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Kiwis are rich in vitamin C, potassium, fiber, folate, and other nutrients.<br>Kiwi Fruit - Nutrition & Health Benefits<br>Kiwis are one of the most popular fruits in the world. They have been cultivated since ancient times and are now grown worldwide. Kiwis are available year-round, but peak season is from May to August. The best varieties include green kiwifruit, golden kiwifruit, and red kiwifruit. Read more and letu2019s find out Kiwi fruit nutrition and health benefits.<br>What is the benefits of eating kiwi?<br>This fruit has many health benefits.<br>Kiwis contain vitamin C, potassium, fiber, folate, copper, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron. They also contain antioxidants called polyphenols, which help protect against cancer and cardiovascular diseases.<br>They also contain antioxidants like quercetin and kaempferol.<br>Kiwifruit contains more than 100 different compounds with antioxidant properties. These compounds help protect against cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Kiwifruits also contain vitamins A, B6, E, K, and folic acid.<br>The most common varieties of kiwifruit include the green Hales, golden Hayward, and red kiwifruit. Kiwifruit has been used as a remedy for colds, coughs, sore throats, and other respiratory ailments. In addition, kiwifruit helps lower cholesterol levels and prevents diabetes.<br>Kiwis are high in Vitamin C.<br>Kiwifruit is one of the richest sources of vitamin C. It has been shown to reduce the risk of certain cancers, such as breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and lung cancer. Kiwifruit also helps prevent cardiovascular disease by reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels.<br>The kiwi fruit is a member of the gooseberry family. It is native to New Zealand and Australia. It is the national fruit of both countries. Kiwifruits are available year-round, but peak season is from September to December.<br>Kiwis have more potassium than bananas.<br>Kiwis are rich sources of potassium, an essential mineral that plays a key role in maintaining normal nerve function, muscle contraction, and fluid balance. Potassium is also necessary for proper bone development and maintenance.<br>A cup of cooked kiwi contains around 300 milligrams of potassium, which is almost twice as much as a banana. Kiwis are also high in vitamin C, fiber, folate, and manganese.<br>Kiwis are low in calories and fat.<br>Kiwis are low-calorie fruits with only 80 calories per 100 grams (3.5 oz). They contain no cholesterol, saturated fats, trans fats, sodium, or added sugars. Kiwis are high in dietary fiber, antioxidants, vitamins A and C, and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, and selenium.<br>Kiwis are good sources of fiber.<br>Kiwis are also an excellent source of vitamin C, potassium, folate, and fiber. Vitamin C helps build strong bones and teeth, while potassium helps maintain healthy blood pressure levels. Folate is essential for proper brain development and function. Fiber aids digestion and lowers cholesterol.<br>Kiwis contain fiber which helps lower cholesterol levels.<br>Kiwis are an excellent source of dietary fiber, which has been shown to reduce blood pressure and improve insulin sensitivity. Fiber also lowers bad LDL cholesterol while increasing good HDL cholesterol. It also helps prevent constipation by helping with regular bowel movements.<br>The kiwi fruit is a member of the gooseberry family, and it grows on vines. <br>Kiwis are high in potassium which helps regulate blood pressure.<br>Kiwis are also rich in vitamin C, which is essential for healthy skin and bones. Vitamin C is needed for collagen production, which keeps skin firm and elastic.<br>Kiwis are also high in antioxidants which help fight free radicals.<br>Kiwis are also an excellent source of fiber, potassium, folate, and magnesium. Fiber helps keep your digestive system running smoothly and potassium helps regulate blood pressure. Magnesium is necessary for bone growth and muscle function. Folate is required for DNA synthesis and repair.<br>Kiwis are also very low in calories and fat. A 100-gram serving contains only 15 calories and 0 grams of fat. Kiwis are also a good source of vitamin C, vitamin E, copper, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, iron, and selenium. Vitamin C is essential for immune health and cell division. Vitamin E is needed for healthy skin and hair. Copper is important for energy metabolism and proper brain development. Manganese is vital for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Phosphorus is needed for strong bones and teeth. Zinc is essential for wound healing and tissue repair. Iron is needed for oxygen transport throughout the body. Selenium is important for thyroid hormone production.<br><br>

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