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Mobilizing Cultural Heritage for Community Development in Dahshur

This program supports the preservation of cultural heritage and natural resources in Dahshur for sustainable community development. It focuses on employment, capacity building, and cultural exchange to enhance local heritage management. Key partners include UN agencies and government bodies, with an operational strategy that includes training, loans for SMEs, and establishing a Community Heritage Development Centre. The project aims to create a unique World Heritage Site management plan, promote responsible tourism, and increase job opportunities in the community. It also seeks to raise cultural awareness and appreciation locally and nationally.

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Mobilizing Cultural Heritage for Community Development in Dahshur

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  1. UNDP/Spain MDG Achievement FundThe Dahshur World Heritage Site Mobilization of Cultural Heritage for Community Development

  2. Programme Objective Support the efforts of the GOE in the preservation of Cultural heritage and natural resources, and in sustainable community development. This is in line with the UNDAF focus on reduction of human development disparities, with special reference to the gender gap and environmental responsibilities.

  3. Project Outcomes: 1-Employment of youth and women in heritage arts tourism and creative industries increased. 2- Institutional capacity to manage cultural heritage and natural resources increased. 3-Cultural understanding and cross cultural exchanges promoted

  4. UN partners: 1-UNWTO: works on the tourism component promoting rural and eco tourism bringing international best practices and linking the project to the sustainable National Tourism Development Plan.

  5. 2-UNESCO: UNESCO focuses on the conservation and preservation of cultural heritage activities associated with Dahshour. 3-ILO: Provides training and skills development and introduces local economic development.

  6. 4-UNIDO: UNIDO provides capacity building to entrepreneurs, approaches, methodologies and tools to to creative industries for the development and growth of small enterprises and traditional agro based products. 5-UNDP: The focus of UNDP is providing financial and non financial services to new and existing MSE to increase income and generate jobs. Environmental management of the natural resources. Act as lead agency ensuring synergetic implementation of the project.

  7. Government Partners: The project will be led implemented and coordinated by the government of Egypt represented in the different government counterparts each in its relevant area: 1-Ministry of Tourism 2-Supreme Council of Antiquities 3-CULTNAT 4-Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency 5-Industrial Modernization Center

  8. Other stakeholders: Relevant fair trade, business development and cultural heritage NGOs, Social Fund for Development , governorate of Giza, private sector companies.

  9. Expected results: A unique World Heritage Site management plan developed and cultural and natural resources preserved. Responsible eco tourism and rural tourism developed increasing national income. SMEs created in the Dahshour community increasing income and job opportunities. Cultural awareness and appreciation increased within the community and nationally.

  10. Management and Coordination Arrangements: -Steering Committee: RC (chair), Spanish Embassy, MOIC, MOFA: semi annual and annual guidance and follow up. -Programme Management Committee: UNDP (lead, UN agencies, government partners) quarterly management and supervision . -Management and coordination team: implementation of project activities. -Advisory Board: guidance from national experts.

  11. Project Budget: grand total : 3,610,180 USD ILO: UNDP: UNESCO: UNIDO: UNWTO:

  12. Operational Strategy An operational strategy to ensure successful sequencing and integration of the broad range of programme activities include: The project begins with an inception phase where a detailed study and a community assessment will be performed, among many activities , the following will be implemented - Preparation of a GIS database of community and visitor attractions. - Preparation of an Integrated Community-based Heritage Development Action Plan. - Implementation of training programme - Provision of loans, technical advice and support for M/SMES. - Facilitation of the establishment of a Community Heritage Development Centre.

  13. Project Significance • The programme encapsulates an innovative approach to culture and development by engaging communities as beneficiaries and guardians of heritage. This will not only have unprecedented economic gains, but also the basis of human development for long-term sustainability of efforts to alleviate poverty. - By promoting cross-cultural understanding and awareness among local communities of their heritage the programme will instil a sense of empowerment and belonging instead of regarding heritage as a commodity for tourists with no cultural value or meaning.

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