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Mass spectrometry (MS) fragments the molecule and measures the masses ... Identification of functional groups on a molecule this is a very important tool in organic chemistry ...
2. Spectroscopy is an instrumentally aided studies of the interactions between matter (sample being analyzed) and energy (any portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, EMS)
Chemists can use portions of the EMS to selectively manipulate the energies contained within a molecule, to uncover detailed evidence of its chemical structure and bonding. EMS refers to the seemingly diverse collection of radiant energy, from cosmic rays to X-rays to visible light to microwaves, each of which can be considered as a wave or particle traveling at the speed of light.
=> EMS and Molecular Effects4. Energy (E) E = hn = hc/l where h is Planck’s constant, c is the speed of light, n is frequency or the number of vibrations per second and l is the wavelength Wavenumber (n’) n’ = 1/ l given in cm-1 Period (P) P = 1/n the time between a vibration
= hcn’ Energy, frequency, and wavenumber are directly proportional to each other.
The four most common spectroscopic methods used in organic analysis are: What actually happens to the sample during an analysis? {How do the sample and energy “interact”?} What happens when a sample absorbs UV/Vis energy? excitation of ground state electrons (typically p and n electrons) Eelectronic increases momentarily What happens when a sample absorbs IR energy? stretching and bending of bonds (typically covalent bonds) Evibration increases momentarily UV/Vis sample p ? p* transition IR -O-H -O (?3500 cm-1) —H (?200 nm) Matter/Energy Interactions7. Infrared spectroscopy (IR) measures the bond vibration frequencies in a molecule and is used to determine the functional group Mass spectrometry (MS) fragments the molecule and measures the masses Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy detects signals from hydrogen atoms and can be used to distinguish isomers Ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy uses electron transitions to determine bonding patterns
8. Just below red in the visible region Wavelengths usually 2.5-25 mm More common units are wavenumbers, or cm-1, the reciprocal of the wavelength in centimeters (104/mm = 4000-400 cm-1) Wavenumbers are proportional to frequency and energy
The IR Region The IR region is divided into three regions: the near, mid, and far IR. The mid IR region is of greatest practical use to the organic chemist.
Molecular Vibrations and IR Spectroscopy Molecules are made up of atoms linked by chemical bonds. The movement of atoms and chemical bonds like spring and balls (vibration) What is a vibration in a molecule? Any change in shape of the molecule- stretching of bonds, bending of bonds, or internal rotation around single bonds Vibrations There are two main vibrational modes : Stretching - change in bond length (higher frequency) Stretching vibration Stretching Types Symmetric Asymmetric Bending Types In-plane (Scissoring) 2. Bending - change in bond angle (lower frequency) Out-plane (Twisting) Modes of vibrations Stretching: change in bond distance. Occurs at higher energy: 4000-1250 cm?1. -CH2- H2O Bending: change in bond angle. Occurs at lower energy: 1400-666 cm?1. More complex types of stretching and bending are possible Can a vibration change the dipole moment of a molecule? Infrared active vibrations (those that absorb IR radiation) must result in a change of dipole moment Asymmetrical stretching/bending and internal rotation change the dipole moment of a molecule. Asymmetrical stretching/bending are IR active. Symmetrical stretching/bending does not. Not IR active Fundamental Vibrations (Absorption Frequencies) A molecule has as many as degrees of freedom as the total degree of freedom of its individual atoms. Each atom has 3 degree of freedom (x,y,z) A molecule of n atoms therefore has 3n degrees of freedom. Non linear molecules (e.g. H2O) Vibrational degrees of freedom or Fundamental Vibrations = 3n – 6 Symmetrical Stretching (?s OH) 3652 cm-1 Asymmetrical Stretching (?as OH) 3756 cm-1 Scissoring (ds HOH) 1596 cm-1 For linear molecule (e.g. CO2) : Vibrational degrees of freedom or Fundamental Vibrations = 3n – 5 Symmetrical Stretching (?s CO2) 1340 cm-1 Asymmetrical Stretching (?as CO2) 2350 cm-1 Scissoring (bending out of the plane of the paper) (ds CO2) 666 cm-1 Scissoring (bending in the plane of the paper) (ds CO2) 666 cm-1 O=C=O H-O-H H-O-H “BACKGROUND” Carbon Dioxide and Water The theoretical no. of fundamental vibrations will seldom be observed because overtones (multiples of a given frequencies) and combination tones (sum of two other vibrations) increase the no. of bands. Other phenomena reduce the no. of bands including: Fundamental frequencies that fall outside the 4000-400 cm-1 region. Fundamental bands that are too weak to be observed. Fundamental bands that are so close that they coalesce. The occurrence of a degenerate band from several absorptions of the same frequency in highly symmetrical molecules. The failure of certain fundamental vibrations to appear in the IR because of the lack of change in molecular dipole. Which of the following atoms or molecules will absorb IR radiation: I—Cl H2 N2 Cl2 Why?21. IR-Active and Inactive
A polar bond is usually IR-active. A nonpolar bond in a symmetrical molecule will absorb weakly or not at all.
How does the mass influence the vibration? H2 I2 MM =2 g/mole MM =254 g/mole The greater the mass - the lower the wavenumber (?) For a vibration at 4111 cm-1 (the stretch in H2), how many vibrations occur in a second? 120 x 1012 vibrations/sec or a vibration every 8 x 10-15 seconds! 120 trillion vibration per second!!!! Hooke’s Law ? = The vibration frequency (cm-1) c = Velocity of light (cm/s) f = force constant of bond (dyne/cm) M1 and M2 are mass (g) of atom M1 and M2 The relative contributions of bond strength is also considered in vibrational frequencies. In general functional groups that have a strong dipole give rise to strong absorptions in the IR. n = frequency in cm-1 c = velocity of light K = force constant in dynes/cm m = atomic masses SIMPLE HARMONIC OSCILLATOR > > multiple bonds have higher K’s m = reduced mass ( 3 x 1010 cm/sec ) THE EQUATION OF A This equation describes the vibrations of a bond. where larger K, higher frequency larger atom masses, lower frequency constants 2150 1650 1200 C-H > C-C > C-O > C-Cl > C-Br 3000 1200 1100 750 650 increasing K increasing m Frequency decreases with increasing atomic mass. Frequency increases with increasing bond energy. Stretching Frequencies28. wave number = ? 1 ?= ------- * ((k(m1 + m2))/(m1 m2))1/2 2pc 1 ? = ---------------------- cm-1 2(3.14)(3.0E10) * ((5.0E5(12+16)(6.02E23))/(12*16))1/2
EXAMPLE: Calculate the fundamental frequency expected in the infrared absorption spectrum for the C - O stretching frequency. The value of the force constant is 5.0 X 105 dynes/cm. ? = 1112 cm-1
1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0% 50% 100% Transmission Wavenumber (cm-1)29. Vibrational Spectroscopy
30. IR Correlation Diagram
Transmittance (%) 100 80 60 40 20 0 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 10.0 Frequency (cm-1) Region I 3600-2700 cm-1 Region II 1800-1600 cm-1 / Wavelength (microns, mm) O-H N-H C-H bond stretching alcohols phenols carboxylic acids amines amides alkynes alkenes alkanes C=O acid chlorides anhydrides esters ketones aldehydes carboxylic acids amides Fingerprint Region (below 1500 cm-1) ?C-H =C-H -C-H
Instrumentation schematic diagram of a double beam double-grating infrared spectrophotometer 1. Radiation source 2. Monochromator 3. Solvents, sample cells, samples 4. Readout / Recorder Solvents Must be transparent in the region studied: no single solvent is transparent throughout the entire IR region 2. Water and alcohols are seldom employed to avoid O-H band of water . 3. Must be chemically inert (does not react with substance or cell holder). CCl4, CS2, or CHCl3; may be used but we should consider its IR spectrum SOLVENTS, CELLS, SAMPLES Cells NaCl or KCl cells may be used (moisture from air and sample should be avoided: even with care, their surfaces eventually become fogged due to absorption of moisture) Very thin (path length = 0.1 to 1.0 mm) Sample concentration = about 0.1 – 10% Samples 1. Solid KBr disk (1 mg solid sample + 100 mg KBr pressed into a disk) Mull: 1 mg solid sample suspended in Nujol (heavy liquid hydrocarbon) 2. Liquid Neat (thin film of liquid between two NaCl plates solution in CCl4 and put in special NaCl cells. 3. Gas IR spectrum is obtained directly by permitting the sample to expand into an evacuated special cells.34. Interferogram
The interferogram at the right displays the interference pattern and contains all of the spectrum information. A Fourier transform converts the time domain to the frequency domain with absorption as a function of frequency.
35. Identification of functional groups on a molecule – this is a very important tool in organic chemistry Spectral matching can be done by computer software and library spectra Since absorbance follows Beer’s Law, can do quantitative analysis
Use of IR spectra
36. An IR spectrum is a plot of per cent transmittance (or absorbance) against wavenumber (frequency or wavelength). A typical infrared spectrum is shown below.
A 100 per cent transmittance in the spectrum implies no absorption of IR radiation. When a compound absorbs IR radiation, the intensity of transmitted radiation decreases. This results in a decrease of per cent transmittance and hence a dip in the spectrum. The dip is often called an absorption peak or absorption band. FEATURES OF AN IR SPECTRUM Different types of groups of atoms (C-H, O-H, N-H, etc…) absorb infrared radiation at different characteristic wavenumbers.
37. No two molecules will give exactly the same IR spectrum (except enantiomers) Simple stretching: 1600-3500 cm-1 Complex vibrations: 400-1400 cm-1, called the “fingerprint region”
Baseline Absorbance/Peak IR Spectrum
38. Infrared Spectrum of Propanal (CH3CH2CHO)
39. Describing IR Absorptions
IR absorptions are described by their frequency and appearance. Frequency (n) is given in wavenumbers (cm-1) Appearance is qualitative: intensity and shape conventional abbreviations: vs very strong s strong m medium w weak br broad sh sharp OR shoulder
40. In general, the IR spectrum can be split into four regions for interpretation: 4000 ? 2500 cm-1: Absorption of single bonds formed by hydrogen and other elements e.g. O?H, N?H, C?H 2500 ? 2000 cm-1: Absorption of triple bonds e.g. C=C, C=N 2000 ? 1500 cm-1: Absorption of double bonds e.g. C=C, C=O 1500 ? 400 cm-1: This region often consists of many different, complicated bands. This part of the spectrum is unique to each compound and is often called the fingerprint region. It is rarely used for identification of particular functional groups.
41. Summary of IR Absorptions
BASE VALUES (+/- 10 cm-1) These are the minimum number of values to memorize. O-H 3600 N-H 3400 C-H 3000 C N 2250 C C 2150 C=O 1715 C=C 1650 C O ~1100 large range O-H STRETCH Typical Infrared AbsorptionRegions O-H FREQUENCY (cm-1) WAVELENGTH (mm) O-H C-H N-H C=O C=N Very few bands C=C C-Cl C-O C-N C-C X=C=Y (C,O,N,S) C N C C N=O N=O *45. O-H 3600 cm-1 (alcohol, free) O-H 3300 cm-1 (alcohols & acids, H-bonding)
The O-H stretching region
HYDROGEN-BONDED HYDROXYL Many kinds of OH bonds of different lengths and strengths This leads to a broad absorption. Longer bonds are weaker and lead to lower frequency. Hydrogen bonding occurs in concentrated solutions ( for instance, undiluted alcohol ). “Neat” solution. “FREE” HYDROXYL Distinct bond has a well-defined length and strength. Occurs in dilute solutions of alcohol in an “inert” solvent like CCl4. Solvent molecules surround but do not hydrogen bond. The “free” hydroxyl vibrates without interference from any other molecule.48. Cyclohexanol
O-H H-bond C-H C-O CH2 ALCOHOL neat solution ,
49. Butanoic Acid
O-H H-bond C-H C=O CH2 C-O CARBOXYLIC ACID neat solution
CARBOXYLIC ACID DIMER Strong hydrogen bonding in the dimer weakens the OH bond and leads to a broad peak at lower frequency. N-H STRETCH Typical Infrared Absorption Regions N-H FREQUENCY (cm-1) WAVELENGTH (mm) O-H C-H N-H C=O C=N Very few bands C=C C-Cl C-O C-N C-C X=C=Y (C,O,N,S) C N C C N=O N=O *53. The N-H stretching region
Primary amines give two peaks Secondary amines give one peak Tertiary amines give no peak symmetric asymmetric N-H 3300 - 3400 cm-1
NH2 NH2 scissor CH2 CH3 PRIMARY AMINE aliphatic 1-Butanamine NH2 Ar-H -CH3 benzene Ar-H PRIMARY AMINE aromatic 3-Methylbenzenamine NH benzene Ar-H CH3 SECONDARY AMINE N -Ethylbenzenamine no N-H benzene CH3 Ar-H Ar-H -CH3 TERTIARY AMINE N,N -Dimethylaniline C-H STRETCH Typical Infrared Absorption Regions C-H FREQUENCY (cm-1) WAVELENGTH (mm) O-H C-H N-H C=O C=N Very few bands C=C C-Cl C-O C-N C-C X=C=Y (C,O,N,S) C N C C N=O N=O * We will look at this area first C-H aldehyde, two peaks (both weak) ~ 2850 and 2750 cm-1 3000 divides UNSATURATED SATURATED C-H sp stretch ~ 3300 cm-1 C-H sp2 stretch > 3000 cm-1 C-H sp3 stretch < 3000 cm-1 The C-H stretching region BASE VALUE = 3000 cm-1 3000 -C-H =C-H 3100 3300 =C-H = 2900 2850 2750 -CH=O (weak) increasing CH Bond Strength sp3-1s sp2-1s sp-1s increasing frequency (cm-1) aldehyde increasing s character in bond increasing force constant K STRONGER BONDS HAVE LARGER FORCE CONSTANTS AND ABSORB AT HIGHER FREQUENCIES CH BASE VALUE = 3000 cm-162. Hexane
CH stretching vibrations ALKANE includes CH3 sym and asym CH2 sym and asym CH bending vibrations discussed shortly
C-H BENDING64. CH2 bending ~ 1465 cm-1 CH3 bending (asym) appears near the CH2 value ~ 1460 cm-1 CH3 bending (sym) ~ 1375 cm-1
Scissoring Wagging Rocking Twisting Bending Vibrations ~1465 cm-1 ~720 cm-1 ~1250 cm-1 ~1250 cm-1 in-plane out-of-plane METHYLENE GROUP BENDING VIBRATIONS CH3 CH2 1465 1460 1375 asym sym METHYLENE AND METHYL BENDING VIBRATIONS these two peaks frequently overlap and are not resolved C-H Bending, look near 1465 and 1375 cm-1 CH3 CH2 1465 1460 1375 asym sym 1370 1380 1370 1390 METHYLENE AND METHYL BENDING VIBRATIONS geminal dimethyl t-butyl (isopropyl) two peaks two peaks The sym methyl peak splits when you have more than one CH3 attached to a carbon. ADDITIONAL DETAILS FOR SYM CH3 one peak68. Hexane
CH stretch CH2 bend CH3 bend CH2 rocking ALKANE
69. 1-Hexene
70. Toluene
C=C benzene CH3 Ar-H Ar-H AROMATIC
71. 1-Hexyne
C=C = =C-H = C-H CH2, CH3 ALKYNE
C10H22 C12H26 Similar But Not Identical Fingerprinting C N AND C C STRETCH Typical Infrared AbsorptionRegions C=N C=C = = 2.5 4 5 5.5 6.1 6.5 15.4 FREQUENCY (cm-1) WAVELENGTH (mm) O-H C-H N-H C=O C=N Very few bands C=C C-Cl C-O C-N C-C X=C=Y (C,O,N,S) C N C C N=O N=O *75. The triple bond stretching region
C N 2250 cm-1 C C 2150 cm-1 = = = = The cyano group often gives a strong, sharp peak due to its large dipole moment. The carbon-carbon triple bond gives a sharp peak, but it is often weak due to a lack of a dipole. This is especially true if it is at the center of a symmetric molecule.
76. Propanenitrile
77. 1-Hexyne
C=C = =C-H = ALKYNE BASE = 2150
C=O STRETCHING Typical Infrared AbsorptionRegions C=O FREQUENCY (cm-1) WAVELENGTH (mm) O-H C-H N-H C=O C=N Very few bands C=C C-Cl C-O C-N C-C X=C=Y (C,O,N,S) C N C C N=O N=O *80. This region stretches from about 1800 to 1650 cm-1 - RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SPECTRUM The base value is 1715 cm-1 (ketone) The bands are very strong !!! due to the large C=O dipole moment.
C=O is often one of the strongest peaks in the spectrum THE CARBONYL STRETCHING REGION
2-Butanone KETONE C=O C-H overtone 2x C=O CH bend BASE = 1715 1690 1710 1715 1725 1735 1800 1810 and 1760 acid chloride ester aldehyde carboxylic acid amide ketone anhydride ( two peaks ) EACH DIFFERENT KIND OF C=O COMES AT A DIFFERENT FREQUENCY C=O IS SENSITIVE TO ITS ENVIRONMENT THESE VALUES ARE WORTH LEARNING all are +/- 10 cm-1 1.225 A 1.231 A 1.235 A 1.248 A acid chloride ester ketone amide C=O BOND LENGTHS IN CARBONYL COMPOUNDS shorter longer 1780 cm-1 1735 cm-1 1715 cm-1 1680 cm-1 Ketones are at lower frequency than Aldehydes because of the second electron-donating alkyl group. Acid chlorides are at higher frequency than ketones because of the electron-withdrawing halide. Esters are at higher frequencies than ketones due to the electron-withdrawing oxygen atom. This is more important than resonance with the electron pair on the oxygen. Amides are at lower frequencies than ketones due to resonance involving the unshared pair on nitrogen. The electron-withdrawing effect of nitrogen is less important than the resonance. SUMMARY Note the electronegativity difference, O versus N, weights the two factors (resonance/ e-withdrawal) differently in esters than in amides. Acids are at lower frequency than ketones due to H-bonding. KETONE C=O C-H overtone CH bend BASE = 171585. 2-Butanone
1719 x 2 = 3438 overtone of strong C=O peak 3438
ALDEHYDE C=O CHO CH bend BASE = 172586. Nonanal
ACID CHLORIDE C=O C-H CH bend BASE = 180087. Dodecanoyl Chloride
ESTER C=O C-O C-H BASE = 173588. Ethyl Butanoate
CARBOXYLIC ACID C=O O-H C-H C-O BASE = 171089. 2-Methylpropanoic Acid
CARBOXYLIC ACID DIMER Strong hydrogen-bonding in the dimer weakens the O-H and C=O bonds and leads to broad peaks at lower frequencies. lowers frequency of C=O and also of O-H AMIDE C=O NH2 C-H CH bend BASE = 1690 two peaks sym / asym Propanamide C=C STRETCHING ALKENES AROMATICS Typical Infrared AbsorptionRegions C=C FREQUENCY (cm-1) WAVELENGTH (mm) O-H C-H N-H C=O C=N Very few bands C=C C-Cl C-O C-N C-C X=C=Y (C,O,N,S) C N C C N=O N=O *94. The C=C stretching region
C=C double bond at 1650 cm-1 is often weak or not even seen. C=C benzene ring shows peak(s) near 1600 and 1400 cm-1 , one or two at each value - CONJUGATION LOWERS THE VALUE. When C=C is conjugated with C=O it is stronger and comes at a lower frequency.
95. 1-Hexene
ALKENE oops C=C =C-H C-H aliphatic C-H bend
96. Toluene
AROMATIC benzene oops benzene C-H C=C
Typical Infrared AbsorptionRegions C-O FREQUENCY (cm-1) WAVELENGTH (mm) O-H C-H N-H C=O C=N Very few bands C=C C-Cl C-O C-N C-C X=C=Y (C,O,N,S) C N C C N=O N=O * C-O STRETCHING99. The C-O stretching region
The C-O band appears in the range of 1300 to 1000 cm-1 Look for one or more strong bands appearing in this range! Ethers, alcohols, esters and carboxylic acids have C-O bands
ETHER C-O BASE = 1100 CH2 CH3 bending C-H Dibutyl Ether AROMATIC ETHER benzene oops C-O C-H aromatic BASE = 1100 Anisole ALCOHOL BASE = 3600 BASE = 1100 OH C-O CH2 bend C-H Cyclohexanol CARBOXYLIC ACID OH CH C=O C-O 2-Methylpropanoic Acid ESTER CH C=O C-O Ethyl Butanoate N=O STRETCHING Typical Infrared AbsorptionRegions N-O 4000 2500 2000 1800 1650 1550 650 FREQUENCY (cm-1) WAVELENGTH (mm) O-H C-H N-H C=O C=N Very few bands C=C C-Cl C-O C-N C-C X=C=Y (C,O,N,S) C N C C N=O N=O *107. The N=O stretching region
N=O stretching -- 1550 and 1350 cm-1 asymmetric and symmetric stretchings Often the 1550 cm-1 peak is stronger than the other one
NITROALKANE N=O N=O C-H gem-dimethyl 2-Nitropropane Typical Infrared AbsorptionRegions C-Cl FREQUENCY (cm-1) WAVELENGTH (mm) O-H C-H N-H C=O C=N Very few bands C=C C-Cl C-O C-N C-C X=C=Y (C,O,N,S) C N C C N=O N=O *110. The C-X stretching region
C-Cl 785 to 540 cm-1, often hard to find amongst the fingerprint bands!! C-Br and C-I appear outside the useful range of infrared spectroscopy. C-F bonds can be found easily, but are not that common.
Often used as a solvent for IR spectra. When it is used, spectra show C-Cl absorptions. C-Cl Carbon Tetrachloride C-Cl oops benzene C=C Chlorobenzene =C-H OUT OF PLANE BENDING H H H OUT-OF-PLANE BENDING above below PLANE (OOPS) H ALKENES BENZENES also with Monosubstituted cis-1,2- trans-1,2- 1,1- Trisubstituted Tetrasubstituted Disubstituted 10 11 12 13 14 15 1000 900 800 700 cm-1 s s m s s s m =C-H OUT OF PLANE BENDING ALKENES 10 11 12 13 14 15 1000 900 800 700 cm-1 Monosubstituted Disubstituted ortho meta para Trisubstituted 1,2,4 1,2,3 1,3,5 BENZENES m s s s s s s s s s m m m m OOPS RING H’s combination bands