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Intrapartum fetal heart rate assessment

Intrapartum fetal heart rate assessment. Dr dabbaghi.

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Intrapartum fetal heart rate assessment

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  1. Intrapartum fetal heart rate assessment Dr dabbaghi

  2. Assessment of the fetus during labor is a challenging task. The rationale for monitoring the fetal heart rate (FHR) is that FHR patterns are indirect markers of the fetal cardiac and medullary responses to blood volume changes, acidemia, and hypoxemia, since the brain modulates heart rate.

  3. EFFECTIVENESS OF INTRAPARTUM FHR MONITORING •  The primary goal of FHR monitoring is to identify hypoxemic and acidotic fetuses in whom timely intervention will prevent death. A secondary goal is to avoid fetal neurologic injury, if possible.

  4. A 2013 systematic review of 13 randomized trials (two of high quality) including >37,000 women (both low and high risk) that compared continuous electronic FHR monitoring to intermittent auscultation found no significant difference between techniques in: • Perinatal mortality • Cerebral palsy • Cord blood acidosis • Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy • Neurodevelopmental impairment at • Apgar score <4 at 5 minutes • Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission

  5. INDICATIONS • The United States Preventive Services Task Force and the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care have made the following statements : • Routine electronic FHR monitoring for low-risk women in labor is not recommended • There is insufficient evidence to recommend for or against intrapartum electronic FHR monitoring for high-risk pregnant women. • The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists recommends: • Continuous electronic FHR monitoring for high risk women • Intermittent auscultation for low risk women • The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) stated: • High risk pregnancies (eg, preeclampsia, suspected growth restriction, type 1 diabetes mellitus) should be monitored continuously during labor. • Either electronic FHR monitoring or intermittent auscultation is acceptable in uncomplicated patients.


  7. Internal (Direct) Electronic Monitoring • Direct fetal heartmeasurement is accomplished by attaching a bipolar spiral electrode directly to the fetus • The wire electrode penetrates the fetal scalp, and the second pole is a metal wing on the electrode. • The two wires of the bipolarelectrode are attached to a reference electrode on the maternal thigh to eliminate electricalinterference. • The electrical fetal cardiac signal—P wave, QRS complex, and T wave—is amplifiedand fed into a cardiotachometer for heart rate calculation. • The peak R-wave voltage is the portion ofthe fetal electrocardiogram most reliably detected.

  8. External (Indirect) Electronic Monitoring • The fetal heart rate is detected through the maternal abdominal wall using the ultrasound Dopplerprinciple. • Ultrasound waves undergo a shift in frequency as they are reflected frommoving fetal heart valves and from pulsatile blood ejected during systole. • The unitconsists of a transducer that emits ultrasound and a sensor to detect a shift in frequency of thereflected sound. • The transducer is placed on the maternal abdomen at a site where fetal heart action isbest detected. • A coupling gel must be applied because air conducts ultrasound waves poorly. • Thedevice is held in position by a belt.

  9. Fetal Heart Rate Patterns

  10. Baseline Fetal Heart Activity • This refers to the modal characteristics that prevail apart from periodic accelerations ordecelerations associated with uterine contractions. • Descriptive characteristics of baseline fetal heartactivity include: • rate • beat-to-beat variability • fetal arrhythmia • sinusoidal or saltatory fetal heart rates.

  11. Rate • With increasing fetal maturation, the heart rate decreases. • The baseline fetal heart rate decreased anaverage of 24 bpm between 16 weeks and term, or approximately 1 beat/min per week. • This normalgradual slowing of the fetal heart rate is thought to correspond to maturation of parasympathetic(vagal) heart control. • The baseline fetal heart rate is the approximate mean rate rounded to increments of 5 bpm during a10-minute tracing segment. • In any 10-minute window, the minimum interpretable baseline durationmust be at least 2 minutes.

  12. Rate • If the baseline fetal heart rate is less than 110 bpm, it is termedbradycardia. • If the baseline rate is greater than 160 bpm, it is termed tachycardia. • The average fetalheart rate is considered the result of tonic balance between accelerator and decelerator influenceson pacemaker cells. • In this concept, the sympathetic system is the accelerator influence, and theparasympathetic system is the decelerator factor mediated via vagal slowing of heart rate.

  13. Rate • Heart rate also is under the control of arterial chemoreceptors such that both hypoxia andhypercapniacan modulate rate. • More severe and prolonged hypoxia, with a rising blood lactate leveland severe metabolic acidemia, induces a prolonged fall in heart rate.

  14. Rate • Bradycardia • Tachycardia • Wandering Baseline

  15. Beat-to-Beat Variability • Baseline variability is an important index of cardiovascular function and appears to be regulatedlargely by the autonomic nervous system. • That is, a sympathetic and parasympathetic“push and pull” mediated via the sinoatrial node produces moment-to-moment or beat-to-beatoscillation of the baseline heart rate. • Such heart rate change is defined as baseline variability.

  16. Beat-to-Beat Variability • short term • Short-term variability reflects the instantaneous change in fetal heart rate from one beat—orR wave—to the next. • This variability is a measure of the time interval between cardiac systoles (Fig.24-8). • Short-term variability can most reliably be determined to be normally present only whenelectrocardiac cycles are measured directly with a scalp electrode.

  17. Beat-to-Beat Variability • long term • Long-term variability is used todescribe the oscillatory changes during 1 minute and result in the waviness of the baseline. • The normal frequency of such waves is three to five cycles per minute

  18. Increased Variability • Several physiological and pathological processes can affect or interfere withbeat-to-beat variability. • Fetalbreathing • Fetal body movements • advancing gestation • Fetal gender

  19. Decreased Variability • Diminished beat-to-beat variability can be an ominous sign indicating a seriously compromised fetus. • loss of variability in combination with decelerations was associated with fetal acidemia. • Decreased variability was defined as 5 or fewer bpmexcursion of the baseline.

  20. Decreased Variability • The precise pathological mechanisms by which fetal hypoxemia results in diminished beat-to-beat variability are not totally understood. • Interestingly, mild degrees of fetal hypoxemia have been reported actually to increase variability, at least at the outset of the hypoxic episode . • According to Dawes,it seems probable that the loss of variability is a result of metabolic acidemia that causes depression of the fetal brainstem or the heart itself. • Thus, diminished beat-to-beat variability, when it reflects fetal compromise, likely reflects acidemia rather than hypoxia.

  21. Decreased Variability • A common cause of diminished beat-to-beat variability is administration of analgesic drugs during labor. • narcotics • barbiturates • phenothiazines • tranquilizers • general anesthetics • Magnesium sulfate

  22. Decreased Variability • It is generally believed that reduced baseline heart rate variability is the single most reliable sign of fetal compromise.

  23. Decreased Variability • In summary, beat-to-beat variability is affected by various pathological and physiological mechanisms. • Variability has considerably different meaning depending on the clinical setting. • The development of decreased variability in the absence of decelerations is unlikely to be due to fetal hypoxia (Davidson, 1992). • A persistently flat fetal heart rate baseline—absent variability—within the normal baseline rate range and without decelerations may reflect a previous insult to the fetus that has resulted in neurological damage.

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