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Marker Rendering Basics Product Design Sketching Marker Rendering Marker is a medium with great transparency Marker inks are dye-based, bright and vivid in colour Marker renderings should be sharp and crisp Similar Colours
Marker Rendering Basics Product Design Sketching
Marker Rendering • Marker is a medium with great transparency • Marker inks are dye-based, bright and vivid in colour • Marker renderings should be sharp and crisp
Similar Colours • Marker strokes fuse together on normal paper and get lighter when dried • Marker stroke will not fuse on tracing paper and the same colour appears lighter than on normal paper On paper On tracing
Complimentary Colours • Unlike colour pencil, mixing complimentary colours may result in rather awkward result On paper On tracing
Grey Overlay • Overlaying grey tones on colour strokes can produce good shades • Applying light tones over a dark tone on tracing produce a ‘water-wash’ result On paper On tracing
Pick 3 marker pens of similar hues but different tones. With the lightest tone, use diagonal strokes to render the top surface with the highlight zone left blank With vertical strokes, render the 2 vertical surfaces With the middle tone colour, overlay a second layer to one of the vertical surfaces using vertical strokes and half of the other surface with diagonal strokes Add a final layer of vertical strokes using the darker tone Overlay another layer of diagonal strokes on half of the vertical layer Add background colour Use a cooler colour for shadow Step 8 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Basic Skills:Marker Solo
Apply a quick sweep of strokes on the paper to give the sketch a colour background Fill the shaded face with bluish shadow tone Fill the side face with medium grey tone and water-wash the shaded face with the same tone Overlay a layer of light tone to blend the colours Add the blue shadow High-light the top face and edges with colour pencil Mixed Media:Background Brush
Render the background with a dark color of marker pen Depict light, shade and shadow of the cube with marker pens Enhance the rendering with colour pencils Mixed Media:Marker + Colour Pencil
Rub a layer of powdered pastel colour against the paper to cover the entire cube Use a middle tone marker pen to render the vertical surface in shade With a marker pen of lighter tone, render a triangular area on the 2 vertical surfaces Use a darker tone marker to render the shadow Rub out pastel pigment along the horizontal edges with an eraser Give final touch to the drawing with a colour pencil highlighting the edges for a more crispy and definitive outline Mixed Media:Pastel Rubbing
Apply the marker rendering techniques to draw geometrical form compositions Use your assignment from lesson 6 as reference Complete 1 rendering in 10 minutes 2 – 3 drawing per A4 page Activity - Geometrical Forms