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FIA Foundation Activities Global Road Safety and the Environment Presentation by David Ward Director General of the FIA Foundation Annual General Meeting, Paris, November 6 th 2008. Vehicle Emission Standards Are Making Cars Greener. Cleaner Cars Need Greener Fuels
FIA Foundation Activities Global Road Safety and the Environment Presentation by David Ward Director General of the FIA Foundation Annual General Meeting, Paris, November 6th 2008
Cleaner Cars Need Greener Fuels To reduce automobile toxic emissions it is not enough to rely only on cleaner engine technologies. It is also vital to ensure that cleaner fuels are used so that the vehicle as a total system can reduce its toxic emissions. For example catalyst systems greatly reduce toxic emissions but require both unleaded and low sulphur fuel. Global fuel sulphur levels of less than 50ppm is vital to make cars greener. The FIA Foundation is proud to support the global campaigns of UNEP’s Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles to achieve a total ban on unleaded fuel and progress towards worldwide use of low sulphur fuels
Partnership with the IEA, UNEP and the International Transport Forum In May the FIA Foundation hosted jointly with the IEA, UNEP and the International Transport Forum a seminar in Paris on global fuel economy issues. The IEA’s Executive Director, Nobuo Tanaka presented the 2008 ETP which assumes that new LDVs can become 50% more efficient by 2030 (fuel use halved, moving from 8 L/100 km to 4) at low or possibly negative cost. The Foundation, IEA, ITF and UNEP are now exploring further global co-operation to promote best practice in automotive fuel economy policies and programmes.
IEA Est. 2008 LDV Technology Cost Per Tonne CO2 Notes: opt = optimistic, pes = pessimistic; based on $60/bbl oil and undiscounted vehicle and fuel costs.
ESC...Three Letters that can save your life • Forecast fatality reductions: • US – 10,000 • Europe – 4,000 • Japan – 800 • Australia – 300 • Canada – 200 • etc… • and millions of injuries and accidents avoided worldwide….
Global Progress on ESC • USA • NHTSA adopted a FMVSS for ESC making the system mandatory for all motor vehicles by 2012. Estimates that the cost of ESC per vehicle is US$ 110. • United Nations • The World Forum for Vehicle Standards (UNECE WP29) has adopted a global technical regulation on ESC (based on the US FMVSS) which will make it easy for all UN Member states to adopt mandatory use of the system by 2012 and beyond.
Europe • Proposal May 2008 for a new regulation requiring mandatory installation of ESC in new vehicles sold in the EU from 2012. The technical requirements are based on the work of UNECE. – Awareness campaigning through eSafetyAware! and Euro NCAP – Advertising by OEM’s. • Canada • Transport Canada will be proposing a new regulation under the Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (CMVSS) for ESC that will require all light duty vehicles from 01/09/2011 to be equipped with ESC – Discussions with vehicle manufacturers to ensure that ESC is offered voluntarily before that date - Awareness campaign launched in cooperation between Transport Canada and Canadian Automobile Association (supported by the FIA Foundation).
Australia • ESC mandatory from 2011 in Victoria as part of the Victorian Government's "arrive alive 2008-2017" road safety strategy – RACV involved in campaigning and the future strategy will be focused on fleet managers, car dealers, consumer awareness, and on lobbying manufacturers to make ESC standard on all models. ESC installation rates in Victoria 2005-2007 Source: RACV
Make Roads Safe Report Key Recommendations: • A $300 million, 10 year Action Plan to • promote multi-sector national road safety • capacity building in low and middle income • countries should be funded by donor governments and private sources • and managed by the World Bank Global Road Safety Facility; • At a minimum 10% of all road infrastructure projects should be committed • to road safety design, rating and assessment and community wide initiatives; • A Ministerial Conference on Global Road Safety should be held in 2008 to • review implementation of the World Report recommendations;
Launch of Global Petition The Make Roads Safe campaign is launched to obtain over 1 million signatures to be presented to the UN Secretary General in 2008. The petition campaign is launched by Michael Schumacher during the first UN Global Road Safety Week in April 2007. Campaign events are held in London, Geneva, Berlin, Cape Town, Paris, St Petersburg, Kampala, and New York. Archbishop Desmond Tutu is joined by President Oscar Arias, and former President Jimmy Carter as three Nobel prize winners backing the campaign. Other supporters include the former Irish President Mary Robinson, musicians, footballers and the film actress Michelle Yeoh.
Petition Target Reached The target to reach one million signatures is reached with major contributions from Clubs especially Austria, Costa Rica, Croatia, Egypt, Italy, India, Japan, Serbia, Jamaica and the Philippines. More than 140 organisations worldwide have supported the campaign. In March Lord Robertson presents the UN Secretary General, Mr Ban Ki-moon, with the petition.
General Assembly Approves UN Ministerial In March the UN General Assembly debates road safety and Lord Robertson, Ambassador Al Hinai, Karla Gonzalez, and General Kyrianov all contribute. Resolution 62/244 drafted by the Sultanate of Oman is unanimously approved which welcomes the offer by the Russian Federation to host the “first high level (ministerial) conference on road safety”. An open letter from Archbishop Tutu, President Oscar Arias, Jimmy Carter and others is published and a post debate briefing held including the campaign’s global Ambassador Michelle Yeoh.
London Road Infrastructure Safety Conference at the EBRD In July the Foundation co-hosted with the EBRD a major conference on road infrastructure safety. The meeting brought together the major lending banks, UN regional commissions etc. to discuss the potential of road design to contribute to injury prevention. The World Bank Global Road Safety Facility also hosted a meeting of the development banks to explore the scope of harmonizing their approach to the design and safety assessment of road projects that they finance.
iRAP – Vaccines for Roads Building on programmes now running in Australia, Europe, and the USA, iRAP provides the public and road authorities with safety assessments that include risk mapping, star rating, and performance tracking. Transparency through publication of maps identifying most improved and most dangerous roads is a key feature of iRAPs approach.
Pilot Programme Phase 1 Results of the Phase 1 show very promising casualty reduction potential...
OECD – International Transport Forum • ‘Towards Zero – Ambitious Road Safety • Targets & the Safe System Approach • Key Recommendations: • Adopt a highly ambitious vision for road safety • Set interim targets to move systematically towards the vision • Develop a safe system approach • Exploit proven interventions for early gains • Conduct data collection and analysis • Strengthen the road safety management system • Accelerate knowledge transfer • Invest in road safety • Foster commitment at highest levels of government
St Petersburg September 2008 • Meeting of the Commission for Global • Road Safety • Key Objectives: • Review the Commission’s original recommendations • Prepare an update to the original Make Roads Safe report • Provide a renewed set of recommendations for consideration by the forthcoming UN Ministerial in Moscow in November 2009
Agenda for Moscow • Make 2010-2020 A Decade of • Action for Road Safety • Support an action plan of $300 million to invest in capacity building in road injury prevention... • Invest in safer roads by committing at least 10% of project finance to safe road assessment and design. • Agree a global target to reduce road fatalities by 50% from their forecast level for 2020.
Next Steps • Launch of follow up Make Roads Safe report at a major Conference in Rome on 4th-5th May 2009 linked to the Italian Presidency of the G8 • Launch also in Rome the Make Roads Safe documentary film with Michelle Yeoh which features visits to Asia, Africa and Latin America and will highlight the key messages of the Commission’s reports. • Focus the Make Roads Safe campaign on the theme of a decade of action to achieve ‘50% by 2020’