1. AbeBooks Affiliate Program(http://www.abebooks.com/docs/AffiliateProgram/) Introduction to Tools Webinar
2. Overview of AbeBooks AbeBooks is an online marketplace where independent booksellers list their books
Thousands of booksellers in 57 different countries
Over 110 million books
AbeBooks Affiliate Program
Flat 5% commission on the first $500 of each item
90 day cookie tracking
Access to more books than any other marketplace
Committed account management
Use our tools:
Deep Link tool
Search Web Services
3. Tips to gain sales on AbeBooks Tightly integrate Abebooks links into your site
"in-context" text links receive greater traffic and have much higher conversion rates.
Customize your AbeBooks links to make them very relevant for your users
Eg. If your site has an article on France, place an affiliate link within the article titled "Search for books on French cooking". You could then have the link point to an Abebooks search on the keywords "french cooking".
Leverage off the traffic from your homepage
Put your major affiliate links on your homepage to increase the number of clicks that your affiliate programme generates.
Don't SELL.
Warm your visitor up for your visitors by pre-selling them with great content that they value and respect.
Keep your page fresh.
Providing new content for your visitors is one of the best ways to encourage that they continue to come back.
Use one of our banners that dynamically change to stay current with significant events and holidays
Include Affiliate links in your direct marketing campaigns
4. Banners and ConnectCommerce Tools Available Link Templates
Contains the text links and banners that are currently available
Build Your Own Link (BYOL)
Allows you to build a link to any page on the AbeBooks’ site
Try our HTML Search Boxes to allow your users to search our inventory
Orange Links
Daily, automatic send of new links to publishers who have signed up for the service in ConnectCommerce
File format: Excel
5. Deep Linking Tool What is the Deep Link tool? (http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/AffiliateLinkEntry)
AbeBooks deep link tool allows you to create a link to our search results for a particular book or keywords.
This is a great tool to show content on your site to highlight particular books
ie. If you have a travel site, place links to books about travel or particular regions.
Our link generator will create an HTML code for you to easily place directly on to your page
6. Search Web Services What is Search Web Services (SWS)?
SWS allows real-time access to our catalogue
Access our inventory with real-time pricing, pictures for ISBN books, vendor descriptions, shipping prices, plus more
Is in XML format – use a variety of parameters to find the books you want to link to
To apply for SWS or for information on how to add affiliate tracking visit:
7. Top Converting Categories Textbooks
Free Shipping
Best Buys
Specific Books
Link to specific books with descriptions
Your own Niche Category – ie. Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Rare books
Many affiliates have their own category they promote on their site. If your site focuses on a particular category, be sure to link to specific books and the browse pages
8. Q & A?If you have a question I haven’t answered please feel free to contact me at affiliate@abebooks.comOr, we have a FAQs page http://www.abebooks.com/docs/AffiliateProgram/affiliate_center_4.shtml