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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publicationreflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
ObjectivesETIV ProjectDevelopment of didactical training material to promote,stimulate and support the implementation of EMAS IIRegulation Case studySupply information on EMAS implementation in a plastics manufacturing enterprise, representing a „Case Study“ on EMAS implementation
Object of the case study Implementation of EMAS in the KASKO Ltd., Slavkov Summary of the case study: This case study is divided in four main parts: • Introduction • General data • EMAS implementation – Analysis • EMAS implementation – Evaluation and conclusion
INTRODUCTION Massive environment pollution as the negative subsequence of the communistic regime in the Czech Republic A noticeable improvement of environment after the year 1989: • Equipment renovation • Progressive technologies • Positive changes in the legislation • Ecological thinking in the whole Czech society. Considerable funds in the area of SMEs
INTRODUCTION • Integration of the Czech Republic into E.U. on the 1st of May 2004 • Participation in the environment protection systems • Aim of EMAS system - to support constant progress of influence on theenvironment made by organisations acting • EMAS system - convenient for use in SMEs • Bad knowledge of principles and implementation conditions amongst theSMEs´ managers in the Czech Republic
DESCRIPTION OF THE TYPE OF THE COMPANY • Criteria for a Small and Medium Enterprise in the Czech Republic according the definition of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ENTERPRISE • The KASKO Company Ltd. was established in 1992 • Czech company with no participation of foreign capital • Main business programme of the company: development procedure, production, assembly and distribution of plastic constituents, design and production of injection forms
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ENTERPRISE Building a quality system in KASKO Ltd. : • 1998, re-certification in 2001: ISO 9002 and the VDA 6.1 • 2000: Preparation for the certification according to the ISO Standard14001 • 2000: EMAS implementation started • 2002: Gaining certificate according to the ISO Standard14001 and validation
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ENTERPRISE Company location • Company is situated in Slavkov, which is located approximately 10 km away from Uherský Brod in Moravia – East part of the Czech Republic. • Nearest source of drinking water defensive zone is 5 km away from the company precinct. Company precinct is located very nearby to the Protected Land Area of the Carpathian Mountains. • The entire KASKO Ltd. precinct are situated in an area of 5 724 m2
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ENTERPRISE Workers • 103 employees, from which 5 deal with the design and development of plastic products Structure of the company • Production area • Stocks • Working and technical divisions • Administration • Social services • Others
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ENTERPRISE Production • Injected plastic pressed pieces till the weight of 1 100 g and assembly of them. Products are assigned for automobile industry. • Share of products for electrical engineering enterprises is increasing. • The production is realized in the pressing plant, where are: • 12 injection moulding presses and • 1 extrusion press • Production of KASKO Ltd. is increasing year by year
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ENTERPRISE Raw materials Energy Granulated plastics Electrical power Colourings Water Metal components Natural gas Helping materials
ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY • To provide training of the staff oriented on encouraging the mental attitude to the environment protection • To reduce use of raw materials and energy usage on production by permanent, consistently persuade analysis • To inform employees and the public about the influence of your production on the environment • To promote introduction of the environmental management system to business partners Environmental policy is carried out by means of the environmental system management. This system is being supervised by the company management in internal, also in external audits.
SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS Environmental aspect – component of activity, products or serviceofthe organization, which might have an influence on the environment Direct environmental aspects – aspects referring to the organization activity of which the progress is being controlled Indirect environmental aspects – aspects referring toactivity of the organization, which can not be fully controlled by the organization Register of environment aspects - contains processes, company activities with its rating of environmental aspects and impacts
SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS – cont. The register of environment aspects is being continuously checked by internal audits and once a year examined by management. In the KASKO Ltd. are specified environmental aspects in processes: • Supply, stocking and manipulations • Granulates for the press preparation • Exchange of form and switch to another material • Starting up the production • Moulding
SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS – cont. • Band sawing • Work in the finishing workshop • Using the compressor • Mould maintenance • Machines’ maintenance and mending • Work in adjusters’ workshop and in the tool room • Administration, cleaning works • Others
SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS – cont. The environmental aspects introduced above have following impacts on the environment: • Refuse production • Processing waste production • Dangerous waste production • Primary resources consumption • Downgrade of work environment • Soil and water contamination • Air pollution • Waste water production
LEGAL AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS Registers created in the KASKO Ltd., containing obligatory legal and other requirements to environmental protection: Register of relevant legal requirements in the area of: ·Waste and Containers ·Water Management ·Protection Of The Air ·Treatment of Chemical Substances and Chemical Preparations ·Prevention of Major Accidents Register of relevant technical standards Register of external decisions
OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS AND THEIR FULFILLMENT 1. Decrease the amount of material to crush gradually by 5% on every100 kg of production The target was not fulfilled 2. Decrease the production of further on unused plastic waste gradually by 5% on every 100 kg of production Target was not fulfilled 3. Decrease the electricity consumption gradually by 3% on every 1 kg of production The target was not fulfilled 4. Decrease the consumption of drinking water gradually by 5% in 1 working hour Target was fulfilled
OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS AND THEIR FULFILLMENT- cont. 5. Decrease the production of hazardous waste (absorbing reagents, contaminated metal containers) gradually by 5% on the number ofmould exchanges Target was partly fulfilled 6.Decrease the consumption of container materials (paper, plastic containers) gradually by 3% on every 100 kg of production Target was fulfilled 7. Improve the appearance of company’s surroundings with appropriate modification and planting of green plants Target was fulfilled
ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME The KASKO Ltd. introduced the Environmental Management System in February 2001 following the international directive ISO 14001 The management system is based around the procession-oriented approach. The processes they were divided into: • Main processes • Managing processes • Supporting processes The processes are described in detail in the Management Handbook elaborated on the basis of ISO 9002 and later also the requirements ISO 14001 and EMAS were incorporated.
DEFINITON OF STRUCTURE AND RESPONSIBILITY Responsible persons: • General manager of the company • The authorized representative for EMS • Financial manager • Technical director
TRAINING, AWARENESS AND COMPETENCE Department managers in cooperation with the personal management and possibly the authorised representative for quality/ EMS identify training needs on all levels. The training needs are to be identified in this case: • For new employees • For employees transferred to a new work position • For employees transferred to a different kind of work content • For permanent current employees at least once a year • For temporary employees
COMMUNICATION Targets: Internal communication To ensure efficient communication among various levels and functionstaking into account the customer’s requirements, QMS and EMS External communication Ensure the reception of incentives the involved parts Establish contacts with the public Provide te cooperation with expert companies Provide the cooperation withj rescue teams (fire-fighters, gas workers, emergency health aid, policy) Means of communication
DOCUMENTATION Structure and content of documents Management handbook Declaration on the environment Directive Work instruction Regulation Design documentation, forms Approving process and issuing of documents Documents modification
MONITORING AND MEASUREMENT The KASKO Ltd. monitors, measures and evaluates its behaviour in the area of EMS in the following fields: Functionality and efficiency of the system of environmental management Meeting the environmental policy and objectives Environmental awareness of employees Monitoring and measuring of activities in the frame of selected indicators. The objective is to monitor: The activities, through which the company can influence the environment The real state of EMS in comparison to the set targets and legal duties.
MONITORING AND MEASUREMENT – cont. The monitored indicators: Waste production (including dangerous waste) Production of recycled material (shatter) Electrical energy consumption Water consumption Packing materials consumption Natural gas consumption Consumption of all inputs substances and materials Monitoring of noise level at the work place Production, man-hours, number of moulds replacements Environmental costs
OPERATIONAL CONTROL Inspections are performed on several levels: Company management Manager of the production department Auditor Master craftsmen
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE Emergency readiness Identification of potential emergency situations The danger of a possible occurrence of emergency situations is related mainly to the following activities: Storage of oil Matters and chemical substances and handling with them Usage of oil matters and chemical substances in production and maintenance Operation and maintenance of machines and forklifts Storage of combustible substances and handling with them Collecting dangerous wastes
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE – cont. Emergency instructions Emergency instructions have been elaborated for the followingemergency situations: Leakage of oil substances – oils – for the department: work shopof adjusters Leakage of natural gas – for the department: boiler house Leakage of combustibles – for the department: store of chemical substances Mercury leakage – fluorescents storage – store of chemical substances Occurrence of fire – for the department – pressing shop Emergency management
INDUSTRIAL RISK ASSESMENT In the KASKO Ltd. a material concerning the risks identification has beendeveloped The following objects have been assessed: Working machines, hydraulic machines, and hydraulic press for working of thermoplastics. The identified dangers have been assessed from the standpoint of risk level. Procedure of analysis of potential risks and defects
NON CONFORMANCE AND CORRECTIVE AND PREVENTIVE ACTIONS In the KASKO Ltd. a directive has been developed and approved, whichshould be instrumental in determining procedures applied in identifying the causes of occurrence of defects in products, procedures, work system and customer complaints aimed at adopting, documenting and verifying the efficiency of preventive measures and corrections. • Responsible persons: • Managers • Appointed workers • The quality and environment manager • The coordinator of the quality and environment
NON CONFORMANCE AND CORRECTIVE AND PREVENTIVE ACTIONS – cont. Preventive measures are issued in order to prevent re-occurrence of defects and discrepancies. Preventive measures are designed in advance before a potential occurrence of the defect or discrepancy
NON CONFORMANCE AND CORRECTIVE AND PREVENTIVE ACTIONS – cont. In the KASKO Ltd.it is possible to make use of the method 8D for solutions to defects re-occurrence. Procedure of 8D solution: 1. Handle the problem in team work 2. Describe the problem 3. Give an incentive to a temporary measure and verify it’s efficiency 4. Identify the essential cause/causes and verify, whether it represents the real cause
NON CONFORMANCE AND CORRECTIVE AND PREVENTIVE ACTIONS – cont. 5. Determine corrections and verify its efficiency by a test 6. Implement correction /corrections and verify it’s efficiency 7. Determine measures allowing preventing re-occurrence of the problem. 8. Assess the performance and achievements of the team
RECORDS • Records (QMS and EMS) represents part of respective documentation, where the topics concerning individual records are described (directives, work instructions, etc.) • Records concerning inspections and tests, carried out activities, materials and equipment are mainly issued on standardised company forms; all originals of forms (thus also forms concerning records QMS and EMS) are stored in „The Catalogue of forms”. • Each record has to be properly identified (date, name of worker, relation to the respective product or activity, order number, etc. It has to be readable and permanent. Records have to be stored in to be prevented any damage to them, ensuring an easy access and make it easy to find.
EMS INTERNAL ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT • Internal audit – independent inspection of the system of quality guarantees, revealing of shortcomings and adoption of corrections and preventive measures. • Internal audits represent a systematic analysis of objective facts, recorded in the form of audit protocols. Inspection team delivers to the management a truthful and undistorted record about inspected facts Responsible persons: General manager Manager of Quality and Environment Department Chief auditor Manager of inspected Projectmanager
EMS INTERNAL ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT – cont. Internal audits are carried out according to audit plan in each department of the KASKO Ltd. through comparing the implemented activities with statements included in the management handbook, directives, work instructions, work procedures and other relevant management and technical regulations. The plan of internal audits is set by the manager of Quality and Environment Department (chief auditor)and approved by the general manager of the company always by the end of the month of January of the upcoming year at the latest.
EMS INTERNAL ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT – cont. • Every area (department) of the company is inspected at least once a year. In areas of particular importance audit can be executed more often. • Audits are carried out by auditors, without any direct responsibility for the activities performed by the department subjected to inspection and have no ties to the function, where the audit is executed. • Auditors are qualified to audit the requirements ISO / TS 16949 and are familiar with company systems of quality and EMS, its documentation and requirements of relevant regulations. • The manager of the inspected area is responsible for implementation of the correction. • Implementation of correction and elimination of discrepancies id monitored by the chief auditor.
MANAGEMENT REVIEW • Discussion about the current information, tasks and problems takes place atregularmeetings at least twice a month. Minutes are recorded from the meetings. • Management is informed about outcomes of internal audits by the authorised representative on the basis of respective protocol. • Management is informed about outcomes of internal audits by the authorised representative carried out in individual departments/sections. • A complex report on verification of management system is submitted jointly a member of quality management and the authorised representative for EMS to the company management at least once a year.
ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT • Elaboration of environmental statement is based on the Regulation of the European Parliament and Council n. 761/2001 of voluntary participation of institutions in the system of company management and the audit in terms of environmental protection (EMAS). • The statement is developed for the interested public in order to provide all interested parties with concise and sensible information
BASIC DIFFICULTIES FOUND DURING EMAS II IMPLEMENTATION Within the process of implementation of the environmental management system following the regulation ISO 14001 and the directive EMAS the KASKO Ltd. did not encounter bigger difficulties. Some partial problems occurred during EMAS implementation: • The lack of literature and other supporting materials on EMAS implementation. • To persuade regular employees of the benefits of the system and make them implement the modification deriving from implementing EMS (e.g. sorting of waste, records of monitoring into forms etc.) • Access of external companies carrying out e.g. reconstruction activities within the area of the KASKO Ltd.
EXPERIENCE COLLECTED BY THE COMPANY KASKO S.R.O. DURING EMAS IIIMPLEMENTATION Quality and Environment Department staff acquired largest experience Experience in all areas has been acquired: • Especially experience with assessing activities and their impact of the environment • Experience with waste handling and incorporating legal duties is to be highlighted
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENTS ACHIEVED BY THE COMPANY KASKO LTD. • Reducing of electrical energy consumption, soil and water contamination, noise level • Better organisation of produced waste, improved record of waste • Improvement of work environment • Usage of waste, compliance with legislative duties • Gaining space in store, simplifying manipulation • More transparent record, reduction of shatter production
CONCLUSIONS BENEFITS AND NEGATIVES OF EMAS II IMPLEMENTATION • Implementation of the environmental management system in compliance with ISO 14001 and EMAS proves to be indisputably beneficial for the KASKO Ltd. • Implementation of EMS was a good choice as well as investment into the future development of the company. • The most significant benefit is certainly environmental protection in itself – the management of the KASKO Ltd. have always been aware of the impact of production on the environment and came to the conclusion that the best way how to manage the activities affecting the environment is to implement the environment management system. • Other benefit can be seen in raising awareness – stronger presentation of the company to the public eye and other interested parties.