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Presentation to the Portfolio Committee. Strategic Plan and Budget of the Department of Home Affairs 2011/ 12 – 2013/14 15 March 2011. Structure of Presentation. Background Role of the DHA in the State and Society Overview of achievements for the 2010 – 2011 financial year
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee Strategic Plan and Budget of the Department of Home Affairs 2011/ 12 – 2013/14 15 March 2011
Structure of Presentation • Background • Role of the DHA in the State and Society • Overview of achievements for the 2010 – 2011 financial year • Strategic responses to key challenges for the 2010 – 2011 financial year • DHA direct contribution (3) to the twelve (12) National Outcomes • DHA Outcomes for the period 2010/11 to 2013/14 • Commitments for DHA in Minister’s Performance Agreement • Delivery Agreements of other Clusters • Principles informing the Strategic Plan • Objectives, Outputs, Targets for 2011/12 to 2013/14 • Transformation matters of DHA • Who Am I Online (WAIO) • Budget 2011/12 to 2013/14
Background • DHA has aligned its planning and the development of its strategic objectives in line with the new outcome-based approach of Government • Based on the new approach, the Minister has signed a performance agreement with the President for the period 2009 to 2014 • Minister has also signed Delivery Agreements with Ministers from other departments representing their Clusters • Two departmental Retreats were conducted in 2010 to develop and align DHA outcomes and objectives with the 12 national outcomes of Government • The implementation of transformation initiatives (e.g. stakeholder forums, operational model) in the DHA is geared towards ensuring the delivery of efficient, effective, accessible and quality services to the public
Role of the DHA in the State and Society • Ensuring that all citizens and residents have enabling documents in order to have equal access to rights and services in the interests of development, redress, building democracy and fighting poverty. • Furthering national interests in a globalised and highly competitive world by the facilitation of business and trade and by the strategic acquisition of scarce skills. • Assuring the security of the state. Security is broadly defined, as in the Constitution, including the rights to peace and stability and the pursuit of a better life. Therefore, the fight against crime and corruption is a key element. • Support for SADC development and cooperation, including through the progressive and secure facilitation of the movement of people and trade. • Transformation of the DHA in support of a well organised state that can lead development and deliver secure, caring and efficient services.
Overview of Achievements for 2010- 2011 Civic Services • National Population Registration (NPR) campaign was launched on 23 March 2010 in Libode by the President and the subsequent roll out of the NPR campaign took place • 47 health facilities connected for online birth registration making a total of 192 health facilities connected • 987 628 births registered for age group 0 – 14 years of which 492 064 were registered within 30 days (Apr 2010 to Feb 2011) • 93% of LRB applications finalized within 90 days for the age group 15 years and above based on old LRB process • 174 931 LRB ID numbers allocated for age group 15 and above for period April 2010 to February 2011 • Number of IDs issued to 16 year olds – 337 328 turning 16 and 811 864 to those 16 years and above for period April 2010 to February 2011 • 253 out of 282 local government structures have established stakeholder forums • Provincial stakeholder forums were launched in Eastern Cape, Free State and KZN
Overview of Achievements for 2010- 2011 Civic Services • South African Citizenship Amendment Bill, 2010, the Births and Deaths Registration Amendment Bill, 2010 and the Local Government: Municipal Electoral Amendment Bill, 2010 has been assented to and signed by the President • Regarding 3rd party verification, MoU with SASSA signed, MoUs between DHA, SABRIC and TEBA under consideration, interface with SABRIC tested • Turnaround times • 54 days on average (ID – First Issue) • 47 days on average (ID – Re Issue) • 24 days (manual process) on average - Passports • 13 days (live capture process) on average - Passports
Overview of Achievements for 2010- 2011 Immigration Services • Contributed successfully to the hosting of the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup and complied with all 4 guarantees signed with FIFA by the Government, namely • Visas to be issued to a broad range of persons including FIFA Delegation and Commercial Affiliates, media representatives and foreign visitors • Work permits to be issued to a broad range of persons • Priority treatment to be provided for the FIFA delegation, teams and other accredited persons at ports of entry • Telecommunications and information technology residing within the ambit of the Ministry of Home Affairs, including the implementation of an enhanced movement control system to prioritised ports of entry • A total of 2 387 524 travellers entered the RSA during the World Cup (May to July 2010) compared to 1 119 562 in 2009 • Refugees Amendment Bill, 2010 and the Immigration Amendment Bill, 2010 are still being deliberated on by Parliament • Approximately 12 000 skills-related work permits issued to foreigners • Zimbabwean Documentation project – 275 760 applications received and over 70 000 finalised to date
Overview of Achievements 2010- 2011 Support • Implementation of the Counter Corruption strategy through: • Counter Corruption and Security Services (CCSS) chief directorate upgraded to branch level comprising of key areas such as vetting, prevention and analysis • Number of cases dealt with regarding fraud and corruption in 2010/11: • Detections: 184 • Arrests: 38 • Convictions: 16 • Upgrading of security features of BMD certificates, IDs (photo digitisation) and passports • Cyber Crime Policy developed in conjunction with Department of Communication • Improved audit report – qualification on assets only • Leadership and supervisory capacity and capability were also enhanced through conducting 3 leadership forums. DHA is rated as number 9 (Humanities area) as an employer of choice by the organisation called Companies of the Future • More than 11 000 training interventions conducted on Civic, Immigration and Support Services • Improved image of DHA through proactive communication services • New operating model for DHA approved • Technology refresh implemented (more than 80% of old devices replaced)
National Outcomes DHA contributes to directly • The Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) of government has twelve priority outcomes. • The DHA contributes directly to three of the twelve outcomes: • Improved quality of basic education • A long and healthy life for all South Africans • All people in South Africa are and feel safe • Decent employment through inclusive economic growth • A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path • An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network • Vibrant, equitable and sustainable rural communities with food security for all • Sustainable human settlements and improved quality of household life • A responsive, accountable, effective and efficient local government system • Environmental assets and natural resources that are well protected and continually enhanced • Create a better South Africa and contribute to a better and safer Africa and World • An efficient, effective and development oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship
DHA Outcomes Outcome 1: Secured South African citizenship and identity Outcome 2: Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development Outcome 3: A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free
Commitments for DHA in Minister’s PA • (3) All people in South Africa are and feel safe • OUTPUT: Securing the identity and status of citizens • TARGETS: • Completion of all strategic information and identification projects within already defined budgets and time frames • Effective and efficient refugee management strategies and systems • (5) A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path • TARGETS: • In contributing to the level of skills and general economic development in South Africa targets need to be set to realise a positive skills migration trend of around 50,000 migrants annually. • Focus should be on critical skills shortages, supportive of the medium term strategies and outcomes adopted by government
Commitments for DHA in Minister’s PA • (12) An efficient, effective and development oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship • OUTPUT: Service delivery access and quality • TARGETS : • The registration of every child birth within 30 days of delivery • The issuing of identity documents to every South African 16 years and above • Turnaround times for all services, queuing times and unit costs per service • The maximum distance for a citizen to travel to access Home Affairs services
DHA Strategic Plan: Contribution to National Outcomes 1. All people are and feel safe • DHA outcome: Secured South African citizenship and identity • To ensure that registration at birth is the only entry point for South Africans to the National Population Register (NPR) • To secure processes and systems to combat fraud and corruption • To increase capacity to contribute to the fight against cyber crime DHA outcome: Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development • To implement effective and efficient asylum seeker and refugee management strategies and systems • To facilitate the movement of regular travellers across neighbouring borders Cross cutting objectives: To ensure ethical conduct and a zero tolerance approach to corruption To integrate key systems and upgrade IT infrastructure for improved security and data integrity
DHA Strategic Plan: Contribution to National Outcomes (Cont): 2. Decent employment through inclusive economic growth & a skilled and capable workforce DHA outcome:Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development • To review the policy and regulatory framework to manage economic migration • Development of policy options for managing the migration of skilled and unskilled migrants • Focus will be a responsive, proactive and secure permitting regime, which is essential to managing economic migration • To facilitate the movement of regular travellers across neighbouring borders
DHA Strategic Plan: Contribution to National Outcomes (Cont): 3. An efficient, effective and development oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship DHA outcome: A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free • To ensure children are registered within 30 days after birth • To issue Identity Documents to every South African 16 years and above • To ensure efficient and accessible service delivery to clients • To integrate key systems and upgrade IT infrastructure for improved security and data integrity • To ensure ethical conduct and a zero tolerance approach to corruption • To develop and implement service delivery standards to improve operational efficiency • To conduct a customer satisfaction survey
DELIVERY AGREEMENTS • The DHA will also be participating in the implementation of Delivery Agreements from other Clusters. These include the Social Cluster and International Relations Cooperation Trade and Security (ICTS) • The Delivery Agreements will enable the Department and our partners to collectively achieve government objectives in a structured and co-coordinated manner • International Relations Cooperation Trade and Security (ICTS) • The focus of DHA is on Output 4: Enhanced trade and investment • Key actions are the implementation of a tourism marketing strategy and the increase in foreign tourists arrival to SA. DHA to provide statistics on that number of visits to the RSA.
Delivery Agreements with Health and Education • There are also Memorandums of Understanding between the departments of Home Affairs and Health and Basic Education respectively, in addition to signed Delivery Agreements • The following are the salient areas relating to Home Affairs: • Health: Cooperation on birth and death registrations, including the provision of statistics • Education: Cooperation on the registration of learners and ensuring that those 16 years and above apply for IDs
Principles informing the Strategic Plan The strategies and plans of the Department are informed by the following general principles. Principle 1 • DHAmust contribute to the achievement of the strategic priorities of government in order to fulfil its mandate • Steps will be taken to strengthen coordination with other departments and stakeholders at national, provincial and local levels, specifically regarding developing creative and affordable ways of expanding access to services, thereby improving service delivery • Principle 2 • DHA is concerned with striking a balance between security and the economic development of the country and ensuring that these two mandates are not in conflict with each other. For example, maximising benefits and minimising risks to the country through effective migration management • Principle 3 • Intensifying the fight against fraud and corruption in the DHA through proactive measures in order to drive the notion of a safe and secure SA where all its people are proud of and value their identity and citizenship
Outcome 2: Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development
Outcome 2: Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development
Outcome 2: Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development
Outcome 3:A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free
Outcome 3: A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free
Outcome 3: A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free
Outcome 3: A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free
Outcome 3: A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free
Outcome 3: A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free
Outcome 3:A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free
Outcome 3:A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free
Outcome 3:A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free
Transformation Matters of DHA • Human Resources • Priority Posts 2010/11: 417 identified and funded 254 filled to date (60%) 38
Transformation Matters of DHA • Human Resources • Priority Posts 2010/11: 417 identified and funded. Over 163 filled to date (60%) • Equity Status in relation to placement of priority posts: 39
Transformation Matters of DHA • Human Resources • Priority Posts 2011/12 : 1076 Identified and funded • Positions distribution per branch : These priority positions have been allocated to support the need for the department to deliver our services to the public. 40
Transformation Matters of DHA • Human Resources • Employment Equity Status : 41
Transformation Matters of DHA • Human Resources • Top three tiers of the departmental organisational structure approved with the Department moving from a Zonal to a Provincial Structure. • At the lower level the organisational structure is under review to ensure that it is aligned to spheres of government and municipal boundaries. This review aims to enhance the Department’s capacity and to improve access to our services. • The review aims to further strengthen middle management and to build leadership capability thereby improving decision making at local offices. It also aimed to further enhance capacity in support areas such as Counter Corruption, Learning Academy, Human Resources, • In reviewing its operational model, the Department wants to ensure that intergovernmental relations in provinces is enhanced; challenges related to geographical spread of DHA services are addressed; integration of both civic and immigration functions and the Provincial Managers to be fully accountable for both Civic and Immigration in their province. • In its quest to drive a performance culture and enhance organisational performance, Performance agreements have been aligned to the Department’s strategy. 42
Counter Corruption and Security Services • Secure processes and systems to combat fraud and corruption will be achieved through: • Adequately safeguarding of information through a holistic approach to Security and Risk Management that includes physical security; information security; investigations; vetting; corruption prevention and information analysis. • Proactively performing detailed data analysis in order to identify and effectively investigate corrupt activities. • Increase vetting capacity through an agreement with the State Security Agency to help with vetting investigations and possible evaluations and analysis. • This will include evaluating the classification and grading of posts and collecting vetting application forms for confidential clearances. • Working closely with Law Enforcement, State Security and other Pertinent Agencies to ensure successful prosecution of corrupt officials.
WHO AM I ONLINE (WAIO) • DHA reached a settlement with Gijima and other suppliers, subject to the fulfilment of various conditions precedent, resolving the dispute concerning the modernisation of the Department’s IT infrastructure and systems. • The bid by Gijima of R2.1 billion was approved and a contract signed with Gijima to deliver the project in 2008. • Concerns over escalating project costs (which by 2010 had grown to R4.5 billion from the original R2.1 billion) and a lack of progress led the Department to investigate the project early in 2010. • In April 2010 the Department notified Gijima as prime contractor that it regarded the purported contract as invalid. However, this repudiation was disputed and therefore, to avoid indefinite delays to the project by costly and lengthy litigation, the Department entered into negotiations to amicably resolve the dispute and allow for the urgent completion of the project in line with the Department’s original requirements and original cost estimates.
WHO AM I ONLINE (WAIO) • The settlement opens the way for the urgent resumption of the project and represents a potential R2 billion in saving to Government against the R4.5 billion estimated cost to complete the project under the current disputed contracts. • Building on the experience gained and lessons learned over the past year, negotiations to finalise the contract will ensure it is more robust, specific and detailed to avoid scope-creep, delays and cost escalations frequently associated with large IT implementations. Additional internal controls and management will also be introduced to ensure the successful delivery of the project on time and in budget.
Risk Management • A Risk Committee has been established and is operational. • The Risk Management Policy has been approved and trained conducted. • A Risk Register with prioritised risks is in place. • Heads of directorates have been appointed as Champions.
Conclusion • The Turnaround achieved improved service delivery and much better management of operations. The Departments will continue to build on these gains over the next three years, with the main focus on: • Birth registration within 30 days of birth • Issuance of IDs to all eligible citizens and residents • Effective, secure and efficient management of migration • Securing a clean audit report • Fighting fraud and corruption • Another priority is to ensure that the structure of the Department is aligned with local, regional and provincial structures of government. Better cooperation with other Departments and tiers of government will enable access and service delivery to be improved. Managers at each level will be empowered to manage, with appropriate financial and other delegations. This will greatly enhance accountability.
Conclusion continued … • The main strategic thrust over the next three years will be on improving services delivered to the citizen and other clients. • One priority will be to work with partners and find creative ways of improving access to the most marginalized and remote communities • The main focus, however, will be on the spirit in which people are treated and their problems solved by every officials in every office. Among the weapons that will be used to wage this war are the following: • My cell number and those of top officials are in all offices • Working closely with the more than 250 Stakeholder Forums that help identify needs, fight corruption and hold officials to account. • A major programme to improve service delivery will be rolled out that includes change management and radically improved processes such as queue management that will transform the front office. • With regard to WAIO, the Department will be finalising the Auditor General’s report and the forensic audit.