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Welcome To Our Intranet! Presentation to: ConneCT Management Advisory Committee July 1999 Some Facts About DCF The agency was established in 1970 under Chapter 39 of the CGS’s The 1977-98 operating budget was approximately $345 million .
Welcome To Our Intranet! Presentation to: ConneCT Management Advisory Committee July 1999
Some Facts About DCF The agency was established in 1970 under Chapter 39 of the CGS’s The 1977-98 operating budget was approximately $345 million. The average staffing level in 1997-98 was 2,897 employees. • Statutory responsibilities include: • protective services for children and youth under 18, foster care, adoption services, prevention services, mental health services, substance abuse services, juvenile justice services and funding to community service providers. According to the recent Child Welfare League of America report, Connecticut is one of 7 states where child protection, children’s mental health and juvenile justice services are vested within one state agency We are one of 4 states where these functions are administered entirely at the state level (others may be state supervised but county administered) DCF serves children and families through 14 offices across the state and also operates 5 facilities DCF Presentation to CT_MAC
Organize with the future in mind Organization follows objectives: defining objectives and purpose first will provide foundation for discussions about structure Formalize structure and process if possible Meet on a scheduled basis and focus on development and outcomes If development responsibilities are to be distributed to “content managers”, ensure that training and equipment issues are addressed and endorsed by key decision makers Have executives/managers in charge of content areas participate in the evolution of the site and sign-off on what’s going on the web. DCF Presentation to CT_MAC
ConneCT Management Advisory Committee PresentationDCF Intranet: Sub-Web Content Managers IS/LINK Jay Anderson Human Resources Maria Chartier Mary Simon Legal Div. Sue Hamilton Revenue Louise Montemurro Training Acad. Joyce Lee Mark Sosnowski Public Information Marilyn Kmetz Policy Elaine Helm Regulations Josh Howroyd Web Admin. & Special Items* Al Duran Quality Mgt. Dave Brennan OFAS Michele Snyder HMU (Proposed New) *Special items includes the “Homepage”and interactive elements such as the Telephone Search and Resource Directory, the Town Pages, etc.
So, what do we put on our Intranet? Well, for a start, what about our Policy Manual? There are about 859 sets out there right now and that’s just at the supervisory level! That’s about 4,589 three-ring binders and the workers need to get the material from their supervisors or in a common location Keeping the manuals updated is a logistical task itself, requiring the passage of paper and trust that the job will get done expeditiously Although we can’t do away with the hardcopy entirely, all workers could have a “version” of the Manual and one that can be updated immediately! And after that, how about an up-to-date directory of staff locations and phone numbers? DCF Presentation to CT_MAC
Things That Might HelpTo maintain enthusiastic participation and fend off apathy and disinterest! Get management’s endorsement at the onset. Giving them a succinct picture of who and what will benefit won’t hurt! Organize yourselves to last. Formalize to establish credibility and importance. Invest time, energy and resources. Build the capability for web authoring in your “business” units. Meet. Regular and focused deliberations. Also take time in the beginning to give individual attention to the novice “webmasters” Inform. Keep your executive sponsors informed and do so in a structured and consistent format. Remember, familiarity breeds liking! Introduce. Give some thought to how to unfold the project. Is a pilot in order? Is there essential feedback? DCF Presentation to CT_MAC