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A healthy diet can help protect against colon disorders
Get Rid of Constipation by Having Good Colon Health Have you ever thought of making it to the office while you are extremely ill? Well no sane person would do that? So why compromise on your colon health that is responsible for keeping you healthy on the whole. Colon is that silent part of the digestive system of which a number of people hardly think. Moreover, most of these people tend to ignore this important organ of the digestive system of the body considering it to be a mediocre one. May be if you are one of those people, you are not aware of the fact that the colon is the sole organ that is responsible for constipation if not taken care of properly. Actually all the unnecessary wastes and the toxins inside our body that is generated right after the digestion of the food that we eat reaches inside the colon which is located near the large intestine. Now from here all such toxins and waste are washed out only by the colon if it is in a good shape. Moreover, if the colon health is good, there would be around 14 contractions taking place inside the colon every minute that would help the colon to push out all the waste and toxins out from the body. On the other hand, a poor colon accumulation of such wastes and toxins inside the health would mean BEST WAY TO HAVE GOOD COLON HEALTH: http://www.lnk123.com/SHuyV
colon would lead to constipation due to which a person would not be able to have even a single bowel motion in very critical cases at times. Hence, here is where you need to get your colon cleansed at regular intervals of time either in the form of minor surgeries or by natural methods as well. Thus, in order to keep your colon health good, it is advised that you keep a constant eye on your diet as well as your lifestyle. Avoid all kinds of processed, junk, fast and high-calorie foods as such kind of meals only contribute to a poor colon health. On the other hand, it is important that you take such foods that are high in fiber like apples, vegetables, fruits, grains like wheat etc., cut on the foods that contain increased amounts carbohydrates and starch thus, deteriorating your colon health. Besides if you are a person who has a strict working schedule, then you are the person who needs to take care of the colon health most, since people like you hardly bother to consider what to eat and what not to eat. of fats and In addition to this, you need to have regular sessions of workouts and take proper sleep of six to eight hours every day so that your whole body gets proper rest and gets back to work whenever you need it in the fittest manner possible. In continuation to this, it would be better if you take six to eight glasses of water every day, as water is another antioxidant that helps a lot in washing out toxins BEST WAY TO HAVE GOOD COLON HEALTH: http://www.lnk123.com/SHuyV
from your body and keeping your colon health in a good shape. So if you want to lead healthy and disease free life it is important for you to monitor your colon health. It is always better to use natural colon cleansers to maintain a good colon health, thereby keeping yourself away from diseases. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3377099 BEST WAY TO HAVE GOOD COLON HEALTH: http://www.lnk123.com/SHuyV
BONUS-1 Why Colon Health Is Important You might hear the term colon health tossed around quite a bit. Some are not even aware of the sheer amount of work that the colon does. The colon processes food, breaks the food down into tiny particles, and pushes that food through the digestive tract. That food provides energy for the entire body because it contains the proper nutrients and other components that your body needs to stay healthy. The biggest problem that you face is what occurs when your body cannot process those foods. All About Constipation When you swallow food, that food must go somewhere. It passes through the mouth and throat, down the esophagus, and into the stomach. Eventually the food makes its way to the colon and the digestive track. If you suffer from constipation, then the odds are good that you have a buildup or blockage of food in that track. This occurs more often in those that suffer from poor colon health and eat the wrong foods. No one is immune from the problem, but those that eat less healthy foods are more likely to suffer from constipation. BEST WAY TO HAVE GOOD COLON HEALTH: http://www.lnk123.com/SHuyV
Natural Remedies for Constipation One of the easiest remedies for constipation is the use of colon health supplements contain a mixture of probiotics or natural fibers that improve the digestive track. Taking just one supplement a day with a glass of water goes a long way towards improving colon health. Increasing your intake of natural fibers will also help improve the colon and reduce the chances of constipation. The fiber has a cleansing effect on the colon and digestive tract. Fiber helps remove the buildup of food and other debris that clutters the track. supplements. These Probiotics are also another source of natural remedies for regular or severe constipation. Get the latest information on probiotics benefits today. Other Remedies Changing your diet is one of the best ways to reduce constipation and colon problems. A colon health diet includes foods that cleanse the colon and improve health in other ways, making your body both stronger and healthier. A diet with more fruits and vegetables and less proteins is helpful for the colon. Protein cannot break down in the same way and can become lodged in the digestive tract. Some also find a colon cleanse helpful. A colon cleanse BEST WAY TO HAVE GOOD COLON HEALTH: http://www.lnk123.com/SHuyV
essentially flushes the digestive track, removing debris and food that becomes lodged in the body. The products flush away toxins and other impurities from foods that might otherwise make you feel ill. Under Section 5 of DSHEA, the content material within this article or webpage is for consumer and educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. BEST WAY TO HAVE GOOD COLON HEALTH: http://www.lnk123.com/SHuyV Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7517200 BEST WAY TO HAVE GOOD COLON HEALTH: http://www.lnk123.com/SHuyV
BONUS-2 What You Should Know About Colon Health Colon health is undeniably an important issue that directly affects our entire bodies. A properly functioning colon is necessary to not only absorb essential nutrients, but to rid the body of waste and harmful toxins. Learning as much as you can about having a healthy colon is the best defense for warding off a host of illnesses and conditions. 5 Important Facts About Colon Health 1. Besides the skin, kidneys, and lungs, the colon is another organ that helps the body get rid of waste materials. If colon health is compromised for some reason, toxins may build up over time. These toxins may be absorbed into the bloodstream and lymph nodes, negatively affecting the rest of our body. Colon hydrotherapy is one procedure used to cleanse the bowel of these harmful substances. 2. As we age, the colon may lose some of its ability to effectively eliminate waste. It is for this reason BEST WAY TO HAVE GOOD COLON HEALTH: http://www.lnk123.com/SHuyV
that our diets should contain adequate amounts of fiber from sources such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. 3. Peristalsis is the term used to describe movement within the colon. These contractions move food through the digestive tract and help the body absorb nutrients. A healthy colon has approximately 14 contractions within the colon each and every minute. 4. Two to three bowel movements per day are necessary for avoiding the accumulation of harmful toxins. Infrequent bowel movements or constipation directly contribute to poor colon health. Some people suffering from constipation find laxatives to be helpful, or simply increasing their fiber intake. 5. Bowel toxemia refers to a condition that causes inflammation and swelling within the colon. This may occur when the colon contains impacted fecal matter, bacteria, or other harmful materials. If the colon becomes inflamed, it won't be able to function normally, possibly leading to several other ailments throughout the body. BEST WAY TO HAVE GOOD COLON HEALTH: http://www.lnk123.com/SHuyV
4 Simple Tips for Good Colon Health 1. Eat Healthy It's no secret that diet plays an important role in our overall health and well-being. Studies show that people who eat fewer red meats and more vegetables have a lower risk of colon cancer. A diet high in fiber has also been linked to good colon health. Fiber enables the body to move waste matter through the digestive tract faster than normal. If your diet is lacking in vitamins, minerals, or fiber, supplements that contain folate (folic acid) are thought to protect cells within the colon from developing cancer. 2. Stay Physically Active Regular exercise is essential for all aspects of good health, and colon health is no different. Experts agree that regular physical activity, at least 30 minutes per day aids in digestion. The quicker waste material passes through the colon, the less chance for toxins to accumulate. 3. Avoid Alcohol and Cigarettes Besides causing various other health problems, excessive amounts of alcohol affects our colon health as well. BEST WAY TO HAVE GOOD COLON HEALTH: http://www.lnk123.com/SHuyV
Although the reasons aren't clear, people who have one or fewer alcoholic drinks per day have a lower risk of colon cancer. Cigarette smoke is harmful to the delicate tissues of the colon. 4. Get Regular Screenings Unless you have a family history, colorectal screenings should begin at age 50 to check for cancer. Nearly a third of all colon cancer deaths could have been avoided through early detection. BEST WAY TO HAVE GOOD COLON HEALTH: http://www.lnk123.com/SHuyV Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/831475 BEST WAY TO HAVE GOOD COLON HEALTH: http://www.lnk123.com/SHuyV