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Global Diversity: The Benefits of NAFTA for SMEs

Global Diversity: The Benefits of NAFTA for SMEs. U.S. Commercial Service, http://www.buyusa.gov/globaldiversity/nafta.html, accessed 4/15/2008 Image from http://www.charleslipson.com/Images/flag-NAFTA-flag-logo.jpg, accessed 4/20/2008. Unveiling ‘NAFTA for the Americas’ NAFTA+WTO=FTAA.

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Global Diversity: The Benefits of NAFTA for SMEs

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  1. Global Diversity: The Benefits of NAFTA for SMEs U.S. Commercial Service, http://www.buyusa.gov/globaldiversity/nafta.html, accessed 4/15/2008 Image from http://www.charleslipson.com/Images/flag-NAFTA-flag-logo.jpg, accessed 4/20/2008

  2. Unveiling ‘NAFTA for the Americas’ NAFTA+WTO=FTAA Public Citizen, http://www.citizen.org/search/index.cfm?RequestTimeout=180, accessed 4/20/2008 Image from http://indi.blogs.com/indica/A_Ralph_Nader.jpg, accessed 4/20/2008

  3. Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Luca, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, United States, Uruguay. Image from http://www.rense.com/1.imagesH/ccsplBIG.jpg, accessed 4/20/2008

  4. Image from http://www.vanderbilt.edu/sustainvu/images/sustainability_spheres.png, accessed 4/20/2008

  5. EZLN Uprising, Chiapas, January 1, 1994 Images from www.indymedia.org.uk/images/2004, accessed 4/20/2008

  6. Protests: Women in Mexico Atenco, Mexico May 2006 Cancun 2003 Image from http://www.tribalmessenger.org/t-global/protests/images/cancun/22-Salvadoran%20women.jpg, accessed 4/20/2008 Image from http://www.travelblogs.com/geoff/atenco_women_protest.jpg, accessed 4/20/2008 Image from http://www.defenestrator.org/files/Schwartz-21-PeaceFairMuralweb.jpg, accessed 4/20/2008

  7. Top 10 Reasons Latin American Women Oppose Bush’s Free Trade Threatens Food Security Threatens Public Health Threatens Public Services Undermines Labor Rights Threatens Natural Resources Threatens Indigenous Women Undermines Democracy Increases Militarization Increases Reliance on US There are Viable Alternatives Information from www.madre.org Image from http://www.grain.org/seedling_files/fta-NO.jpg, accessed 4/20/2008

  8. Current Protests: Mexico City January 31, 2008 Image from http://www.workers.org/2008/world/mexico_0214/, accessed 4/20/2008 Image from http://migramatters.blogspot.com/2008/02/mexican-farmers-protest-nafta.html, accessed 4/20/2008 Image from http://www.texmextogo.com/images/old-mexico-flag.jpg, accessed 4/20/2008

  9. Image from http://www.law.msu.edu/amicus/su_2003/current_media/D-Cutler-Illustration-23040.jpg, accessed 4/20/2008

  10. Barndt, Deborah. Women Working the NAFTA Food Chain (Toronto, ON, Canada: Sumach Press, 1999). BuyUSA. Gov: U.S. Commercial Service. “The Benefits of NAFTA for SMEs.” http://www.buyusa.gov/globaldiversity/nafta.htmlaccessed 4/20/2008. Public Citizen. “Unveiling ‘NAFTA for the Americas’ NAFTA+WTO=FTAA.” http://indi.blogs.com/indica/A_Ralph_Nader.jpg, accessed 4/20/2008. http://www.ftaa-alca.org/ http://www.citizen.org/documents/FTAA%20Factsheet%20Jan.%2003.pdf http://www.wikipedia.org LeoGrande, William. "A poverty of Imagination": George W. Bush's policy in Latin America. Journal of Latin American Studies. Vol. 39:2 2007. 351-55 www.globalissues.org Gutierrez, Teresa. “Masses Protest NAFTA in Mexico.” Workers World. February 10, 2008. http://www.workers.org/2008/world/mexico_0214/ Michaels, David. “Mexican Farmers Protest NAFTA. The Dream Antilles. February 4, 2008. http://migramatters.blogspot.com/2008/02/mexican-farmers-protest-nafta.html Lendman, Stephen. “The Zapatistas' Struggle Against Free Trade: A Review of John Ross' Zapatistas.” Global Research. March 21, 2007. http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=5147

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