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Decade of action for road safety Dmitry Sambuk International Co-ordinator FIA Foundation. Independent UK charity Leading global road safety donor: $40 million + since 2002 Provided funding and support to WHO, World Bank Global Road Safety Facility
Decade of action for road safety Dmitry Sambuk International Co-ordinator FIA Foundation
Independent UK charity Leading global road safety donor: $40 million + since 2002 Provided funding and support to WHO, World Bank Global Road Safety Facility Supporting research and implementation e.g. International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP), Global Helmet Vaccine Initiative, NCAPS. Global Advocacy for road safety Role of the FIA Foundation
Road traffic deaths and injuries: a fast growing epidemic 2004 2030
Why is this happening? • Low institutional & technical capacity
Why is this happening? • Low institutional & technical capacity • Lack of driver training
Why is this happening? • Low institutional & technical capacity • Lack of driver training • Unsafe and badly maintained vehicles
Why is this happening? • Low institutional & technical capacity • Lack of driver training • Unsafe and badly maintained vehicles • Unsafe/unsuitable roads
Why is this happening? • Low institutional & technical capacity • Lack of driver training • Unsafe and badly maintained vehicles • Unsafe/unsuitable roads • Little enforcement of key risk factors: e.g. Speed, helmets, seat belts, drink driving
Why is this happening? • Low institutional & technical capacity • Lack of driver training • Unsafe and badly maintained vehicles • Unsafe/unsuitable roads • Little enforcement of key risk factors: e.g. Speed, helmets, seat belts, drink driving • Vehicles constantly added to unsafe environment
Global Impact of road traffic injuries Harvard University
G20 road death rates – a concern for all WHO Global Status Report, 2009
Commission for Global Road Safety & Make Roads Safe Campaign • Framed road safety as a development issue • Proposed and campaigned for a global ministerial – level conference • Proposed and campaigned for a UN Decade of Action for Road Safety
Launching the Decade of Action Saul Billingsley, Deputy Director, FIA Foundation Policy Forum, Como, 17th May 2010
UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY, 2nd March 2010: “Proclaims the period 2011-2020 as the Decade of Action for Road Safety, with a goal to stabilize and then reduce the forecast level of road traffic fatalities around the world”
Proclaims the period 2011-2020 as the Decade of Action for Road Safety, with a goal to stabilize and then reduce the forecast level of road traffic fatalities around the world by increasing activities conducted at the national, regional and global levels;
Changing Direction: Potential of a Decade of Action for Road Safety Best case scenario, assuming policy era investment Guria, J. for CGRS, 2009
- non monthly - DECADE ACTION PLAN Five pillars for a Safe Systems approach Build Capacity Safer Roads & Mobility Safer Vehicles Safer User behaviour Post-crash response www.who.int/roadsafety/decade_of_action/
Deliver the Global Plan: • Political commitment • Public awareness • Corporate engagement • Human and financial resources • Company fleet safety advocates are vital as: • Opinion leaders and shapers • Practical decision makers • Implementing agents • Real world data providers • Role models for communities Encourage your company to become a Decade of Action donor
Established by World Health Organization as UN coordinating agency for road safety • Managed pro bono by FIA Foundation – UK registered, self financed charity • Supervised by committee of independent road safety experts
- non monthly - DECADE ACTION PLAN Five pillars for a Safe Systems approach Build Capacity Safer Roads & Mobility Safer Vehicles Safer User behaviour Post-crash response www.who.int/roadsafety/decade_of_action/
1 - non monthly - Traffic Police training and mentoring in Uganda
2 Safe road infrastructure assessments in more than 60 countries.
3 Child seat safety in Latin America
3 3 Decade Action Plan: Pillar 3 – Indicators • The number of countries who participate • in the UN World Forum for Harmonization • of Vehicle Regulations and apply relevant • standards • The number of regional NCAP programs • Vehicle fitment of seat belts (front and rear) • Global penetration of safety systems like • ESC www.who.int/roadsafety/decade_of_action/
4 Motorcycle safety campaigns and ‘helmets for kids’ in Vietnam and Cambodia
4 Motorcycle safety campaigns and ‘helmets for kids’ in Vietnam and Cambodia
4 Fleet safety training in Africa and India
4 Safe routes to school
4 City-level road safety strategies in Brazil
YOU ! • Decade of Action provides strong motivational context for fleet safety management activities