another continent, even with "same internet speed"; this is the exact idea it is focusing on. ‘ ‘ ‘ In the same effort of reducing the distance between users and the content, Esto Internet has joined hands with Canonical-the organization behind Ubuntu Linux and hosted Ubuntu's country mirrors on its infrastructure. This has saved multiple Gbps of international traffic for the country and improved the user's experience a lot. Headquarter in: Panchkula Duo's Advice for Newbies Major Operation Centers: Baddi, Nalagarh, Panchkula & Panipat "All I can say is, if you want to survive in the market, you need to keep yourself with the evolving technology and trends. Which might seem hard given how fast the industry is evolving, but if you stay focused, you can achieve what might look like unachievable. And, understanding the user's needs and complying with them beforehand is the key to success"-stated the founding brothers. Founded in Year: 2009 -- Total number of clients served & Countries served: 30000+ in India Exciting Future With IoT and artificial intelligence picking pace, in the coming few years, things are going to be completely different than they're today. Internet will be used at places, no one can even imagine at this stage. As more and more devices are getting connected, a whole world of new opportunities is going to be open and Esto Internet is on its path to grab them. Employees Headcount 100+ Annual turnover on the founding year and current year: 5 Cr As Esto Internet has always been agile in realizing the future and adapt to it ahead of time; today, it is already on its expansion spree and sees a very bright future for itself. 25 | October 2019
The Future of India is here... DIGITAL INDIA T change the market and infrastructure for the development of India. Through which people from rural areas of India are also connected. He has tried to convey to him the various schemes run by the Government of India. Highspeed Internet strives to connect literacy, employment, product, and services to the citizens of India. And there have been attempts to solve the questions that arise. DIGITAL INDIA – IMPACT Citizens of India have been making a lot of changes to their needs and purchases using the Highspeed Internet since 2015 during the Digital India Project. Within which they are turning 60% to 70% of their purchases online. he Digital India project has been launched on July 1, 2015, by the Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi. Through which efforts have been made to The company producing highspeed through the Digital India project is making a lot of changes to their product. In which the state-of-the-art manufacturing sector is creating and using different machinery. It can produce good and good in good. And good customer service and service can be provided to the customer. DIGITAL INDIA – IMPORTANCE Every citizen of India has been made Aadhar card by Digital India. The income and outward income of each citizen is linked to the Aadhaar card. So that the Government of India can monitor the income and outgo of every citizen of India. Due to this, the Government of India can, therefore, control the economic condition of India. With the help of the Digital India Project, the services provider using HiSpeed Internet is working on different new software and is expanding business employment by joining large companies from abroad and abroad. • A Road- map to change India's future. In the last few years, with the help of HiSpeed Internet, India’s citizen road map has changed a lot in transportation. With the help of a road map, different unknown citizens can also connect. Products and services companies like Zomato, Ola and Uber are providing good service to the citizens of India. With the help of Digital India, the cost of currencies created by the Government of India can be reduced. In which Indian city is dealing with money through e-Transaction and application, currency depreciation can be reduced. And consumption of currencies can be reduced. E-education can also be provided in schools and colleges through the use of high-speed internet through the Digital India project. Thereby controlling the cost of the increase in school and college can also be controlled. Google and many other companies are working on a road map through the Digital India project launched by the Government of India. Companies like Ola and Uber are providing taxis at a reasonable cost and fast with the help of road maps. Every citizen of India joins the high-speed internet through Digital India, a literate citizen can get decent employment in Information Technology. By this, the country can earn a good income by increasing its business abroad. And can increase employment. In the future, many different projects can be marketed by the roadmap. Which can change the market a lot. A road map allows any citizen of India to come and go at any place with the help of a road map. Different and new machines and software are coming to market with the help of Highspeed Internet through Digital India Project. With the help of which the citizens of India can buy cheap and good products and can contact the manufacturer directly. • A major role played by innovation, Technology, and Research in Digital. Highspeed Internet is very important for achieving India’s success through Digital India launched by the Government of India. The world has witnessed an unprecedented change in technology in the last 1 decade. Digital India can help connect India’s society and economy by keeping everyone connected through technology. India will become the center of global knowledge by 2022. In the project of Digital India, one can get services through high-speed internet through different new markets. And can use it. 26 October 2019|
About The Author Mr. Krishnakant Panchal is a the Founder and CEO of Rushi Market Research. He is young, enthusiastic and most innovative in the field of Market Research. Rushi Market Research Services is a Marketing Research and Consultancy firm, incorporated in 2012, with Team and Expertise to provide the best Market Research Assistance to the companies of different Sectors. Krishnakant is having more than 16 years of experience in the field of market research and analytics. Since the inception, The company is continuously striving for the best quality and it has resulted into improving our abilities to better understand the Market and its affecting factors in terms of psychological, conceptual, cultural and social issues that hinder the growth of the company. The company has spurred its image so friendly in the market and has covered major cities not only in Gujarat or India but across the globe. 27 | October 2019
Innovation and technology can be made more efficient by connecting people’s government with them and bringing them closer to the gap between supply and demand. Although India has become the capital of software services in the world, technology (technology) law has not been reduced. Any citizen of India to come and go at any place with the help of a road map. insurance plan launched by the Government of India. It was initiated by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in a speech in the 2015 Budget by the Finance Minister on February 2015. The formal start was made. • Atal pension yojana :- Atal Pension Scheme is a pension scheme run by the Government of India. It was mainly addressed by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in the 2015 Budget speech. • Mission Broadband 2022 – An Expert’s perspective. Indian citizen-initiated high-speed Internet access has increased significantly. Most of the machines run through the Internet. The citizen of India is connected to the internet through different information. By 2019, 80% of urban and rural people use the Internet through mobile on a project launched by 2015. People are more likely to use wireless broadband for internet access. Because Broadband provides high-speed unlimited access. The use of this broadband has increased greatly in the residential and commercial areas of the people. • Beti Bachao Beti Padhao :- Beti Bachao Beti Padhao is a campaign of the Government of India. Which aims to improve the efficiency of welfare services made for girls in India to bring awareness to the people. The scheme was started with initial funding of Rs 100 crore. • Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana :- Pradhanmantri Suraksha Bima Yojana is a scheme in Accident insurance run by the Government of India. It was originally mentioned in a 2015 speech by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in February 2015. It was started on 8 May in Kolkata by the Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Bhai Modi. Companies like Reliance and Tata are planning to launch Fiber Broadband for HiSpeed Internet. People's Internet access may be higher than in 2018. Because the speed of fiber broadband will be 100 Mbps by Reliance, which will start at Rs 700 a month. That would be up to Rs 10,000 a month. That’s the speed of power consumption. It will be. The developed world economy is around 80 Mbps. • Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana :- Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana is a scheme of the Government of India. Which is designed to provide continuous electricity supply in rural India. Under this scheme, the government plans to invest $ 756 billion for rural electrification. This plan has replaced the existing Rajiv Gandhi Rural Electrification Scheme. In the future, the rate of ISD calling in people will be greatly reduced by the upcoming Reliance Fibre Broadband. Reliance Jio plans to deliver HiSpeed Internet to all customers in India by 2020. In its competition, Tata Company is also planning to deliver high-speed internet to all citizens of India. Reliance and Tata will be able to deliver high-speed Internet to all citizens of India through fiber Broadband by 2022. • Accessible India Campaign :- Accessible India Campaign or Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan is a program that is set to be launched to serve the differently-able community of the country. The program comes with an index to measure the design of disabled-friendly buildings and human resource policies. • New initiatives/Plans by Government. The Government of India has taken initiatives through various problems for the citizens of India. Through which the Government of India has devised different plans to solve their problems. • Make in India :- Make in India, a type of Swadeshi movement covering 25 sectors of the Indian economy, it was launched by the Government of India on 25 September 2014 to encourage companies to manufacture their products in India and enthuse with dedicated investments into manufacturing. • Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana :- The Minister's Information Report is a program to help people financially through the Government of India. Which is intended for people aged 10 to 65 years. The purpose is to give people access to cheap and easy financial services like bank accounts, remittance, credit, insurance, and pension. • Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana :- The Prime Minister’s Jivan Jyoti Bima Yojana is an • Digital India :- Digital India is a campaign launched by the Government of India in order to ensure the Government’s services are made available to citizens electronically by improved online infrastructure and by increasing Internet connectivity or by making the country digitally empowered in the field of technology. 28 October 2019|
Interview with Insights Success Chandni Shah Co-founder/COO 30 October 2019|
Kinnect Kinnect Connecting the Digital Dots to the Next Frontier T for every high value application. Thus, it offers a vast array of opportunities for both, economic growth and to improve the quality of life. he connectivity of the world over high-speed broadband has given rise to many opportunities. In this virtual world, everything is changing in the blink of an eye. The broadband technology has reached a tipping point where it allows a speed fast enough Being a mainstream, the internet has boosted the use of technologically smart devices. From various social media platforms to surfing on google to purchasing online, India has transformed into a full-fledged digital market. And, this has flourished into creating Digital Marketing as a prime sourcemethodology of bringing business through the internet. One such foremost digital marketing agency in India, Kinnect is simultaneously creative and media- driven and builds digital capabilities to match diverse business needs and create visible and lasting impact. In an interview with Insights Success, Chandni Shah, the Co-Founder/COO has shared some insightful views and highlighted the influences made by her company—Kinnect. Let’s hear it from her. • Kindly brief us about the Company. Enlighten us with the foundation story and detail insights about the initial days of the company. Kinnect, formerly known as Social Kinnect, is India’s foremost digital marketing agency with offices across Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangalore. Initially started as a team of just 3, it now comprises 300+ employees across 3 cities. Founded by Rohan Mehta and Chandni Shah in 2011, Kinnect originally started out with just a social media marketing service but now offers end-to-end digital marketing services that also include online media planning, building websites and applications, content marketing, search engine optimisation, video production, influencer outreach, as well as online reputation management. It is truly the agency of the future, and combines the best of Media and Creative under one roof. Kinnect’s first client was the ice-cream brand Havmor, and the company now has an impressive clientele across domains spanning FMCG, Real Estate, Fashion, and Retail. Alongside, Kinnect has also designed a special program – KinnectEDGE – to create an ecosystem that provides a great balance of exposure, learning and all-round growth and development of the employees. 31 | October 2019
• Brief us about the Founder/CEO of the company? What kind of ethics, principles and manner of working does he/she observes while running the business. Please share with us the major contribution of him/her towards the development of the company. capabilities, took a bet on the future and started Kinnect. Rohan came to know how an ad agency functioned only after starting one! Rohan and Chandni have consistently held the view that learning and development is paramount for an organisation to succeed, and for its employees to transform into ‘intrapreneurs’. This emphasis on all-round development has been one of the factors behind the success of the company and its employees’ loyalty. About the COO, Chandni Shah Having envisaged the great potential in the digital space at a very young age and armed with experience at leading marketing agencies, Chandni co-founded Kinnect at just 22. She is one of the youngest and most successful women achievers in the digital marketing space. • Share with us the importance of ‘Digital Marketing’ in today’s world. An ultimate people’s person, Chandni’s striking spirit and passionate belief has made Kinnect one of India’s largest independent Digital Marketing agencies. She leads a team of 300+ young, smart, dynamic Kinnectors working across offices in Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangalore. Her knack for building large process-driven teams and scaling up capabilities has led her to single-handedly build new processes and streamline resources. She also firmly believes in the power of building solid and lasting relationships, and this belief has driven much of Kinnect’s growth and credibility in the market as a completely customer-driven agency. The online market place is exceptionally pervasive and equally lucrative, and hence every brand today feels the need to incorporate befitting digital marketing strategies in their business modules. Digital marketing is quickly developing power in today’s world of marketing and is slated to be the eventual fate of marketing. We all are aware that the world is quickly moving from traditional marketing methods. With people preferring to consume digital content, businesses that have not yet perceived digital marketing in their advertising systems are habituating quickly. The modes of communication and marketing on digital are more adaptable, quicker, quantifiable and result-driven. Both marketers and consumers are experiencing the benefits of digital marketing. It also offers equal opportunities for all kinds of businesses. Chandni is a solutions-driven marketer who ensures that Kinnect delivers the utmostquality to its clients, thereby building great relationships based on trust. She is a multi- facetedprofessional who dons various hats from Client Servicing, Strategy, Creative to Human Resources. • Please tell us about the business model you follow and the service you provide that makes the company unique and helps it to withstand the cut-throat competition. Equally in-tune with her personal growth, Chandni is an avid reader and a trained dancer who isvery particular about fitness. In the beginning, the objective was to just survive, to make it to the next day, week and month. We aspired to be a larger agency, handling bigger brands. While our objectives and vision have now evolved, one has remained the same since our inception. As an agency, we want to be someone who the client can come to with their business objectives and be rest assured that we have the digital solution to match it. So, we have always evolved and built out new capabilities based on the client’s requirements. • Share with us the struggle or hardship story that worked as the strength behind the success of the company. Rohan was working in the US in the IT industry. It was 2011, and social media was still nascent in India. But he had a sense that it would become a rapidly growing field, and it has! Also, a key objective has been to impact businesses. Creative campaigns are celebrated, but effective communication is what actually drives ROI. This belief is at our core, and we’ve built a company out of it. We have been instrumental in building several vertical capabilities that He also always knew that he wanted to return to India and explore his entrepreneurial side. Around the same time, he connected with Chandni, who was right at the center of the advertising world at JWT India. They combined their 32 October 2019|
place the client at the centre and understand what their business requirements are. Alongside, we also want to build a culture that is timeless, so building a great company culture is a major goal for the next 5 years. One that integrates our core values and centres around creating business impact with an emphasis on ROI. From a skillset standpoint, we want to be at the confluence of a really creative company and a digitally-driven one. We want to understand what the business insights are, manage data as well as suggest path-breaking solutions. Our vertical building has therefore been in this particular direction. • Tell us about the exclusive services the company offers. A lot of digital agencies are either creative focused or media focused. We marry old-school branding principles with new-age solutions. Solutions that simultaneously employ creativity and data-driven insights. Solutions that produce real-time, relevant and reportable results for our brands. We are an agency that always places business impact above all else. Real business impact that makes a difference to brand awareness, sales and visibility, every single time. • Advice for the budding entrepreneurs who are trying to embark in the same field. 1. Make friends with the most knowledgeable person in the world - Google! Google has (most of) the answers you are searching for. So don’t be afraid to ask questions and be willing to learn and absorb! • Is your company part of any philanthropic service? On the community front, Kinnect has introduced an initiative called #KinnectorsGiveBack. Through this program, we empower Kinnectors to make their contribution to society, with respect to the Health and Education needs of the underprivileged. Essentially, any Kinnector can nominate a person in need of financial aid, which will be provided by us. This helps inculcate a sense of responsibility and serves as a platform to make a difference in society. 2. Eat brownies - Always strive to earn brownie points at work with small things. The smallest things often have the biggest impact! For example, something as simple as being on time for a meeting can go a long way. 3. Get dirty - Get into the nitty-gritty of things, whatever your position at work is. Get into execution, and see the big picture as well as the details! • What sets the company apart from its competitors? 4. Be a yes man…or woman - Say yes to experiences, to adventure, to challenges. Don’t hesitate to take on what you know you can handle! What gives a smaller agency an edge is the same thing that drives Kinnect today – it is the constant desire to push the limits. Being the underdog is integral to the Kinnect spirit, no matter how much we grow. If we find ourselves in a room where we are the larger agency, we’ll leave that room and choose another room where we feel small. It is that drive and level of competitive spirit that gives us an edge. 5. Sharpen your axe - Always be better and do better. Learning, training and re-learning are key to getting ahead in both your professional and personal lives! 6. Screw up…and laugh it off - This is exactly what you think it is. Make mistakes, learn from them, move on and do better next time! • Brief us about the future of the company or the goal it has set to mark its exceptionality in the future. • The accomplishments and acknowledgements of the company. The vision is to be one of the largest agencies in the APAC region. Not too many agencies have expanded from India to the APAC, though a lot of agencies have moved from APAC to India. So, our aspiration is to branch out to other international locations and see how we can grow our operations there. Kinnect is India’s foremost digital marketing agency, and has won many awards and accolades for campaigns, as well as for the company and its culture. One of our biggest accomplishments has been winning the South Asia’s Independent Agency of The Year, and also winning gold for Indian Agency Award - Independent. Over the next 5 years, we aim to be the dominant force in the Indian digital marketing industry. The vision for this continues to be creating award-winning brand campaigns and cutting edge data or tech-enabled solutions, with the singular aim to drive business results for our clients. 33 | October 2019
KENSTAR WEB SOLUTIONS FASTER STABLE RELIABLE . . . Solutions entered into business of providing quality and reliable Internet Services through Wireless Technology in the beginning of 2013. It received a very good response in this field and then the company began to provide faster internet services by implementing the Fiber network through GEPON. The company kept on investing heavily in its IT Infrastructure by procuring latest Routers, Layer 3 and Layer 2 switches from brands like Cisco and Juniper as well as at the client end devices. One Step Ahead The company deployed highly advanced technology equipment, firewalls, routers and manageable switches at backbone as well as at the client end; hence, today over 75% of its satisfied clients are on it's fast wireless network, remaining 25% on ultra-fast Fiber network. This helped Kenstar to achieve 99.5 percent up-time in broadband services (almost likes of Leased Line Services). Unlike other ISP providers who misguide clients by offering lucrative plans and half information, Kenstar delivers what’s promised and even guarantees money back offer if services are not up to the mark. Dr. Javeed Siddiqui Managing Director I Currently operating only in Maharashtra , the company has been consistent in providing faster internet at economical price while maintaining reliability through its customized plans designed as per the need and budget of the customer. ncorporated in the year 2007, Kenstar Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd. aims to provide quality solutions in the field of Information Technology and ITeS. The Maestro Managing Director The urbane grandee of 21 century, Dr. Javeed Siddiqui has modernized the Aurangabad state with the endowment of the fastest speed internet. Javeed has done Post-doctorate in Information Technology and owns commendable experience of more than two decades and owns supplementary Certification of MSCE, CCNP, MCITP and ITIL. His diligence and sagacity has turned a petite company into a super hit success. The company is enjoying the privilege to be among the top ten prominent Companies of India. st The Beginning Kenstar began its journey by starting Business Process Outsourcing services with clients mainly from the United States and United Kingdom. It than expanded to provide Web design and development services to its clients abroad. The Information Technology boom in India began in early 2010 and it kept on growing year-on-year. As there were huge technological changes and transformations in both homes and corporate sector, there was a need for high speed and stable Internet services. Looking at this opportunity and with an intention to cater Indian customers, Kenstar Web From five lakh initial investment to forty million current capital, the company has thrived multi-folds and is on the verge to complete the target of 400 Million i.e ten-folds in the hovering future. 34 October 2019|
‘ ‘ ‘ We are on mission to impart state of art Internet services error free services in order to ensure 24/7 connectivity to the customers Exclusive Services Offered Kenstar Web Solution offers trials to the customers and gives money back guarantee, so that, if they are not contented with the services. That seldom happens as Kenstar keeps its promise of client satisfaction at any cost. ‘ ‘ ‘ The packages offered by the Kenstar are super affordable and within the range of every customer. Besides they also make customized offers on client's demand to ensure that requirements are fulfilled as customer satisfaction can't be compromised. The magnum opus of the Kenstar is the three Lifeline Offer for the provision of turbulence-free 24*7 internet service along with the insurance and safeguard of security and hack-proof system of network. Headquarter in: Aurangabad, Maharashtra Major Operation Centers: Aurangabad On-going Projects Multi-peering exchanges like Extreme Infocom, Mumbai Exchange, NIXI etc are the top priority. Kenstar is tying up with multiple exchange in order to ensure that the customers receive the best speed and experience quality services. Triple Play is something that is soon going to be introduced in their network. Founded in Year: 2007 -- Total number of clients served & Countries served: 3500 in India Bringing Transformation Major Prominent Clients: Muthooth FinCorp, Arihant Honda, Hotel Manor, Avas Housing Finance, etc. • Robust Fiber Optic Kenstar is working hard to put the network in Ring Route. Beside the fiber network, company has a failover technology that puts the Wireless network 'ON' if both the fiber routes fail. That means, the customer will never loose connection to its main network. The company is also connecting the un-connected people i.e. taking internet to those where there is presently no broadband services. It is doing this by laying multiple towers and provide high speed broadband through 5.8 GHz Wireless Radio frequency. This will enable the rural population to enjoy faster internet services in same cost that is already being served to the urban population. Annual turnover on the founding year and current year: 2007: 2 Lacs - 2019: 4 crore Adjectives that resonate with the soul of your organization or services: ISP, Web Solutions, WiFi, WiMax, Broadband, IPTV, Fiber Optic, Security 35 | October 2019
• Hack Resistance Cheap equipment make the information more vulnerable to intruders, So, Kenstar Web solution has up-rooted the problem from the base by bringing the finest routers, switches and wireless devices, making it near-impossible for the hackers to meddle with the personal data of clienteles. Customer satisfaction ought to be the top most priority of a company • Automation Every customer is provided with self-help panel where they can renew, recharge, check the speed of their internet and change plans without any help from the customer support. Beside this, the company has WhatsApp messenger help desk to resolve the customer issues quickly. Customers are reminded about the expiry of plans and any new services that are being introduced through SMS. Kenstar’s Vision • Security Ensured Ÿ To be the leader in the ISP industry and to provide best services and quick support to our customers Dr. Javeed is very much conscious about the safety of the earnest customer personal information, so, his top-most priority is the assurance of the security by installing the best equipment. Other ISP’s do not focus on this aspect as much as Kenstar does. Ÿ To implement and promote latest technology and develop robust Infrastructure and network • Transparency Ÿ To develop the Digital India dream Unlike local ISP providers, which faked the promises and got miserably failed to provide the customers with what promised, Kenstar Web Solution offers crystal clear plans and provides the pledged packages without any in- transparency. Local ISP's implant cheap and unhandy Chinese switches which can prove problematic in future for the customers. For the surety, Kenstar Web solution offers money back guarantee to its customers which fades all the qualms about being mock. Javeed’s Word of Wisdom For entrepreneurs looking forward to come into industry, I recommend them to opt for VNO licenses instead of proper ISP license. This will reduce initial investment cost and will avoid the AGR filing to DoT which is mandatory to be done. VNOs do not require to file AGR and its license fee is much lesser than that of the ISP license. New comers who plan to enter this field should ensure that the main priority in this sector is Customer Service. You have to keep your customers happy with constant connectivity. We have had seen hundreds of customers vanishing from well-known internet service providers, thus indicating customer's dissatisfaction to their services. Hence, it is vital to understand that customers are king. They have multiple options to go for in this industry and therefore your brand should provide and fulfill their need. A Way Forward Dr. Javeed is working unstoppably and ceaselessly and just planning to flourish this business furthermore. Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) is going to be the new venture of Kenstar Web Solution. The plan shall include a telephone along with the internet service. Also, the team is planning to expand their service to PAN India. 36 October 2019|
Broadband Evolution Living the Digital Dream W locations and make them a part of India's growth story. As technology is playing a key role in causing disruptive change, digital tools will empower citizens and prove to be a game-changer, facilitated by high- speed broadband ith a vision to transform the country into a digitally empowered society and a knowledge economy, the Government of India is driving the great initiative named ‘Digital India’, taken by our hon’ble PM, Mr. Narendra Modi. This initiative /intends to reach out to the citizens in the remotest of It gained widespread attention in the year 1990 and since then it has become one of the most important technological developments of all time. The journey of broadband, so far, has been both, high speed and high demand for internet connectivity. Today, the demand for mobile and fixed broadband has reached at unprecedented levels and continues to grow. there was an era, where we had to dial a connection through the telephones; which gave a painfully slow speed of 56kbps. This slow speed made it very difficult to download anything apart from the text. Even at a full speed 38 October 2019|
a single, low-quality song i.e of roughly 3.5MB, would take more than 10-15 minutes to download. But, as because the internet speed is not always consistent, so realistically, it would take around 30 minutes to a few hours to download only one song. And, I think, the people at that time could not even think of downloading a low-quality movie, as it would take more than 28 hours for downloading. Additionally, back then, it was extremely inconvenient that the people were unable to make phone calls and browse the internet at the same time. 39 | October 2019
And then came high-speed broadband… Broadband revolutionized internet in the early 2000s by allowing the signal in one line, split between telephone and internet. This innovation allowed users to go online and make phone calls at the same time. The arrival of broadband networks enabled people to download files, songs, TV shows and movies at greater speeds. And, this opened up a new online/virtual world. Broadband is total bliss for the whole world after the pain felt from a dial-up connection. Broadband was extremely expensive when it was first launched, like most of the new technologies. So, the usage by people was less. But, today, nearly everyone in the world, has access to broadband and is benefiting from the speed. Since the launch of broadband, as time has passed, there has been a tremendous rise in new broadband technologies. Technologies such as 3G and 4G mobile broadbands which provide fast and reliable mobile internet at amazingly high speeds, also allow users to get online anywhere.Cable (fiber- optics) broadband, which has boosted connection speeds to a maximum of 1000Mbps(1Gpbs). Moving further, the transition to 5G broadbands are expected to pace up the broadband growth in India. Wireless for last-mile connectivity in rural India and growth in broadband penetration will drive market growth and eventually help India transition to a fully networked economy. -Shruti Jambhale, Editor 40 October 2019|
41 | October 2019
Solving the Puzzle C successful companies have a laser focus on customer satisfaction. Poor customer service has been the top reason for customers leaving organisations. Emergence of new products with new and differentiated capabilities is continuously increasing, but customers still tend to stick with companies that have serviced them well over time. This is why companies focus so much on customer loyalty and advocacy. Net Promoter (NPS) system continues to be a very reliable and consistent measure for assessing companies’ future growth potential as well as projections of revenue. Application of Data Science and Analytics to help improve satisfaction With the emergence of new technologies and application of data science methods on large amounts of data, it is becoming more and more commonplace for companies to put a stronger focus on factors that help increase customer loyalty for their specific products. Data science, analytics, statistical testing and machine learning are growing at an astronomical rate and companies are building capabilities or hiring experts to sift through the goldmine of data and help them drive the right business decisions swiftly. It is no longer enough for companies to believe that they understand what the customers want. It is not so simple anymore. Companies now understand that they don't just have one common group of customers. There are various sub-groups of customers who frequently have varying and sometimes diametrically opposite needs. Some customers may be interested in the product features and another set of customers may be with them for great customer service or convenience. These could be two very different groups who have different motivations for using the company’s products or services. Data scientists are able to create different customer profiles and understand what drives satisfaction or dissatisfaction for various customer segments. Each customer is unique in their expectations and desires; however data modelling can create groups of customers using Cluster analysis to hanging customer expectations and what drives satisfaction is changing at a faster pace than ever before. There is a reason why the world’s most segment those that have similar expectations and needs from the product. Cluster analysis is a class of techniques that are used to classify objects into related groups called clusters. It can also be used as a predictive analytics tool. New customers can be profiled and if they belong to a well understood cluster, an assessment can be made that can predict customer preferences and buying patterns. The models continue to evolve to keep updating the clustering patters as more data becomes available. The other frequently used application is sentiment analysis. Customers are constantly giving feedback on surveys, social media and other channels about the services and products. Sentiment analysis can automatically calculate a sentiment score of each comment. Automated actions can be taken to improve responsiveness on poor feedback. Natural Language processing (NLP) is commonly used in chat bots and automated emails or IVR responses. Importance of doing it right While there is a lot of buzz about latest data science and AI techniques, one shouldn’t deviate from the basic logical understanding of their business environment. Majority of the techniques available today help us do what we want to do faster and better. These techniques do not tell us what we should be doing, not do they tell us which techniques are more applicable for our business. Technology isn’t the final solution, it’s an enabler. The data scientist’s role is therefore not only to understand the benefits and limitations of various analysis, but more importantly to understand when they should or should not be used. They need to understand that correlation does not mean causation. Incorrect data analysis interpretations can do more harm than good because most management teams would not know the inner workings of the analysis. This is the reason we need experienced, reliable and trusted data science experts. A small error could lead to big impacts, especially in more automated scenarios where people may not get an opportunity to apply common sense before taking decisions. Solving the puzzle Most organisations are beginning to use data science, analytics and machine learning tools in different areas. When it comes to using these tools to improving customer 42 October 2019|
service, it needs to start with collecting true customer feedback Online surveys are the most commonly used tools for collecting and understanding customer preferences as well as feedback. Online surveys provide automated calculation of survey sample size to enable better analysis at the end of the surveys. Customer satisfaction surveys are adopted by almost all large organisations to constantly be in touch with customer requirements. The Data Potential online survey platform makes it seamless and effective for organisations with an easy tool to build beautiful surveys including automated sampling, calculations and statistical reports. Successful organizations constantly take feedback from their customers at different stages of their customer life cycle. Once data is collected, the first step is a high level analysis of the data including data cleansing, preparation and exclusions. The next step is usually to apply descriptive statistics, segmentation and visualisations. At this stage we have a high level understanding of trends but usually not enough to take intelligent business decisions. It would be fair to say that at this stage we have information, but not knowledge. Data science tools than help take it to the next level by really understanding the trends and preferences not only to establish accurate satisfaction drivers, but also in being able to highlight areas of improvement and opportunities for building customer loyalty. Data sciences experts help do all these with experience, mathematics and statistical skills to help identify the actions that need to be taken to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty in a scientific manner. Data potential helps companies through the complete process from gathering customer feedback on our survey platform to using expert data science skills to provide the distilled knowledge and intelligence to take smart business decisions. About the Author Ashutosh Sharma is the Founder of datapotential.com – an advanced online survey platform and aselector.com – an AI-based knowledge management platform. Apart from stirring professional roles with utmost excellence, Ashutosh is a writer, speaker, and thought leader on AI and statistical methods. Ashutosh Sharma Founder 43 | October 2019