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The National Graduate School of Quality Management NGS/U

The National Graduate School of Quality Management NGS/U Orientation for Incoming Students

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The National Graduate School of Quality Management NGS/U

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  1. The National Graduate School of Quality ManagementNGS/U Orientation for Incoming Students All materials presented within the “Orientation for Incoming Students” is also contained within the Student Handbook. The following set of slides highlight some key points that every new student should know. Refer to the Student Handbook for additional clarification and official policy statements.

  2. Overview

  3. Topics to be Addressed • NGS/U Accreditation • Academic Tenets & Assessment • Student Responsibilities • General NGS/U Policies and Procedures • Financial Aid • Additional Resources and Information • The Doctor of Business Administration Program

  4. Regionally AccreditedNationally Recognized By the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEAS&C) through its Commission on Institutions of Higher Education (CIHE) 209 Burlington Road Bedford, MA 01730-1433 781-271-0022

  5. Academic Tenets & Assessment

  6. Tenets of the NGS/U Learning Community • The institution achieves its academic goals through the commitment and performance of its faculty and students • NGS/U promotes a learning environment that encourages • a cooperative spirit and teamwork • respect for diversity and inclusiveness of people and their ideas • intellectual curiosity and inquiry • tangible and quantifiable outcomes for the customer • concern for the customer’s goals, needs, and expectations • continual learning and measurable improvements • a balance between theory and practice • sharing real-life experiences while adhering to the highest standards of confidentiality and ethical behavior

  7. Assessment Instruments • Assessment of educational outcomes is conducted at the course level, the semester level, and by the overall effectiveness of the DBA Curriculum • Faculty assess individual and team outcomes against educational objectives in each course • The Dissertation Project Supervisor and the faculty conduct Juried Reviews and assess student application of theory learned, semester-by-semester, for each doctoral dissertation project • Overall program effectiveness is evaluated by analysis of the student Dissertation Project, wherein results are validated by sponsors • The NGS/U administration assesses the results of the Program by monitoring cost savings achieved at sponsoring organizations; student promotions or advancements directly attributed to the attainment of the degree; and via surveys

  8. Student Responsibilities

  9. Student Responsibilities • Honor all NGS/U academic tenets • Read the NGS/U Student Handbook • Download all course materials from Blackboard • Purchase required books and supplemental instructional aids as described in each course syllabus • Complete all assignments in a timely and professional manner • Report anticipated absences to NGS/U faculty

  10. Student Responsibilities • Confer with faculty on manner in which to make-up any missed course work or class-time as a result of deployment • Seek academic counseling from faculty at the first sign of a problem that will affect individual performance • Follow-up with faculty to remediate incomplete grades within the required time frame • Meet all program requirements

  11. Advance Absence Notification Due to temporary duty, deployment, long-term illness, disability or extraordinary hardship you must take the following Proactive steps: • Send written notification to faculty and studentservices123@ngs.edu • making appropriate coordination for course completion • Coordinate make-up work and a timeline for submission • Submit assignments within the timeframe established by the Professor or course syllabus • Request an academic plan to meet course requirements and the specific terms outlined in the academic plan • for more than one course, contact studentservices123@ngs.edu • While absent, maintain communication with your Professor, Dissertation Project Supervisor and team members • continue to contribute to team presentations by providing input • keep documentation and logs of all progress input • Upon return, provide proper notification and reconnect with your team

  12. Classroom Etiquette • Follow all rules of military installations and civilian facilities • Be punctual • Do not use tape recorders without permission from faculty and consensus from class members • Adjust communications equipment to “vibrate” mode • Avoid disruptive class behaviors • Do not perform other work while class is in session • Return classroom to previous condition

  13. General Policies & Procedures

  14. Admissions Requirements Stated in the Student Handbook (Section 5) NGS/U must receive by the end of Course One: • Official Master’s Degree transcript • Contact your college • Have your transcript sent directly to NGS/U • If your undergraduate degree is from outside of USA, you must submit a transcript request to The Center for Educational Documentation • Log into your Application account for the address & downloadable form • Two letters of recommendation • Reference letter forms are available • Log into your Application account for the downloadable Form Have both sent to: Keeper of Records The National Graduate School 186 Jones Road Falmouth, MA 02540

  15. Student Council Representative • Chosen before or during course one • Primary liaison between the class and NGS/U • Assists in program administration and logistics • Acts as classroom facility manager (including equipment) • Assists with special events (such as graduation planning) Every Cohort Group will select a class representative:

  16. Class Cancellation Policy • NGS/U will notify students in a timely fashion if class is cancelled or rescheduled for any reason • Notices are sent via email, phone and any other appropriate means to reach the student – by Faculty or other NGS/U employees only • Students may call the Inclement Weather and Special Notification Hotline @ 800-838-2580 • NGS/U makes every attempt to maintain established schedules and reserves the right to make changes to the schedule when necessary

  17. Course Assessments • Completed at the end of each course • Completed anonymously via on-line survey • Helps NGS/U identify opportunities for improvement in • courses • faculty • class logistics and facilities • Helps instructors improve learning outcomes • NGS/U is committed to continuous improvement! We appreciate your feedback!

  18. Financial Assistance

  19. Student Accounts • Bursar’s Office 1-800-838-2580, Extension #509 • Tuition Assistance (TA) Form submission • Corporate Voucher submission • Handles all payments and account questions • Access your Student Account information online http://216 206 161 17 to check tuition account balance

  20. Student Responsibilities • Know your benefits & local Education Services Officer (ESO) policies • TA Forms • See ESO for approval procedure and send approved form to NGS Bursar • VA – obtain your Certificate of Eligibility • NGS/U will provide instructions regarding authorized site codes and NGS/U certifying official • Visit www.gibill.va.gov • Corporate vouchers – Submit to Bursar

  21. NGS/U can help you with Financial Aid!We Will: • Tell you what’s available and how to combine resources • Provide detailed guidelines to determine your cost of attendance ( www.ngs.edu/financialaid ) • Offer support for “intelligent borrowing” • Explain the process for securing loans Talk to a Financial Aid Counselor financialaid@ngs.edu or 1-800-838-2580, Ext #509

  22. Stafford Loans and Bank of America Private Loans Visit: www.ngs.edu/admissions/financialaid Or call: 1-800-838-2580, Ext. 509 for more information Can be used for tuition, fees, books, computers, and other school expenses! Remember, loans must be repaid!

  23. Additional Resources and Information

  24. The NGS/U Student Handbook • Outlines all policies • Can be accessed on-line • Log into the NGS/U site at www.ngs.edu • Go to Students/Current Students/Catalog and Current Student Handbook • http://www.ngs.edu/html/current_students.htm • The Student Handbook is also accessible from a link on the Orientation Course Module • It is the only source for NGS/U regulations concerning Students Services issues

  25. Student ID Cards • Student ID’s may get you discounts on books, computers, etc. • Visit www.studentdiscount.com • Digital photo will be taken by NGS/U staff person at an orientation event held prior to the first class • If you miss this event, then email an uploaded picture (head shot of yourself) to: photo@ngs.edu • Your NGS/U student ID will be mailed to you or delivered to your class!

  26. Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Program

  27. The DBA Degree • Emphasis on “applied research” versus “pure research” • What is the difference? • Applied Research: Designed to solve specific “practical problems” • Pure Research: Designed to acquire broad “basic” knowledge

  28. The DBA Degree~ continued ~ • Prepares graduates to: • Lead & Manage organizational efforts related to the various disciplines {Quality Systems Management; Homeland Security Policy & Quality Management; Environmental Quality Policy & Quality Management} • Advance the body of knowledge and best practices • Demonstrate measurable improvements in their sponsor organizations

  29. Graduation Requirements • Complete 20, 3-credit doctoral courses • Maintain a 3.0 grade-point-average • Complete a senior-level Dissertation Project with enterprise-wide results • Demonstrate understanding through supervised teaching at the graduate level • Publish an article or text related to the dissertation project in a recognized and refereed medium • Orally present the results of your work during a Doctoral Dissertation Defense

  30. Curricula Overview • Divided into four Semesters {“academic gates”} of approximately six months each • Formal summative assessment required at end of each “gate” to assure achievement of designated learning • DBA Specialization Selection accomplished during First Semester because: • Dissertation Project has been designated & proposed • Champions and Guiding Coalition have been selected • Performance Measurement Agreement has been defined

  31. DBA Program Delivery Format • Accelerated, low-residence • Courses & Dissertation Project completed simultaneously • Approximately half of courses completed “in residence” • Remaining courses completed “virtually” (Substantive Internet access required) • NGS/U “cluster sites” located nationally and internationally

  32. Dissertation Project Requirements • Completed on an Individual Basis, each must include and/or address: • Organizational sponsorship • A Senior-level Champion, pre-approved by the NGS/U Faculty • Explicit links to organizational value stream, priorities and/or enterprise-wide objectives

  33. Dissertation Project RequirementsContinued • Performance measures jointly pre-approved by the organizational Champion and NGS/U Faculty • A schedule for in-progress reviews by the Candidate, Champion and Faculty • Significant impact • Measurable Financial benefits to the sponsor

  34. Electronic Coursework Submission • DBA students will submit assignments and Dissertation Project information into the student learning portal “BlackBoard.” Considered one of the best used in American doctoral programs today, “BlackBoard” allows students to: • Electronically enter assignments into the BlackBoard ‘Digital Drop Box’ • Receive assignments directly from Professors • Receive Email messages • Chat with peers

  35. Additional “BlackBoard” Resources • BlackBoard provides: • Access to course materials (syllabi, slides, etc…) • Announcements to students • The “General Information Course” (training) for All Students • Class schedule - date, time, and location of classes • Book list (Buy books early. New courses begin every 5 weeks! Recommend you buy books a semester at a time) • Additional Links to • Financial Aid • Student accounts • Student Handbook

  36. Sensitive & Proprietary Information It is understandable that some Dissertation Projects will be sensitive in nature. For that reason, NGS/U has made available a “secure” site in which project information is limited only to the Professors who require access to evaluate student progress toward the completion of degree requirements.

  37. Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA’s) During the 16-year history of The National Graduate School, the institution has mentored students in the implementation of many highly-sensitive projects. As a result, it is very familiar with NDA’s and will, therefore, require any member of the Administration, Faculty or Staff to provide a signed copy whenever necessary to protect the confidentiality of proprietary information associated with any Doctoral Dissertation project

  38. Student Support Teams • Dissertation Projects implemented in most accredited doctoral programs across the nation are completed individually, therefore the same will occur at NGS/U. • Students will, however, be assigned to “Support Teams” in which they will benefit from personal and professional collegiality, academic support, as well as opportunities to apply and test the principles of “team dynamics” in relation to the myriad dissertations projects proposed by their peers.

  39. Faculty Teams • NGS/U also employs the “team approach” in its assignment of faculty. As a result, students receive instruction from a vast range of professionals who possess expertise in an array of appropriate, related fields. • All courses and dissertations will be taught and examined by: • Faculty Content Teams that include subject-matter-experts qualified to teach specific courses • Juried Review Teams who review DBA Projects

  40. The Doctoral Dissertation Process ~ Intensified “Quick Start” Approach ~ • In Course 1 - begin to “conceptualize” your prospective dissertation topic • No later than Course 3 - finalize selection of a topic and prepare a “Dissertation Problem Statement” as well as “Research Questions” • By end of First Semester (Course 4) - prepare and submit a DRAFT of the first three Chapters of your Dissertation

  41. The Dissertation Process- continued - • Conduct research while completing coursework • Present a “trial” version of your Dissertation Defense to the Doctoral Dissertation Committee during your “Initial Colloquium.” • Taking advantage of recommendations from your Dissertation Committee, make any necessary revisions to your document & presentation • Present your dissertation during the “Final Colloquium” commonly known as the “Doctoral Dissertation Defense.”

  42. The Colloquium{ko-loke-kwe-um} - A traditional requirement of nearly every accredited doctoral program nationwide. - Two-part process that requires both “Initial” and “Final” presentations of your Doctoral Dissertation. - Both “colloquium” and “colloquia” (plural) are common terms, however the former is applied at NGS/U. - Includes a detailed description of findings specified in your Five Chapter Dissertation DRAFT. - Presented during Course 19, it serves as a valuable opportunity to receive feedback from the Dissertation Committee as you prepare for the “Final Colloquium” commonly known as the “Doctoral Dissertation Defense.”

  43. Doctoral Dissertations – In General • Technically, a “manuscript” • Several common formats used in the US • American Psychological Association Style (APA) • Modern Language Association of America (MLA) • Chicago Style • Turabian (variation of Chicago Style specifically used for student theses and dissertations) • American Chemical Society Style (ACS Format)

  44. The NGS/U Dissertation • Written in the Five-Chapter format of the APA Style (Seven-Chapter format written for some Social & Behavioral Science dissertations at other institutions) • The Chapters are entitled: - Introduction - Review of Related Literature - Methodology - Results - Conclusions and Summary

  45. Doctoral Candidacy • A significant academic milestone! • “Doctoral Candidate” and “Doctoral Student” are often interchangeably used, however, • Doctoral Candidacy is “Official” ONLY following: • Approval of Dissertation Project by sponsoring organization and Dissertation Project Supervisor • Submission of a Signed Dissertation Project Charter • Oral presentation of the Dissertation Project during the “Initial Doctoral Dissertation Colloquium” • Maintenance of a 3.0gpa with no outstanding “I” grades

  46. Dissertation Preparation Resources • Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (Fifth Edition) Includes format guidelines and instructions related to dissertation preparation, in general • NGS/U Doctoral Dissertation Guide Provides instructions specific to NGS/U dissertations • NGS/U Doctor of Business Administration Programs Reference Manual Your resource for nearly every other DBA Program issue

  47. Dissertation Project Support You will be granted access and a training package during the first Dissertation Project class

  48. Research Databases • NGS/U offers the following to assist doctoral-level researchers acquire the information necessary to complete their dissertations: • FirstSearch Online Database • ProQuest Doctoral Dissertation Databases, Volumes A & B • Web-of-Science (Michigan Library Consortium) • Naval Postgraduate School Homeland Security Digital Library

  49. Research Databases- continued - • ERIC • MEDLINE • ArticleFirst • GPO (WorldCat Dissertations & Theses) • Clase and Periodica • Electronic Collections Online • ProceedingsFirst • PapersFirst • The World Almanac • OALster • CAMIO • CONTENTdm • ArchieveGrid And more

  50. Interactive Online Information system It includes: Books Journal Articles Films Computer Software Other Materials EXAMPLEFirstSearch Online Database http://firstsearch.oclc.org

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