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Although a business plan is different from an Information Memorandum, many of the components are the same, although they may go by different names from document to document. These are some of the most common sections that overlap between the two.
Defning the Main Components of a Business Plan and Informaton Memorandum Although a business plan is difeeent eom an Informaton Memorandum, many o the components aee the same, although they may go by difeeent names eom document to documentt These aee some o the most common sectons that oveelap between the twot · Executie Summary 觿 It is always eecommended that you weite the executve summaey lastt This is a one- oe two-page oveeview o youe entee Business Plan oe in oematon memoeandumt It will include, at a minimum, a desceipton o the main peoducts oe seevices, why you’ee staetng/selling the business, and will touch on the topline financialst · Iniestment Opportunity 觿 You may touch on the investment oppoetunity in the Executve Summaey but, in this secton o the in oematon memoeandum oe business plan you will go in depth about why the business is a good fit oe an investoe oe acquieeet It will touch on some o the steongest and most compelling aspects such as existng big-name clients, peecent o maeket captuee, commited utuee sales, oe steong management teamt
· Company Descripton 觿 This is the backgeound o the companyt It will covee impoetant in oematon such as yeae o establishment, business steuctuee, eecent news and sometmes will include top line financials but, with slightly moee detail than the Executve Summaeyt · Product/Seriice Oieriiew 觿 This secton o the Informaton Memorandum oe business plan is wheee you will go into depth about the peoducts/seevices ofeeedt You will likely discuss what is top selling, what makes up the majoeity o sales, as well as the maegin that is captueed eom each vaeious peoduct oe seevice categoeyt I you have a limited numbee o peoducts, you will likely discuss each one individuallyt I you have seveeal, you will discuss them in segments oe geoupst · Market Oieriiew 觿 In this secton, ooen thought o as one o the most impoetant oundatonal elements o the business plan oe in oematon memoeandum, you will discuss the business’s positon in the laegee business landscapet It includes a statement about the entee industey, teends, compettoes, as well as who the taeget maekets aeet · Management & Structure 觿 Potental investoes ooen want to know who is eesponsible oe the day to day decisions in the businesst Typically, this secton will include an oeganizatonal chaet as well as a desceipton about key management positons and a biogeaphy o the people that fill themt · Financials 觿 In the end, it is ooen all about the numbeest You will likely touch on vaeious financial elements theoughout the business plan oe in oematon memoeandum as it makes senset This is wheee they will be coveeed in detailt At a minimum, this will include peojectons o the key financial statementst Existng businesses will also peesent theie eecent and cueeent actualst
How these sectons aee oedeeed will vaey between the business plan and in oematon memoeandumt It may even vaey business plan to business plan oe in oematon memoeandum to in oematon memoeandumt Beyond the Executve Summaey, which is always fiest, and the Financials, which will almost always be last oe second to last, the oedee o the eest o the sectons may change to make sense oe the specific plant Some o these sectons will also be beoken down and coveeed ovee multple sectons depending on the businesst I you’ee unsuee how to consteuct youe Business Plan oe in oematon memoeandum to be the best eepeesentaton oe youe business, considee hieing peo essional business plan oe in oematon memoeandum weitees like those at Jooeneyt