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Roberts Rules of Order

Roberts Rules of Order. Basic Rules for Effective Meetings. Why Robert’s. Robert’s Rules of Order is the default legal process for most government, professional and other social groups. First published in 1876

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Roberts Rules of Order

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  1. Roberts Rules of Order Basic Rules for Effective Meetings

  2. Why Robert’s • Robert’s Rules of Order is the default legal process for most government, professional and other social groups. • First published in 1876 • Roberts Rules are used in most deliberative assemblies where public business is conducted

  3. Why Robert’s • Deliberative assemblies must operate in a manner that is formal and perceived as fair • Robert’s allows for a fair and orderly operation of representatives in a system of majority rule • Respecting Robert’s Rules allows the minority to feel that majority is not acting in a tyrannical fashion

  4. Purpose of Robert’s Rules The rules protect (a) the rights of the majority to decide (b) the rights of the minority to be heard (c) the rights of assembly members (d) the rights of absentees

  5. Ten Basic Rules 1. The Rights of the Organization Supersede the Rights of Individual members 2. All members are equal and their rights are equal • Those rights are • To Attend Meetings • To Make Motions

  6. Ten Basic Rules • In Debate • To Nominate • To Vote • To Hold Office

  7. Ten Basic Rules 3. A Quorum must be present to do business • Either a percentage of members or whatever is defined by the organization 4. The Majority Rules 5. Silence is Consent • Those members that do not vote, agree to go along with the decision of the majority by their silence

  8. Ten Basic Rules 6. Two-thirds vote rule • A 2/3rds vote is customary when limiting or taking away the rights of members or changing a previous decision 7. One question at a time and one speaker at a time • Motions must be related to matters under consideration • Once a member has been “recognized” this individual has been granted “the floor” and may not be interrupted by another member

  9. Ten Basic Rules 8. Motions must receive full debate • The chair may not put a motion to vote as long as members wish to debate it • Ending debate customarily can only be cut short by a 2/3rds vote 9. Once a decision is made, an identical motion shall not be entertained at the same meeting. • Such a motion shall be ruled out of order by the chair

  10. Ten Basic Rules 10. Personal remarks in a debate are ALWAYS out of order • Debate must be directed to • Motions • Debate should not be directed to • Motives • Principles • Personalities

  11. Running a Meeting Effectively Meeting Chair Characteristics • On Time • Organized: has a meeting agenda made available to members prior to the meeting • Prepared: knows the rules and bylaws • In control of the floor • Impartial • Composed • Precise: restates motions before the vote • Focused: stays on track with discussions • Temperate( lay off the Gavel)


  13. Keeping Minutes Minutes are the written record of the meeting • Minutes are the permanent and legal record of the meeting • They should be written as concisely as possible • The Secretary’s duty • All Local bylaws must be recorded and entered in a separate document so that a member can view them at any time

  14. Keeping Minutes What should be in the minutes? • Date/time of meeting • List of those in attendance • Brief description of discussions • Recording of all motions • Include name • Who made the motion • Who seconded • Results of the vote • Time of adjournment

  15. Keeping Minutes Approval of Minutes • Review Minutes from previous meeting • Allow for Corrections • Reminder to members of previous decisions and discussions

  16. Motions and Voting Keep it simple • Any voting member may make a motion • Another voting member must second the motion • Discussion may then take place • Following discussion, the meeting Chair must call for a vote • Those in Favor • Those opposed • Those abstaining

  17. County Specific Rules • The first meeting of the year the Chair is elected. NO BUSINESS BEFORE THIS IS DONE {ref: 48-5-298(a)} • Details on discussion of line item budget requests and any revised budget requests with BOC. • Detailed notes on Approval or Denial of Covenants and Exemptions {ref 48-5-263(b)(4)

  18. County Specific Rules • Detailed account of Approval of Ratios, Schedules, values, and the mailing of COA notices {ref: 48-5-263(b)(9), 560-10-.09(5)}{48-5-263(b)(5), 48-5-297} • Detailed record of Approval of Procedures such as E&R, Advertising, Seeking Access to Properties {ref 48-5-264.1}, {560-11-10-.09(1)(d)2(i), {ref: 48-5-264.1} • Detail of Public Participation in BOA Meetings, including Names of Participant

  19. Sales Ratio Analysis (Define the problem) • Appraisal Staff performs sales ratio analysis. • Take to BOA to be added to the minutes. • This shows the BOA where the county stands on equalization, bias, and level of assessment.

  20. Defining When Revaluation is Necessary • Define the problem • Sales Ratio Analysis • Run sales ratios by each digest class using prior year sales: • Residential/LM,FM • Agricultural/LM,FM • Commercial/LM,FM • Industrial/LM,FM • R,A,C,I/LM,FM (Overall)

  21. Revaluation – Getting Started • In House ? BOA Needs? • To inform other county officials the need for revaluation.

  22. Revaluation – Getting Started • In House ? BOA Needs? • Inform the public revaluation is being done.

  23. Steps For Contracting Revaluation • BOA Should Review Bid Proposals to ensure the RFP provides the necessary work.

  24. Steps For Contracting Revaluation • BOA should contact references prior to selecting any vendor to ensure contractor performs quality work.

  25. Steps For Contracting Revaluation • BOA approve bid and recommend the contractor to the BOC.

  26. Steps For Contracting Revaluation • BOA & Appraisal Staff should review phases of work completed by contractor. • Prior to approving payment. • This policy ensures the county gets a quality job.

  27. Sales Ratio Analysis (Problems Fixed) • Have you fixed all your problems? • Again, run sales ratios by each digest class using prior year sales: • Residential/LM,FM • Agricultural/LM,FM • Commercial/LM,FM • Industrial/LM,FM

  28. Sales Ratio Analysis (Problem Fixed) • Take final ratios to BOA for approval of all schedules and values. • Add ratio documentation to the minutes.

  29. Notice Reportmay show previous, current, difference, and percent of change in value for flagged real and personal property accounts.

  30. File COA List With BOA Minutes • Take Lists to BOA for • approval of all value • changes and the • mailing of assessment notices.

  31. Update ABOS Tables • Only if CAMA system has capability. • If not, purchase new year ABOS book. • Reappraise boats & motors

  32. Update NADA Manufactured Housing Tables • Only if CAMA system has capability. • If not, purchase new year NADA MFG Housing book. • Reappraise Mfg Housing

  33. Mobile Home Digest Export (By November 15)Print Mobile Home Digest for BOA Approval • Take List to BOA for approval of all Mobile home values.

  34. County Specific Rules • Detailed record of Changes to Previously Authorized Procedures • Detailed account of BOA Official Interaction with County Officers ex. TC • Detailed List of Properties dealt with in Appeals, including Outcome when Available • Details on digest submission to TC. • Detailed record of Approval of Procedures such as E&R.

  35. Key Words DETAIL

  36. Roberts Rules of Order • http://www.robertsrules.org/indexprint.html

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