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Research Design:

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Research Design:

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Presentation Transcript

    Slide 1:Research Design:

    Systematic survey of 402 respondents Respondents represent: Smart Choices (N=301) Senior Smart Choices (N=101) Purpose Evaluate the nutritional quality of respondents’ diets Investigate the relationship between diet and overall health Evaluate the impact of marketing initiatives Measure respondents’ readiness to make healthy dietary changes CATI administration All interviews conducted by paid, trained and professionally supervised interviewers Administered: August 16 - 22, 2008

    Slide 2:Thinking about the most recent time, for how many months in a row have you received food stamps?

    Among: all respondents | compared by survey Q24,q25,q26,q27,q28Q24,q25,q26,q27,q28

    Slide 3:How many separate occasions have you applied for, and received, food stamps in the past 5 years?

    Among: all respondents | compared by survey Q22,q23Q22,q23

    Slide 4:Type of food stamp recipient:

    Among: all respondents | compared by survey Q22,q23Q22,q23

    Slide 5:Food stamp tenure:

    Among: all respondents | compared by survey Q22,q23Q22,q23

    Slide 6:Recall receiving a Smart Choices / Senior Smart Choices newsletter in the past 12 months:

    (“NutriNews”) Percent “Yes” Among: all respondents | compared over time and by study

    Slide 7:Have you had a chance to read any of the information in the newsletter?

    Among: all respondents | compared by study

    Slide 8:Usefulness of newsletter information:

    Among: respondents who read newsletter | compared by study

    Slide 9:What specific information or topics or messages do you recall reading about in the newsletter?

    Among: respondents who read the newsletter and mentioned a topic

    Slide 10:If the decision were up to you, what topics would you be most interested in reading in the newsletter?

    “More flavorful ways to prepare vegetables.” “I would like recipes and foods for diabetics.” “Money saving tips on food.” “Better ways to get my kids to eat vegetables.” “Meals for a single person.” “How to make meals with what we receive in food stamps.” “Topics on losing weight.” “Different facts about proteins and fats.” “Nutrition in general and how it affects our bodies.” “Healthy desserts” “Foods that give me more energy.” “I would like to see more things about iron, more nutrients.” “Anything that is going to benefit heart problems or diabetes.” “Topics on exercise, and quick, easy and healthy recipes.” Among: all respondents

    Slide 11:Have you seen TV commercials featuring Miss Smarty?

    Percent “Yes” Among: all respondents | compared over time

    Slide 12:Miss Smarty TV commercial information:

    Among: all respondents

    Slide 13:Campaign exposure:

    Percent Among: all respondents | compared over time

    Slide 14:Newsletter and TV ad message recall:

    Percent recall message Among: respondents exposed to marketing information | compared over time

    Very Good

    Slide 15:How would you rate your overall health?

    Excellent Good Fair Poor Among: all respondents | compared over time and by study

    Slide 16:How would you rate the overall nutritional quality of your diet?

    Among: all respondents | compared over time

    Slide 17:How interested are you in improving the nutritional quality of your diet?

    Very interested Moderately interested Somewhat interested Not interested Among: all respondents | compared over time and by study

    Slide 18:Nutritional quality of diet and interest in improving nutritional quality of diet by age group:

    Percent “very interested” Percent rate nutritional quality of diet “very good / excellent” How would you rate the nutritional quality of your diet? How interested are you in improving the nutritional quality of your diet? Among: all respondents | compared by age

    Slide 19:How interested are you in improving the nutritional quality of your diet?

    Recall of Newsletter Recall of TV ads Percent “Very / moderately” interested Among: all respondents | compared by exposure to marketing information over time

    Slide 20:Interest in improving diet compared by usefulness of Newsletter and TV ad information:

    Among: all respondents | compared by exposure to, and perceived usefulness of, marketing information

    Slide 21:Body Mass Index (BMI):

    The Body Mass Index is based on the following formula: BMI = [Weight (lbs) x 703] / [Height (in) 2] Defined as: < 18.5 is underweight 18.5 - 24.9 is a healthy weight 25 - 30 is overweight > 30 is obese

    Slide 22:Body Mass Index:

    Among: all respondents

    Slide 23:Are you currently trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight?

    Normal Weight Overweight Obese Among: all respondents | compared by BMI

    Slide 24:What specific things are you doing to try and lose weight, or maintain a healthy weight?

    Among: Smart Choices respondents who are trying to lose or maintain weight | total mentioned

    Slide 25:How many individual servings of fruits and vegetables have you eaten in the past 24 hours?

    Among: all respondents | compared by study

    Slide 26:Servings of fruits and vegetables:

    Among: all respondents

    Slide 27:Are you planning to eat more servings of fruits and vegetables … ?

    Among: all respondents

    Slide 28:Stages of Change Model of Behavior:

    Pre-contemplation Respondents who eat less than 5 servings of vegetables and fruit each day and who do not intend to start eating more servings in the next 6 months. Contemplation Respondents who eat less than 5 servings of vegetables and fruit each day and who are thinking about eating more servings, but not in the immediate future. Preparation Respondents who eat less than 5 servings of vegetables and fruit each day and who are thinking about eating more servings within the next month. Action Respondents who eat at least 5 servings of vegetables and fruit each day, but who have been doing so for no longer than 6 months. Maintenance Respondents who eat at least 5 servings of vegetables and fruit each day and who have been doing so for over 6 months.

    Slide 29:Stages of Change Model of Behavior:

    Among: all respondents | compared over time and by study

    Slide 30:Stages of Change Model of Behavior:

    Both Newsletter only TV only None Maintenance Action Preparation Contemplation Pre-contemplation Among: all respondents | compared by exposure to marketing information

    Slide 31:Do you currently engage in regular physical activity?

    Among: all respondents | compared by study

    Slide 32:Do you intend to engage in regular physical activity in the next 6 months?

    Among: all respondents | compared by study

    Slide 33:Do you intend to engage in regular physical activity in the next 30 days?

    Among: all respondents | compared by study

    Slide 34:Have you been regularly physically active for the past 6 months?

    Among: all respondents | compared by study

    Slide 35:What are the main barriers preventing you from participating in more regular physical activity?

    Among: all respondents | compared by study

    Slide 36:WalkWays Physical Activity Assessment Scoring Tool:

    Pre-contemplation Respondents who do not currently engage in regular physical activity and who do not intend to engage in regular physical activity in the next 6 months. Contemplation Respondents who do not currently engage in regular physical activity and who are intending to engage in regular physical activity, but not in the immediate future. Preparation Respondents who do not engage in regular physical activity and who are intending to engage in regular physical activity within the next month. Action Respondents who currently engage in regular physical activity, but who have been doing so for no longer than 6 months. Maintenance Respondents who currently engage in regular physical activity and who have been doing so for over 6 months.

    Slide 37:WalkWays Physical Assessment Scoring Tool:

    Among: all respondents | compared over time and by study

    Slide 38:WalkWays Physical Assessment Scoring Tool:

    Both Newsletter only TV only None Maintenance Action Preparation Contemplation Pre-contemplation Among: all respondents | compared by exposure to marketing information

    Slide 39:Do you recall a postcard in Senior Smart Choices offering a free Home Study program?

    Among: Senior Smart Choices respondents who recall receiving the newsletter

    Slide 40:Internet usage:

    Currently have internet access from home / work? Currently have internet access from home / work? Time spent online on typical day, including email? (M=102 min.) Time spent online on typical day, including email? (M=77 min.) Smart Choices Senior Smart Choices Among: all respondents

    Slide 41:Internet access at home (Smart Choices):

    Among: Smart Choices respondents What type of Internet access do you have from home? Among: Smart Choices respondents who have Internet access at home (48%)

    Slide 42:Internet access at home (Senior Smart Choices):

    Among: Senior Smart Choices respondents What type of Internet access do you have from home? Among: Senior Smart Choices respondents who have Internet access at home (15%)

    Slide 43:Internet access compared by age:

    Percent who have Internet access Among: all respondents | compared by age

    Slide 44:How likely is it that you would participate in a free online program on nutrition?

    Smart Choices (50%) Senior Smart Choices (15%) Among: respondents who have Internet access | compared by study

    Slide 45:What are the main barriers preventing you from eating a more nutritious diet?

    Among: all respondents | compared by study

    Slide 46:In the past year, have you or any adult in your household, ever cut the size of your meals or skipped meals because there wasn’t enough money for food?

    Overall Smart Choices Senior Smart Choices Among: all respondents | compared by study

    Slide 47:Food security among children:

    Among: Smart Choices respondents

    Slide 48:Effect of social marketing campaign on interest in improving diet, Stages of Change and WalkWays:

    Among: all respondents

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