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TravelWise Family Night

TravelWise Family Night. at Takanini School. My background. One of eight siblings Educated at Auckland University and Teachers College Have had 10 years experience in retail and customer service Best experience was doing a stint of music teaching in the Solomon Islands. My Biggest Heart .

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TravelWise Family Night

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TravelWise Family Night at Takanini School

  2. My background • One of eight siblings • Educated at Auckland University and Teachers College • Have had 10 years experience in retail and customer service • Best experience was doing a stint of music teaching in the Solomon Islands

  3. My Biggest Heart

  4. Aims • educate children and their parents about safety issues on the school journey (crossing roads, dogs, rail safety, cycle safety) • raise awareness of the school Travel Plan • promote the benefits of being active by walking to school • scope parent interest in starting a walking school bus And to make this learning fun!

  5. A collaborative project • Takanini School, staff, PTA and Board of Trustees • ARTA and the TravelWise programme • Papakura District Council • NZ Police Manukau District Health Board and the ‘Health Promoting Schools’ &’ Lets Beat Diabetes’ programmes • Counties Manukau Sport • Veolia Transport

  6. Event Overview • After-school event 5-7pm in school grounds • 250 children & parents split into groups – rotated around 5 activity stations with different travel-safety themes • Tickets clicked on participation in each activity • Prize draw with fully clicked tickets at the end • Displays & graffiti boards • Sausage sizzle, popcorn & apples organised by the PTA • Bouncy castle for the young ones • And a great MC to lead the show!

  7. Event Tickets Tickets were issued on a lanyard with squares corresponding to each of the event activities, to be clicked on completion of each activity

  8. Displays • What has been done and what is still to do under the School travel plan to improve road safety around Takanini School • What a walking school bus is and a list for parents to put down their name if they were interested in helping start one up at Takanini School • Information about the Health Promoting Schools programme

  9. Graffiti Boards • Whatimprovements have you noticed around the school? • What concerns do you have about children travelling to/from school? • What did you learn from this evening?

  10. Rail Safety Activity • The Tracks and Trains Game - a big game of snakes and ladders incorporating rail safety questions.

  11. Cycle Safety Activity • Police talk about how to correctly fit a bike helmet , what a bike needs to be safe and general cycle safety tips

  12. Walking Safety Activity • to demonstrate a Walking School Bus and raise awareness of sneaky driveways. 

  13. Crossing Safety Activity • Kerb drill & teaching children about how to cross the road safely. • Used a local danger spot as an example.

  14. Dog Safety • The Papakura District Council animal control officers showed a video and talked about dog safety issues.

  15. Good Kai • PTA organised the food. Sausages & popcorn were selling for a gold coin donation to the PTA. Water & apples were donated to the school and given away for free.

  16. Prize Draw at the end • Ticket were clicked after completing each activity and put in a box in the hall for a prize draw. • Maxx helped award the prizes

  17. What made it a success? • learning took place in a fun context - children engaged and enjoying the variety of activities • tickets & prizes an incentive to participate • whanau involvement • many agencies working together • Good planning / organisation • MC’s with rapor with community & great crowd control skills

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