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Benefits IoD Membership IoD Advance Membership

The staff profile of each member, which is published within weeks of receiving the invitation, is a great way of getting to know people and building a network of business leaders. I edited the copy before submitting it for publication. On my first day as a LinkedIn board member, I was met with two immediate surprises: As a new business leader with 20 years' experience running and growing my own small business, it was a fast track to establishing myself and my business in the eyes of current and potential customers and colleagues.<br><br>

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Benefits IoD Membership IoD Advance Membership

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  1. IoD Membership BenefitsIoD MembershipIoD AdvanceMembership Topics We'll Cover

  2. Benefits IoD Membership IoD Advance Membership Thestaffprofileofeachmember,whichis publishedwithinweeksofreceivingthe invitation,isagreatwayofgettingtoknow peopleandbuildinganetworkofbusiness leaders.Ieditedthecopybeforesubmittingit forpublication. OnmyfirstdayasaLinkedInboardmember,I wasmetwithtwoimmediatesurprises:Asa newbusinessleaderwith20years' experience runningandgrowingmyownsmallbusiness, itwasafasttracktoestablishingmyselfand mybusinessintheeyesofcurrentand potentialcustomersandcolleagues.

  3. CHOOSETHEMEMBERSHIPPLANTHAT WORKSFORYOU. TheInstituteofDirectorshipisthrilledtobeabletoprovideyouwith aneasyandaffordablewaytoaccessthehighestquality,mostup-to- dateinformationonhowtosetupandmanageabusiness.Weoffer threemembershipplansthataredesignedtomeetyourneeds, withoutbreakingthebank. GETOFFFORIOD MEMBERSHIP Themostimportantthingtorememberisthateverybusinessand everybusinessownerisdifferent.Thereisnoonesizefitsallandyou shouldbesuretochoosethemembershipplanthatfitsyou,your business,andyourgoals. Theprogramistailoredtowardsstartups,medium-sizedbusinesses, andestablishedprofessionalservicefirmswithlessthan10 employees.Thesebusinesseshavedemonstratedgrowthpotential andarereadytoscale,butdonotyethavetherightinfrastructure, knowledgeandskillsetstothriveonline.

  4. InstituteOf Interim Management Contact with IIM Org Email:memberservices@iim.org.uk Phone:08000304716 Address:DolphinsElmsteadRoad,West Byfleet,Surrey,KT146JB Website:www.iim.org.uk

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