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Unit Programme Natural Disasters

Unit Programme Natural Disasters Objectives Get the main idea and specific information from a text about tornadoes Listen to a man describing his experience in a forest fire and get specific information Watch a news report on last floods in Spain and get specific information

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Unit Programme Natural Disasters

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Unit ProgrammeNatural Disasters

  2. Objectives • Get the main idea and specific information from a text about tornadoes • Listen to a man describing his experience in a forest fire and get specific information • Watch a news report on last floods in Spain and get specific information • Learn how to use the Passive Voice

  3. More Objectives • Learn how to use the Reported Speech in affirmative and interrogative sentences • Learn and use vocabulary related to the weather and natural disasters • Ask and answer questions orally about a natural disaster • Report somebody’s experience in a natural disaster

  4. Contents • Phonetics: • Pronunciation & intonation of new words • Grammar: • Passive Voice • Reported Speech • Vocabulary: • Weather & Natural Disasters

  5. More Contents • Communicative functions: • Give & ask for factual information • Ask about & express feelings • Report what someone has said

  6. ActivitiesFirst session Listen to a song about NZ Match some pictures with the name of some natural disasters Answer questions from a text about tornadoes

  7. ActivitiesSecond session Spot examples of the Passive in the text Do some exercises on the use of the Passive Voice

  8. ActivitiesThird session Watch a news report on some floods in Spain Do some vocabulary exercises

  9. ActivitiesFourth session Listen to a fireman describing his experience in a fire Brainstorm vocabulary to describe a natural disaster Role-playing: “I have experienced a natural disaster”

  10. ActivitiesFifth session Learn how to use the Reported Speech Practice using the Reported Speech

  11. ActivitiesSixth session Transform role-play dialogues into the Reported Speech Write an article on a natural disaster for a newspaper

  12. Methodology Combination of communicative approach and task/content learning Careful development of skills Varied topics and activity types Promoting student’s active role on the process of learning

  13. Evaluation Informal assessment Formal assessment Feedback from assessment

  14. More on Evaluation • Informal assessment: • monitoring of oral activities • assessment of class activities and homework • assessment of extra and remedial work • self-assessment

  15. Resources • Nice atmosphere • Equipment: • TV set and video-player • Tape-recorder • Textbook • Photocopied material for grammar and vocabulary practice • Computer and Internet connection at home for Web Extension activities

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