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Presentation to the Portfolio Committee

Presentation to the Portfolio Committee. 13 August 2002 Kutama Sinthumule Maximum Security Prison. South African Custodial Management. Index. Mission Statement Contracting Entity 2.1 Operating contract Design and Construction Phase 3.1 The need of society / government

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Presentation to the Portfolio Committee

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Presentation to the Portfolio Committee 13 August 2002 Kutama Sinthumule Maximum Security Prison South African Custodial Management

  2. Index • Mission Statement • Contracting Entity 2.1 Operating contract • Design and Construction Phase 3.1 The need of society / government 3.2 The needs of prisoners 3.3 The needs of staff 3.4 Empowerment 3.5 Training

  3. Index 4. Operational Phase 4.1 Staff 4.2 Empowerment 4.3 Security 4.4 Health Care 4.5 Programmes

  4. 1. Mission Statement To hold all prisoners in conditions of security, safety and respect while caring for their individual needs, challenging their offending behaviour and assisting them to change their lifestyles, during their custody and after their release

  5. 2. Contracting Entity Schedule of equity ownership and voting rights of the contract Wackenhut Corrections (Pty) Ltd South Africa Kensani Corrections 50% 50% South African Custodial Services (Pty) Ltd Louis Trichardt Equity Distribution R53 Million Voting Rights are proportionate to the share holding R26,5M Kensani R26,5M WCC

  6. SACS Royal Foods Corrections (Pty) Ltd Kensani Correctional Management (Pty) Ltd SACM Food Services • Maintenance • Programmes • Industries Operations 2.1 Operating Contract

  7. 3. Design and Construction Phase • Effective date – 16 August 2002 • Construction time – 18 months • Contractual opening date – 19 February 2002 • Capacity of the facility - 3024 • Cost of the building – R345 million

  8. Construction philosophy • Needs of society/government • Rehabilitation, development and security • Needs of staff • Safe working environment • Environment that contributes to minimum pressure and stress • Pride in him/herself • Enablement

  9. Needs of prisoners • Humane care • Human dignity • Mutual respect • Constitutional rights • International minimum standards • Empowerment • Net capital amount – R345m • Empowerment obligation – 25%= R86.33m • Previously disadvantaged enterprise – R21,57m • Local enterprise – R32.38m • Affirmable business enterprise - R32,38m • Previously disadvantaged enterprises – R210m

  10. Training • 1450 people daily – 80% PDE • 690 qualified as artisans – 100% PDE • 760 skilled laborers • 30% of laborers and artisans – women • R8m spent on salaries and wages of PDE’s

  11. Operational Phase

  12. 4.1 Staff • 517 staff • 6 week training period – job specific – will be followed by multi-skilled training • All the best practices around the world were harnessed, refined and transformed for South African conditions • Highly professional team who stand tall and proud and are ready and able to meet the challenges of the correctional environment

  13. 4.2 Empowerment • 91% of the staff are previously disadvantaged individuals (PDI) • 85% of the managers in control of the prison are PDI’s • 46% of the staff are women • 1% of the staff are disabled people • 80% of the staff are from Louis Trichardt and • 79% of the services provided to the prison are provided by PDE’s

  14. 4.3. Security • Focus of incarceration is not to punish the prisoner but to keep him in safe custody • To serve his sentence • To contribute to the safety and security of society by securing the safe custody of all prisoners • Staff are trained to create an environment that secures and supports: • The Constitutional Rights • Humane care • Human dignity of all prisoners in our care

  15. 4.3. Security • Contractual mechanisms to ensure the above mentioned: • The cession contract between government and SACS • The controller to enforce the contract • The independent prisoner visitors • Inspecting judge • Prisoner committee consisting of community leaders • Facility where complaints, corruption and criminal activities could be registered

  16. 4.3. Security • Prison is fully computerised and electronically operated • Operated from a central control room which gives certain functions to a number of sub-control rooms • Daily activities of staff and prisoners are electronically monitored and recorded to enhance the security envelope and for training purposes • No staff is allowed to bring any packages, food, personal items etc. into the prison • Staff lockers are provided • Staff meals are provided in the cafeteria

  17. 4.4. Health Care • Provides a comprehensive primary health care service • Health care is provided according to the principles of national and international health care policies • Health care unit consists of: • 50 bed accommodation • X-ray department • Dental department • Pharmacy • Emergency room

  18. 4.4. Health Care • Two SACM medical officers provide a 24 hour medical service • Medical officers develop and monitor individual nursing plans for prisoners having special needs including those diagnosed with HIV • On admission a full medical assessment is conducted including an immediate full risk assessment

  19. 4.4. Health Care • Education and training in health care starts at admission and is a continual process until his release • Prisoners have unimpeded access to all medical services • Health care staff adheres to a comprehensive quality improvement program that supports the provision of health care to the prison

  20. 4.5. Programmes • Rehabilitation, development – enable prisoners to positively integrate into society • Rehabilitation and development forms part of our core business • Transfer social skills to enable him to adapt and understand the values and norms of society • Through educational and industrial programmes enable him to provide for himself and participate in the economic activities of South Africa

  21. 4.5. Programmes • Prison operates along a structured day programme which defines every minute of the day for prisoners • His prison sentence is viewed as an opportunity which enables the prisoners and the staff to constructively prepare him for his release • This places the emphasis on the fact that the release of a prisoner starts on admission

  22. 4.5. Programmes • A number of programmes are provided for, e.g, • Educational programmes • Abet • Grade 12 • Occupational Skills Industries • Industries • Workshops, etc. • Personal Development programmes • Social work services • Psychological services • Religious care • Library • Life skills, etc.

  23. Thank You

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