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Explore the characteristics and needs of four generations in the workplace, gain insights into demographic differences, and learn strategies for effective leadership across different age groups.
OBJECTIVES • To understand four generations in the workplace—their characteristics and needs • To be aware of demographics in your workplace vs. the marketplace • To gain insights into leading across generations
GENERATION TYPES BIRTH YEAR 1922-1945 Traditionalists, Veterans, Silent Generation 1946-1964 Baby Boomers, The Sandwich Generation 1965-1980 Gen Xers, Generation Xers, Xers 1981-2000 Millennial’s, Gen Y, Nexters
SILENT GENERATION • Nearly fifty million Americans were born to the Silent Generation in America from the beginning of 1925 through 1942. • This generation is comparatively small when compared to the surrounding generations because people had fewer children in the 1920s and 1930s, in response to financial and global insecurity. • Silents are about 95% retired at this point. • The Silent Generation was the generation born between the two World Wars, who were too young to join the service when World War II started. Many had fathers who served in World War I.
SILENT GENERATION TECHNOLOGY Radio and Television CORE VALUES Patriotic Conformers Discipline Respect for Authority
SILENT GENERATION EXPERIENCES WWI / WWII Holocaust Great Depression Roaring 20’s FDR Administration
SILENT GENERATION Members of this generation experienced vast cultural shifts in the U.S., and struggled with conflict morals, ideas, and desires. The 1920's was, for 8 years and 3/4 of 1929, a very happy decade. The last 1/4 was the Stock Market Crash that could have started the Great Depression that lasted straight through the 1930' s, not ending until mid-1940. A war started before 1920, and a war broke out in 1929. Although it was called the Great Depression, people killed others, killed themselves, became homeless, and became penniless. Actually, the eight years of happiness might have felt like a small vacation to a person who lived during the time.
BABY BOOMERS • Baby Boomers is the name given to the generation of Americans who were born in a "baby boom" following World War II. • The youngest group of Baby Boomers are managing the Millennials and Generation-X groups of employees - and in some cases, being managed by them. • The United States experienced an explosion of births (hence the name baby boom) that continued for the next 18 years, when the birth rate began to drop. In 1964, baby boomers represented 40% of the population, which means that more than one third of the population was under 19 years of age. • Since baby boomers make up such a sizable portion of the consuming public, their spending habits and lifestyles have a powerful influence on the economy.
BABY BOOMERS EXPERIENCES Cold War/Viet Nam Man on the Moon Civil Rights Sexual Revolution Energy Crisis Watergate
BABY BOOMERS For the years 1940-1994, inclusive, 202 million Americans were born; about 77% of all Americans now living were born after 1939. During the baby boomer years, 1946-1964 (inclusive), 75.8 million Americans were born. The ratio of males to females has stayed relatively constant. There were approximately 1.05 male births for every one female birth. The biggest year of the boom was 1957, when 4.3 million boomers were born. Why it took over 10 years for so many post-World War II families to get going is a matter of speculation. For the 5-year period between 1956 and 1960, inclusive, 21.2 million boomers were born, nearly 1 1/2 times the number born between 1941 and 1945, and the largest for any 5-year period in the 20th century. Boomers today represent 28% of the U.S. population. But in 1964, they represented about 40% of the population. In other words, in 1964 more than a third of the population was under 19 years old! No wonder the baby boomers attracted so much attention.
GENERATION XERS • In the U.S. Generation X was originally referred to as the "baby bust" generation because of the drop in the birth rate following the baby boom. • This generation saw the inception of the home computer, the rise of videogames, and later the internet as a tool for economic purposes: Dot.coms, MTV, Grunge music, Hip hop culture and Security-Moms attributed to this generation. • The US Census Bureau cites this group (Generation X) as statistically holding the highest education levels when looking at age group
GENERATION XERS TECHNOLOGY Home Computer Video Games Dot-Com boom and bust CORE VALUES Skepticism Fun Informality Independent
GENERATION XERS EXPERIENCES Roe vs. Wade Challenger Disaster Persian Gulf War O.J. Simpson trial Clinton Administration
GENERATION XERS According to U.S. Census Bureau statistics, 83.8 million people were in the 25-44-year-old Generation X age bracket. Gen Xers are in their peak years of product and service consumption and its members view electronic media as a primary tool for conducting research and accomplishing tasks. The media they use are fragmented. They embrace a wider range of lifestyles than previous generations. Weaned on MTV and cable television, they are largely immune to traditional advertising. Faced with stagnant wages and high debt, they are more cost conscious than free-spending boomers.
MILLENNIALS The Generation Y are sometimes called the "Trophy Generation", or "Trophy Kids," a term that reflects the trend in competitive sports (as well as many other aspects of life) where "no one loses" and everyone gets a "Thanks for Participating" trophy. Trophy kids developed pressure to excel not only in school, but also hobbies , sports and service work. A recent survey, they found that 97% of students owned a computer, 94% owned a cell phone, and 56% owned an mp3 player (iPod, Zune, Sansa, etc.). They are the most educated generation in the United States currently.[
MILLENNIALS EXPERIENCES 9/11 - World Trade Center attack Oklahoma bombings Kids shooting kids Corporate scandals George W. Bush
MILLENNIALS TECNOLOGY Grew up with Technology Internet Play Station/X boxes CORE VALUES Realism Confidence Extreme fun Social
MILLENNIALS Sixteen percent grew up—or are currently growing up—in poverty. Being amongst the first generations to be born and actively grow up in an American society desegregated by law (brown vs board of education), imposing sexual equality by law (Title IX), and proactively defending the rights of various minority groups by law, in addition to the effects of 60's and 70's era influence on their generation, Millennials to some extent have been conditioned by the state, educational insitituion, and cultural influence to take a more neutral outlook on multiculturalism. They’re the hottest commodity on the job market since Rosie the Riveter. They’re sociable, optimistic, talented, well-educated, collaborative, open-minded, influential, and achievement-oriented. They’ve always felt sought after, needed, indispensable.
Work Ethic & Values *https://www.fdu.edu/newspubs/magazine/05ws/generations.htm
Work and Family Life *https://www.fdu.edu/newspubs/magazine/05ws/generations.htm
Communication *https://www.fdu.edu/newspubs/magazine/05ws/generations.htm
Motivations *https://www.fdu.edu/newspubs/magazine/05ws/generations.htm
U.S. Demographics U.S. Demographics
Manager vs. Non-Manager Manager /Supervisor Non Manager
A few reasons to pay attention: • Both Gen Xers and Millennial’s say the most important job characteristic is a schedule that allows for family time • 70% of men ages 21 to 29 say they would sacrifice pay for more time with their families. • 51% of Gen Xers said they’d quit if another employer offered them the chance to telecommute.
Questions to ask • What is the age make up of our department or market? • What opportunities or challenges does this present? • Do we have successors identified for our key positions? • Have we built leadership bench strength? • Is our work environment attractive to a multi-generational work force? • Can we offer flextime, telecommuting? • Can we structure part time jobs for retirees? • Can employees maintain work/life balance? • Are we maximizing our use of technology in communications and training?