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There are countless stories of people who got trapped into the gimmicks and false promises of companies who never delivered and ended up eating their hard-earned money.<br>To ensure that you don’t get into such a horrific situation, you need to be smart in terms of the questions you ask to the seo company in Singapore that you choose to hire.<br>Right questions and right answer can ensure that you do not end up being trapped and get to find a smart, result-oriented, cost-effective seo company in singapore.<br>Here are 6 most important questions you should ask to the seo company in singapore when hiring it for your website’s search engine optimization.<br><br> For More information visit this link: <br><br>http://metabizverse.com/6-questions-ask-hiring-seo-company-singapore/<br>
While there are a number of companies providing seo services in Singapore, choosing a seo company in Singapore that actually gets you result, costs low and deliver faster is tough task, considering that the options are so many, competition is high and every company claims itself the best seo company in Singapore.
There are countless stories of people who got trapped into the gimmicks and false promises of companies who never delivered and ended up eating their hard-earned money. To ensure that you don’t get into such a horrific situation, you need to be smart in terms of the questions you ask to the seo company in Singapore that you choose to hire.Right questions and right answer can ensure that you do not end up being trapped and get to find a smart, result-oriented, cost-effective seo company in singapore.
Here are 6 most important questions you should ask to the seo company in singapore when hiring it for your website’s search engine optimization: • May I have a list of current and past clients? • How will you improve my search engine rankings? • Do you adhere to search engine’s webmaster guidelines? • Can you guarantee my website will achieve a number-one ranking on Google? • What if we decide to part ways? • What is your approach about content?
1. May I have a list of current and past clients? Many of the seo companies in Singapore would make lofty promises and make huge claims about the success that they made. However, when asking them their past clients, they might either not give you any, or shall not give the correct ones (might give false sites that they haven’t worked with).This is to be taken as a red flag and make sure that you stay away with such SEO companies in Singapore.
2. How will you improve my search engine rankings? Ask this question and if you hear the answer like “we use secret method”, ” we can’t share the method with you” and so on, Beware!While its understandable that the Seo company in Singapore you’re hiring would not share the entire, step-by-step procedure of how they’re going to perform the task, giving clarity of it’s major methods should not definitely harm or hurt any of it’s interests/purposes.
3. Do you adhere to search engine’s webmaster guidelines? You want a seo company in Singapore that strictly abides by Google’s publicly postedwebmaster best practices,which specifically prohibit 12 common SEO tricks, including automatically generating spammy content and adding bogus hidden text and links. If the seo company in Singapore that you’re wanting to hire does not understand and follow the guidelines, your website may get into the danger of being penalized by google and other search engines.
4. Can you guarantee my website will achieve a number-one ranking on Google? If the answer you get is yes, don’t wait a moment. Run, unfriend and never talk to them anymore.Let’s understand that it’s technically impossible for any company to guaranty number one ranking on google since the ranking of any page is decided on the basis of so many factors, many of which are not in control of the agency making optimization.It may or may not rank and therefore the company providing seo services in Singapore must be transparent, telling it upfront that the number one ranking isn’t guaranteed. Making the site ranked on the first page is possible though, amongst either of the 6 positions.
5. What if we decide to part ways? There are seo companies in Singapore that really get upset and take turn from their promises if you choose to part ways.Its best to keep it clear from day one that any content produced, posts made and work done till the period of agreed contract belongs to you and that the company, if hired shall not remove anything if you part ways, whether your contract expires or you choose to terminate early.
6. What is your approach about content? In a Q-A with googleAndreyLipattsev, a Search Quality Senior Strategist at Google told that content is one of the top 3 major factors that influence search engine results. Quality of content, placement of keywords and the overall content optimization impacts how a site is ranked and therefore, understanding content approach of the seo company in Singapore that you’re willing to hire is extremely critical.
For More information visit this link: http://metabizverse.com/6-questions-ask-hiring-seo-company-singapore/