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Department of Transport. NATIONAL ROAD SAFETY STRATEGY 2006 onwards. Wendy Watson Chief Director: Road Transport Regulation. MD goals “Halve road Deaths in Africa By 2014”.
Department of Transport • NATIONAL • ROAD SAFETY • STRATEGY • 2006 onwards Wendy Watson Chief Director: Road Transport Regulation
MD goals “Halve road Deaths in Africa By 2014” “ A lot of attention has gone into health care, education, housing and the economy, and transport has tended to be forgotten.. The good news is that in the last few years, government has become more aware that transport is critical … but what remains in deep crisis is the public transport reality” Jeremy Cronin: Chair, Transport Portfolio Committee quoted in the Pretoria News on 29th June 2006
Outline of presentation The South African Context --Millennium Dev. Goals --ASGISA --FIFA 2010 Targets Critical Indicators Achievements Current Challenges The Strategy Management Institutional Reform Road Environment Driver and Vehicle Fitness Recommendations and resourcing
MD goals “Halve road Deaths in Africa By 2014” The 2006 Context and targets • Millenium Development Goals 2014 • Reduce fatalities by 50% • Halve poverty in Africa • Reduction in Unnatural Causes of Death • Road Vehicle Accidents rank 7th after health issues • FIFA World Cup 2010 • Enabling environment - improved road safety • Properly coordinated traffic management • ASGISA Goals 2014 • Reduction of costs of accidents to the economy • Lives lost, disability, hours lost to production
MD goals “Halve road Deaths in Africa By 2014” TARGETS The meeting of African Ministers of Transport in Addis Ababa in April 2006, identified the need to reduce fatalities on Africa’s roads by HALF, by 2014. This gives us contributing targets for the FIFA 2010 World Cup and the ASGISA program. All activities are aimed at this target – halving of road trauma by 2014 – this translates to 10% reduction per annum, and a saving of 40,000 lives by 2014.
MD goals “Halve road Deaths in Africa By 2014” International perspective Cost of crashes in Africa, DOUBLE total given in aid. Cost $500 billion (R3000 billion +) worldwide 750,000 killed, 12-23 million injured, annually in developing world By 2020 will be third highest cause of DALY’s – disease burden. (1. Heart disease, 2 Depression)
MD goals “Halve road Deaths in Africa By 2014” International Recommendations World Bank report • Identify a lead agency. • Assess the problem. • 3. Prepare a road safety strategy • 4. Allocate sufficient financial and human resources • 5. Implement specific actions • 6. Support the development of national capacity.
Context: Government responses 1997: Short term strategies, reactive Eg. Arrive Alive / Tourist Bus Accident Package / Operation Juggernaut / Patrol vehicle project 2001: Road to Safety: Long term strategy iro enabling environment, physical programs and institutions 2006: New strategy – Incorporating international Models. Prioritization of Public Transport Road Traffic Management generally Pedestrian & Cyclists Safety
MD goals “Halve road Deaths in Africa By 2014” What has been achieved since 2003? • Improved training of traffic officers, general syllabus and 5000 trained in hazardous goods control. • Highway patrol of 120 vehicles. • Emotive television and radio campaign reaching 97% of people in SA. • SIU contract to investigate drivers licenses. • Tender for feasibility study into Periodic Vehicle Testing complete • Establishment of RTMC with four functional areas. • National Call Centre established and functional. • Statistics booklets published – two editions.
MD goals “Halve road Deaths in Africa By 2014” Achievements continued • Legislative and regulatory changes made to NRTA • Operation Juggernaut, Operation Emisa and other short-term strategies implemented. • National Law Enforcement Code nearly completed. • Incident Management Manual completed. • SANS code for bus drivers completed – SANS 10399 • Inspections of DLTCs and VTS’s completed during year, and start made on registration of driving schools. • New PrDP qualifications being developed.
Current Challenges • Non compliant society – no respect for law • Alcohol abuse widespread • Inadequate enforcement – concentration on speed – not moving violations and alcohol. • Fine collection only 17% • Urban speed limits too high for pedestrians • Coordination through three tiers of government • Behavior change difficult to achieve • Fraud and Corruption rife throughout the industry. • [PMG note: graphics not included, please email info@pmg.org.za]
MD goals “Halve road Deaths in Africa By 2014” Departmental and Social Priorities 2006 onwards Public Transport Taxi Recapitilisation Bus Contract Restructuring Scholar Transportation 74% of households depend on public transport - this must be our emphasis.
MD goals “Halve road Deaths in Africa By 2014” 2006 Context • Road traffic safety affects every citizen and remains a public interest issue and levels are unsatisfactory and unacceptable. • 2005: Cost of accidents R43 billion as well as immeasurable pain & suffering. 38 deaths, 21 disabling injuries and 125 serious injuries every day. 20,000 families having a member killed or disabled.
Extra traffic personnel to enforce standards for the Taxi Recapitilisation Program. Auditing of Vehicle Testing Centres to service Taxi Recap Program. Monitoring and enforcement of the permit system including Professional Driving Permits MD goals “Halve road Deaths in Africa By 2014” Public Transport priorities
For scholar transport, providing law, enforcement technical support, MOU with DOE to address management and compliance with safety standards Providing training and capacity development to support the industry. Reduction of speed limits and traffic calming around schools – to international norm 30-40 kph. MD goals “Halve road Deaths in Africa By 2014” Scholar Transport priorities
Develop a culture of proper road traffic enforcement. New values driven by service delivery Research and development Capacity development in various levels of oversight over road traffic management matters. Proper coordination of road traffic matters across all spheres of Government. MD goals “Halve road Deaths in Africa By 2014” Road Traffic Management, Coordination and Enforcement
MD goals “Halve road Deaths in Africa By 2014” Enforcement of Pedestrians and Cyclists Safety • Pedestrian visibility campaigns • Education of school children • Reduction of speed limits in areas of heavy pedestrian activity [PMG note: graphics not included, please email info@pmg.org.za]
Management, good governance and co-ordination Institutional Reform – Regulatory Framework Road Environment quality Driver Fitness Vehicle Fitness Utilization of Technology Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety MD goals “Halve road Deaths in Africa By 2014” Implementation Instruments
MD goals “Halve road Deaths in Africa By 2014” Traffic Offence Rates to be achieved by 2010
MD goals “Halve road Deaths in Africa By 2014” Traffic Offence Rates to be achieved by 2010 (2)
MD goals “Halve road Deaths in Africa By 2014” Traffic Offence Rates to be achieved by 2010 (3)
Province Present rate (2006) of fatal crashes per 100,000 kms Target rates by 2014 Gauteng 466 233 KwaZulu Natal 523 261 Western Cape 328 164 Eastern Cape 593 297 Free State 158 79 Mpumalanga 332 167 North West 172 86 Limpopo 148 74 Western Cape 62 31 MD goals “Halve road Deaths in Africa By 2014” Reduction – Crashes 88 hazardous locations, per 100 000km traveled
MD goals “Halve road Deaths in Africa By 2014” Approved Strategy • A. The Road Safety Strategy comprising the following: • Prioritizing Public Transport Safety • Road Traffic Management Coordination and Enforcement – transfer of functions to RTMC • Enforcement of the Pedestrian and Cyclists Safety • The review of progress to be on annual basis between adoption and 2014 All efforts to be aimed at behavior change…..
B. Approval of the following implementation instruments: Utilization of technology for effective enforcement -Speed calming camera systems on main routes Multidisciplinary Road Blocks - Visibility of road traffic personnel - 1000 traffic checking “road block” exercises daily Emotive advertising, road traffic education and public relations efforts to ensure support of the public. Implementation of RTIA – AARTO legislation Stronger, more effective sentencing – Engagements with DOJ Including - license suspension for excessive speed MD goals “Halve road Deaths in Africa By 2014” STRATEGY (Cont. 1)
MD goals “Halve road Deaths in Africa By 2014” STRATEGY (Cont. 2) • Reduction of speed limits in areas of high pedestrian activity to 30 to 40 kph and of vehicles carrying passengers on load areas to 80 kph. • Training courses and practical tests for PrDP holders • Probationary period for learner drivers, once they have passed the practical driving test- • Driver re-training and testing after serious crashes or repeat violations. • Declaration of enforcement as Essential Service to enable 24/7 policing.
MD goals “Halve road Deaths in Africa By 2014” STRATEGY (Cont. 3) • Introduction of Periodic Vehicle Testing, and camera systems at Vehicle Testing Stations and return of inspection responsibilities to DOT from SABS • Use of technology to support enforcement – videos in vehicles, micro-dotting, electronic vehicle identification and development of CVD devices and utilisation. • Regulation of the Driving School Industry. • Further investigations and prosecutions of those involved in Fraud and Corruption in the industry. • Training and employment of extra traffic personnel, including a “swat” team at RTMC to attend to serious incidents and challenges.
MD goals “Halve road Deaths in Africa By 2014” REVIEW PROCESS Annual progress review of entire strategy, with reporting to the annual Transport Lekgotla. Special reviews at critical times ie before the FIFA 2010 World Cup, to ensure adequate levels of progress against objectives. [PMG note: graphics not included, please email info@pmg.org.za]
MD goals “Halve road Deaths in Africa By 2014” MTEF budget request RTIA-AARTO – R10m, R19.6m, R11.34m New Technology – R3m, R3.18m, R3.37m Regulation of Driving Schools Industry - R3m. R3.18m, R3.37m Computerised Learner License - R10m, R15m, R20m PrDP training and testing – R5m, R5.3,, R5.61m Batho Pele training for registration centres - R2m, R2.12m, R2.25m Dangerous Goods Inspectorate – R5m, R5.3m, R5.6m VTS – R2.5m, R2.65m, R2.8m Total new spend: Year 1: R40.5 million
MD goals “Halve road Deaths in Africa By 2014” “The Minister’s view is that we really don’t need to debate these things any more. Implementation is the name of the game.” Ian Phillips, Advisor to Minister of Transport. SMS - 18 August 2006. The potential saving in 8 years is 57,457 lives, more than 25,000 permanently disabling injuries and R141 billion. We have been given a challenge. We cannot fail to rise to it and meet it head on!
MD goals “Halve road Deaths in Africa By 2014” Spending on Road Safety is not A COST, It is AN INVESTMENT
Department of Transport Thank you