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We can change the world By opening minds… How your support for the Global Leaders, Entrepreneurs, & Altruists Network (GLEAN) will change the world. Prepared by Tom Kosnik, Fenwick and West Consulting Professor, Stanford Technology Ventures Program With help from glean colleagues
We can change the worldBy opening minds…How your support for the Global Leaders, Entrepreneurs, & Altruists Network (GLEAN) will change the world
Prepared by Tom Kosnik, Fenwick and West Consulting Professor, Stanford Technology Ventures Program With help from glean colleagues around the world. Version 76.0, December 2, 2008
The Problem: A World in Crisis Treating the surface level symptoms isn’t working. Toxic Environment Economic Decay Violence/War Crime Prejudice Dishonesty Scarcity Isolation Selfishness Ignorance
Healthy Environment Economic Vibrance Peace Law & Order Harmony Integrity Abundance Community Generosity Wisdom The Opportunity:To make our world a better place. We can change the world by teaching entrepreneurs, leaders, and altruists of every generation how to find their path, earn each other’s trust, and join forces for the common good.
We can create a more peaceful world by helping global entrepreneurs, leaders, and altruists across generations to: • Find their path, • Earn each other’s trust, • Join forces for the common good.
Global Leaders, Entrepreneurs, & Altruists Network (GLEAN): NOT an organization, yet rooted in a cluster of great organizationsInvisible. No dues. No budget. No bricks and mortar. Stanford SoE, STVP, MS and E glean BASES, NUSEA, Energy Crossroads Global, Stanford Women in Business SCPD Educational Network: (via Facebook, Linkedin, Myspace) NUS, KTH, SSE, SSES, HBS, Penn; Fudan; DTU, Palau Community College Industry Network: (via Facebook, Linkedin, MySpace): EA, VCs, BigTent,Cypress, CMCC; HP China; Sony/BMG Music &… Other Global Entrepreneurial Firms Other Universities, Non-Profits, Governments
Who is in GLEAN?A global network of entrepreneurial leaders, universities, & companies to foster entrepreneurship via real-world learning experiences. KTH (Sweden)
What do we want to achieve?glean Mission & Objectives: • Mission: Promote world peace by helping global leaders, entrepreneurs, altruists across generations to: • Build trustworthy networks • Transcend culture, time and distance • Create true value • Save the planet • Share the wealth.
How do we achieve the mission & objectives? glean Strategies: • Help global entrepreneurial leaders to build trustworthy companies, networks, and markets. • Develop new generations of global entrepreneurial leaders. • Help women entrepreneurs and “new kids on the block” to acquire capital, customers, and talent. • Deliver world class learning for entrepreneurial teams whenever, wherever they want it. • Make learning fun!
How? A Whole Product Branded by Stanford, NUS, & HBS Interactive Global Courses Cases, books, Articles, digital videos & clips For Professors And Students Access to the glean network Career Coaching Generic Product: A global network for altruistic leaders & entrepreneurs. Coaching re. Access to Circles of Influence Access to talent who have earned our trust For entrepreneurs and leaders of Global Companies Help to develop their future leaders Pragmatic Consulting On demand Whole Product Adapted from: Moore (2002), Crossing the Chasm.
glean Course Milestones Note: The number following each course is the number of times it has been offered.
glean Research Milestones Note: Although most of the research deliverables in this table are described in print form, if funding can be obtained, there will be for every book, a set of digital video clips, available via the STVP Educators’ Corner. The people and organizations we are studying are best brought to life through a combination of print and interactive video and audio media.
Whereare glean hot spots? Microwave: Singapore Silicon Valley Stockholm/Sigtuna Palau Beijing Hong Kong Shanghai Brunei Copenhagen Ho Chi Minh City Front Burner: Boston, Dallas, DC Beltway, Hanoi, La Jolla, London, Los Angeles, Seattle, Sydney, Vancouver, BC Back Burner:Bali, Bangalore, Charlottesville, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Lausanne, NYC, Philadelphia
Whereare glean hot spots? Microwave: Singapore Silicon Valley Stockholm/Sigtuna Palau Beijing Hong Kong Shanghai Brunei Copenhagen Ho Chi Minh City Vacations:Belize, Bonaire, Bora Bora, Brunei, BVI, Cancun, Fiji, Galapagos, Grand Cayman, Great Barrier Reef, Hawaii, Holbox, Kauai, Lanai, Mayan Riviera, Maui,Palau, Phu Khet, Punta Mita, Rehoboth, Queen Charlottes, Redang Island, Malaysia, Roatan, Sempora, Malaysia, Seychelles, Tahiti, Tonga, Yap
Why are we doing this?GLEAN Values =The Five L’s Leadership and the Invisible L... Laughter Loyalty Learning
How can you help? • Let us learn from you as Global Entrepreneurial Leaders. • Come as guest speakers for our classes or BASES events. • Serve as a judge or mentor in a business plan competition. • Let us tell your story in the books we write. • Sponsor a research project with us and our students. • Hire us in for an educational workshop or offsite. • Hire our students and alumni • Partner with us in venture philanthropy • Whatever else you think makes sense...
Where can you learn more? • Stanford Technology Ventures Program: • http://stvp.stanford.edu • NUS Enterprise: • http://www.enterprise.nus.edu.sg/ • Educators’ Corner • http://edcorner.stanford.edu • Business Association of Stanford Engineering Students • http://bases.stanford.edu • Global Entrepreneurial Marketing (GEM) • http://www.stanford.edu/class/msande271/ • Entrepreneurial Thought Leader (ETL) Seminar • http://etl.stanford.edu