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<br>This power point presentation describes about top 15 calcium rich vegetables for healthy bones and joints.<br>
Top 15 Calcium Rich Vegetables Vegetables are good sources of calcium. These when included in regular diet not only fulfill nutritional requirements of the body but add-up valuable fiber which speeds-up metabolic rate and keeps digestive tract clean by maintaining regular removal of waste matter.
Top 15 Calcium Rich Vegetables Here is list of top 15 calcium rich vegetables which are natural sources of calcium to keep bones, teeth, muscles and digestion healthy and stronger.
Collard Greens Collard greens, out of all green leafy veggies, are regarded as most beneficial calcium rich vegetables for healthy bones, joints and muscles. The reason is that these are low on oxalates so calcium gets absorbed in the body smoothly and in higher amount.
Collard Greens It is one of the best veggies for healthy calcium levels and stronger musculoskeletal system. It is source of protein, vitamin A and K in abundance and iron and potassium as well.
Spinach Spinach is most commonly available green leafy vegetable which is another one of the top 15 calcium rich vegetables. Spinach is loaded with iron, vitamin K and A, and also supplements fiber, protein and vitamin C. One cup of cooked spinach gives 21% of daily calcium needs.
Turnip greens Turnip greens are calcium rich vegetables for healthy joints and bones. One cup of this veggie gives 15% of total daily calcium needs along with loads of vitamin A, C, E, and K. it is source of iron and potassium as well along with dietary fiber.
Kale Regular intake of Kale gives 13% of daily calcium needs and 14% of iron along with fiber and protein, so practically a veggie packed for nutrition and strength. It is one of the most beneficial calcium rich vegetables for healthy joints, muscles and bones.
Mustard greens Mustard greens come with heavy load of vitamin A, C, E and K and supplement 13% of total daily calcium and 7% of total iron needs. Regular use of this veggie maintains calcium levels and improves health of bones, joints, muscles and dentures.
Beet Green Now this beet green not beetroot, loaded with fiber and protein and minerals like iron, potassium, zinc and magnesium. It fulfills 13% of total calcium needs and vitamins like A, C, E and K. It is one of the calcium rich vegetables for healthy bones and joints.
Okra Eating Okra in regular diet gives you 9% of total calcium needs along with protein and fiber. It also comes with high vitamin C and K content. This is one of the commonly available calcium rich vegetables for healthy joints, bones, teeth and muscles.
Swiss chard More known for its iron rich content but it is also part of top 15 calcium rich vegetables list. One cup of cooked Swiss Chard gives 8% of daily calcium dose but 20 and 22% of iron and potassium. It is rich in vitamin A, C, E and K and high fiber veggie.
Broccoli Broccoli comes with 8% of daily calcium needs and 6% of iron and potassium per 100 gram. It is high on fiber and protein as well and rich source of necessary vitamins to metabolize minerals. It is one of the reliable calcium rich vegetables for healthy bones.
Podded Beans Podded beans are high on fiber and protein. These come with set of minerals which is extremely beneficial and make it excellent choice on calcium foods list. One cup of this veggie provides zinc, iron, potassium, magnesium and 7% of total daily calcium needs.
Parsley Get a dose of fiber and protein and loads of vitamin C and K with one cup of parsley. It gives you 6% of total calcium for daily needs. Parsley is commonly available calcium rich foods.
Sweet Potatoes Sweet potatoes are good for health and part of high calcium foods list. One cup of mashed sweet potato gives 6% of daily calcium needs. It is rich in minerals particularly iron.
Brussels Sprouts One cup of Brussels sprouts supplements 4% of total calcium and 10% of total iron needs. It is high on fiber and protein and rich in vitamin C and K. It is one of the calcium rich foods excellent to keep bones and joint healthy.
Soybean Sprouts If you eat cooked soybean sprouts on daily basis not only get good amount of protein but also calcium and iron. Cooked soybeans sprouts are natural sources of calcium and keep disorders due to calcium insufficiency away.
Acorn Squash Acorn Squash is high fiber, iron and potassium and supplements 7% of daily calcium needs. It is not easily available but if you can lay your hands on this it is one of the most nutritious veggies.
Calcivon Tablets and Freeflex Capsules Regular use of Calcivon tablets and Freeflex capsules is most convenient and effective way to get rid of calcium deficiency. These correct disorders occurring due to calcium insufficiency like shedding of teeth and bones and weakness in muscles and nerves.
Calcivon Tablets and Freeflex Capsules These supplements are excellent for women that are prone to suffer with calcium deficiency and bone disorders due to it. Easy to use and completely free of side effects these are best ways to stay strong, fit and healthy.
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