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The Latin American Grid Initiative: model and operation cost estimate. Roberto Barbera (EELA-2 Technical Coordinator) University of Catania and INFN (Italy) EELA-2 Workshop Loja (Ecuador), 05.12.2008. Outline. Concepts and analogies
The Latin American Grid Initiative: model and operation cost estimate Roberto Barbera (EELA-2 Technical Coordinator) University of Catania and INFN (Italy) EELA-2 Workshop Loja (Ecuador), 05.12.2008
Outline Concepts and analogies The Grid “ecosystem”, its evolution, and the conditions for its long-term sustainability A reference example: The European Grid Initiative (EGI) The Latin American Grid Initiative (LGI) Summary and conclusions Loja (Ecuador), EELA-2 Workshop, 05.12.2008
Some concepts (1/2)(www.un.org/esa/sustdev/natlinfo/indicators/isd.htm) • Sustainability: in a general sense, is the capacity to maintain a certain process or state indefinitely; the term has its roots in ecology as the ability of an ecosystem to maintain ecological processes, functions, biodiversity and productivity into the future. • Sustainable development: is a pattern of resource use that aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but in the indefinite future. • The three pillars: sustainable development must involve social and economic development, and environmental protection Loja (Ecuador), EELA-2 Workshop, 05.12.2008
Environmental protection: is the process of making sure current processes of interaction with the environment are pursued with the idea of keeping the environment as pristine as naturally possible. Economic development: is made of three building blocks, i.e. information, integration, and participation. Pillars of World Sustainable Development …some more concepts… Social development: also known as social change, refers to: • change in social structure: the nature, the social institutions, the social behaviour or the social relations of a society, community of people, and so on; • any event or action that affects a group of individuals that have shared values or characteristics. Loja (Ecuador), EELA-2 Workshop, 05.12.2008
Real world Social Environment Economic e-Infrastructures Virtual Organizations Resource Centres + Service Provi-ders →National Grid Initiatives Middleware services, Application support, and Training VOs e-Infrastructures’ Sustainable Development Sustain. e-Infra. M/W, Supp., Training NGIs …and some analogies Key analogy: Grids are complex “ecosystems” of services “sold”and “bought” by virtual communities. Loja (Ecuador), EELA-2 Workshop, 05.12.2008
Timeline of EU and US Grids OSG GriPhyN, iVDGL, PPDG GRID 3 Inter-operation WLCG EU DataGrid EGEE 1 EGEE 2 EGEE 3 LCG 1 LCG 2 Jürgen Knobloch/CERN Slide 6 Loja (Ecuador), EELA-2 Workshop, 05.12.2008
The Collaboration 4 LHC experiments ~250 computing centres 12 large centres (Tier-0, Tier-1) 38 federations of smaller “Tier-2” centres Growing to ~40 countries Grids: EGEE, OSG, Nordugrid Technical Design Reports WLCG, 4 Experiments: June 2005 Memorandum of Understanding Agreed in October 2005 Resources 5-year forward look WLCG(www.cern.ch/lcg) Loja (Ecuador), EELA-2 Workshop, 05.12.2008
>270 VOs from several scientific domains: • Archaeology • Astronomy & Astrophysics • Civil Protection • Computational Chemistry • Comp. Fluid Dynamics • Computer Science/Tools • Condensed Matter Physics • Cultural Heritage • Earth Sciences • Fusion • High Energy Physics • Life Sciences EGEE Communities CPU usage increased *12 Loja (Ecuador), EELA-2 Workshop, 05.12.2008
Computing at a “world” scale! How can we make it sustainable ? Tier-1 Centers: TRIUMF (Canada); GridKA(Germany); IN2P3 (France); CNAF (Italy); SARA/NIKHEF (NL); Nordic Data Grid Facility (NDGF); ASCC (Taipei); RAL (UK); BNL (US); FNAL (US); PIC (Spain) Jürgen Knobloch/CERN Slide 9 Loja (Ecuador), EELA-2 Workshop, 05.12.2008
National Ref.: D. Kranzlmüller presemtation at EGEE’08 Global Routine Usage Testbeds Utility Service Grid “Ecosystem” evolution in Europe The system becomes sustainable only if a social change occurs. By analogy, this means a change in the way we consider and support VOs Loja (Ecuador), EELA-2 Workshop, 05.12.2008
States Chiefdoms Tribes Bands Large Grid Initiatives NGIs JRUs Univs. Orgs. Other analogies…(en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Society and links therein) Social evolution Grid evolution Loja (Ecuador), EELA-2 Workshop, 05.12.2008
Joint Research Units (JRUs) • A Joint Research Unit (JRU) is a partnership with no legal status as such, formed between entities of the same nationality and meeting the following conditions: • scientific and economic unity (internal MoU in place); • lasting a certain length of time (not linked to a particular project); • recognised by a public authority (minister, secretary of state, etc.). • See some examples at: • http://documents.eu-eela.eu/collection/JRUs%20-%20NGIs Loja (Ecuador), EELA-2 Workshop, 05.12.2008
An example (in spanish): La Red Española de eCiencia (1/2) • Iniciativa, avalada por el MCI, para el establecimiento de una eInfraestructura nacional; • Alineada con el EGI (European Grid Initiative); • En formación, el MEC financia durante dos años mobilidad; • Objetivo: habilitar el desarrollo de la eCiencia en España; • Fases: • 1) definir la estructura; • 2) definir los mecanismos de decisión, inclusión y coordinación; • 3) asociar y hacer disponibles las eInfrastructuras ya existentes; • 4) soportar un cjto mínimo de aplicaciones y comunidades; • Inicial unas 3000 CPUs; • Modelo de financiación todavía no definido. Ref. Raul Ramos, CETA-CIEMAT, Spain Loja (Ecuador), EELA-2 Workshop, 05.12.2008
An example (in spanish): La Red Española de eCiencia (2/2) Ref. Raul Ramos, CETA-CIEMAT, Spain Loja (Ecuador), EELA-2 Workshop, 05.12.2008
National Grid Initiatives (NGIs)(www.eu-egi.eu/fileadmin/public/Deliverables/EGI_DS_D4-3_FINAL.pdf) • It’s a legal Organisation that must: • Have the capacity to sign the statutes of the Large Grid Initiative it is member of – either directly or through a legal entity representing it; • Have a mandate to represent its national Grid community in all matters falling within the scope of Large Grid Initiative it is member of; • Be the only organisation having the mandate described in the previous point for its country and thus provide a single contact point at national level; • Nominate a representative duly authorised to deliberate, negotiate and decide on all matters falling within the mandate of the Large Grid Initiative it is member of; • Have a sustainable structure or be represented by a legal structure that has a sustainable structure in order to commit to Large Grid Initiative it is member of in the long term. Loja (Ecuador), EELA-2 Workshop, 05.12.2008
The European Grid Initiative (EGI) Goal: • Long-term sustainability of grid infrastructures in Europe Approach: • Establishment of a new federated model bringing together NGIs to build the EGI Organisation EGI Organisation: • Coordination and operation of a common multi-national, multi-disciplinary Grid infrastructure • To enable and support international Grid-based collaboration; • To provide support and added value to NGIs; • To liaise with corresponding infrastructures outside Europe. Loja (Ecuador), EELA-2 Workshop, 05.12.2008
EGI Design Study started Sept 07 to establish a sustainable pan-European grid infrastructure after the end of EGEE-3 in 2010 The main foundations of EGI are 37 National Grid Initiatives (NGIs) Project is funded by the European Commission's 7th Framework Program The “path” to EGI → EGI_DS(www.eu-egi.eu) Loja (Ecuador), EELA-2 Workshop, 05.12.2008
The EGI Business Model Ref.: EGI Blueprint and D3.1 Loja (Ecuador), EELA-2 Workshop, 05.12.2008
EGI.org Funding and Policy Bodiessuch as: • eIRG • EU • ESFRI • national bodies • … EGI Council EGI Director Strategy Committee User Committeesfor : • Operations • Applications • Middleware • … AdvisoryCommittees CAO Admin & PR COO Operations CTO Developments Administration& PR Group OperationsGroup DevelopmentsGroup The EGI Management/Governance Loja (Ecuador), EELA-2 Workshop, 05.12.2008
Duration27 months: Develop EGI Proposal NGIs signing Proposal Start of EGEE-III Final Draft of EGI Blueprint Proposal Submission of EGEE-III EGI Blueprint Proposal Start of EGI Design Study EGEE-III transition to EGI-like structure EU Call Deadline for EGI Proposal EGI Entity in place EGEE-III (2YEARS) EGI operational EGEE-II (2YEARS) 2008 2010 2009 EGI Time Schedule Loja (Ecuador), EELA-2 Workshop, 05.12.2008
? EELA-2 4/2010 → EELA 4/2008-3/2010 1/2006-12/2007 …and in Latin America ? Loja (Ecuador), EELA-2 Workshop, 05.12.2008
The Latin American Grid Initiative (LGI)(http://documents.eu-eela.org/record/1119/files/) Loja (Ecuador), EELA-2 Workshop, 05.12.2008
The Latin American Grid Infrastructure - GridLGI • GridLGI is composed, from bottom to top of three layers, each of them including Grid and Network components: • At the lower Institute level: • The Resource Centre (RC) is the actual site of the Grid computing resources; • The backbone LAN or MAN network connects the Computing and Storage Elements (CE & SE) at the RC site; • At the intermediate national level: • The National Grid Initiative (NGI) integrates all Grid Institutions in the country and federates under its Grid Operation Centre (GOC) all their RCs in a National Grid (GridNGI); • The underlying National Research & Education Network (NREN) links country-wide the Research and Education Institutes and optimizes / monitors their network activity via its associated Network Operation Centre (NOC); • The upper international layer is made of two entities at the same level: • The Latin American Grid Initiative (LGI) which brings together all NGIs and supervises the various GridNGIs operation from its Grid Support Centre (GSC); • CLARA: Cooperación Latino Americana de Redes Avanzadas that is the WAN network which integrates the Latin American NRENs and supervises the overall RedCLARA network activity by means of its Network Support Centre (NSC). Loja (Ecuador), EELA-2 Workshop, 05.12.2008
LGI Management/Governance Loja (Ecuador), EELA-2 Workshop, 05.12.2008
A possible structure of a Latin American NGI A strong liaison with the NREN must be established. Local conditions permitting, NGI and NREN can merge into a single entity. Loja (Ecuador), EELA-2 Workshop, 05.12.2008
LGI costs in terms of human resources needed Loja (Ecuador), EELA-2 Workshop, 05.12.2008
Summary and conclusions • Long-term sustainability of e-Infrastructures world wide is key for a continued support of scientific communities; • EELA-2 has defined the model and the architecture of the Latin American Grid Initiative (LGI) and they are in good agreement with basic principles and with what is being done in Europe with EGI on the same subject; • However, the roof will be solid only if the pillars will be strong so Latin American countries should start as soon as possible the creation of NGIs in close relationships with NRENs; • Ecuador is a “new” partner of EELA-2 so the creation of a JRU, and eventually a NGI, are very important steps that have to be taken as soon as possible and I hope that this workshop can set the ground for this to happen. Loja (Ecuador), EELA-2 Workshop, 05.12.2008
Thank you very much! …Any Questions ? Loja (Ecuador), EELA-2 Workshop, 05.12.2008