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Iraq 2009. 6 slides. Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel,…. in the land of Shinar. Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country. Clinton in Iraq amid new violence. Babel / Babylon Ur / Abraham’s home Garden of Eden.
Iraq 2009 6 slides
Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel,…. in the land of Shinar. Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country Clinton in Iraq amid new violence Babel / BabylonUr / Abraham’s homeGarden of Eden BBConline, April 25, 2009 Hillary Clinton has landed in the Iraqi capital Baghdad for her first visit to the country as US secretary of state. Her visit comes in the wake of two days of suicide bomb attacks on Baghdad and other Iraqi towns which killed at least 155 people and wounded many others. Mrs Clinton said she wanted to help identify how to counter the violence. President Barack Obama, who visited Iraq a couple of weeks ago, has committed the US to withdrawing troops from Iraqi cities by the end of June. All combat brigades are to leave by next summer. Violence fell sharply in Iraq in the last year. But because of the recent attacks, there will be a lot of head-scratching about whether the timetables should be stuck to or whether they should be flexible, the BBC's Jim Muir in Baghdad says. The attacks do not yet seem to be a sustained trend, but they seem to be starting to take on a rhythm which is truly alarming for the Iraqi government and for the Americans, our correspondent says. EVENT The land of Iraq is hugely significant from a Bible perspective. It is the home of the Garden of Eden where sin and death entered the world. It is the home of the first kingdom on earth - man’s kingdom (Babel) ruled by Nimrod (whose name means rebellion). It was also the home of Abraham. A man who (according to ancient Jewish writings) refused to bow down to Nimrod. God told Abraham to go to a new land where a new kingdom would one day be established. He brought him to Canaan / ISRAEL. Iraq is still full of violence and death. Man will never solve its problems. Only Jesus can. COMMENT BIBLE QUOTE (Genesis 10:10 & 12:1)
And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees’ excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah…… The LORD will have mercy on Jacob, and will yet choose Israel, and set them in their own land: and the strangers shall be joined with them. Iran continues to back violence in Iraq Associated Press, June 30, 2009 The destruction of Sodom – Babylon was never destroyed in this way The top U.S. military commander in Iraq on Tuesday accused Iran of continuing to support and train militants who are carrying out attacks, including most of the ones in Baghdad. Gen. Ray Odierno said the attacks have fallen in number but are still a problem. He made the comments just after the U.S. relinquished security for Baghdad and other urban areas to Iraqi forces, part of a security agreement that will see all American soldiers out of the country by the end of 2011. "Iran is still supporting, funding and training surrogates who operate inside of Iraq. They have not stopped and I don't think they will stop," Odierno told reporters at the U.S. military headquarters outside Baghdad. "I think many of the attacks in Baghdad are from individuals that have been in fact funded or trained by the Iranians." EVENT This week American troops withdrew from towns and cities in Iraq. They are now based in 39 rural locations. At least 130,000 troops are still there. Full withdrawal is to be completed by 2011. It is worth noting the accusation by America’s top military commander above. Iran is still supporting violence in Iraq. They are training militants to stir up trouble. An upsurge of violence is expected in the coming weeks. If Isaiah 13 has a latter day fulfilment then Babylon (in this chapter) = modern Iraq. The many nations that attack Iraq (verse 4) happened in 2003 onwards. The day of the Lord is then at hand. The Medes = Iranians and they are stirred up against the people who invaded Babylon (verse 17). Finally there is destruction on Iraq similar to that when God overthrew Sodom. This destruction final is still to come. Ancient Babylon was never destroyed like Sodom. The next chapter begins with the restoration of Israel… COMMENT BIBLE QUOTE (Isaiah 13:19 and 14:1)
four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation, …. And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes Obama's fury at Baghdad bloodbath BBConline, October 26, 2009 US President Barack Obama has led international condemnation of Sunday's double suicide bomb attack in Baghdad that killed at least 132 people. Mr Obama branded the attacks - the worst in more than two years in Iraq - "hateful and destructive". UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband said they were a "terrible reminder of the threat from violent extremism". The blasts hit the ministry of justice and a provincial government office near the heavily fortified Green Zone. More than 520 people were also injured when the two car bombs exploded in quick succession at 1030 (0730 GMT) as people headed to work during the rush hour. The White House said President Obama had spoken to Iraqi PM Nouri Maliki and President Jalal Talabani to pledge his support. Mr Obama said in a statement: "I strongly condemn these outrageous attacks on the Iraqi people, and send my deepest condolences to those who have lost loved ones. EVENT We began with a war in Iraq – ancient Babylon. We see the violence continue… The world is now moving towards conflict with Iran – ancient Persia. This future conflict will bring the “prince of Grecia” on to the scene. We know from Daniel 8 that from the “prince of Grecia” comes a horn that grows in power. It is a horn (a king) that comes out of one of the four horns that spring up when the “great horn” is broken. To interpret…. Alexander the Great (the great horn) died suddenly (was broken). His Greek empire was divided and ruled by his 4 generals. One of these generals was called Seleucus. It was out of this empire (Seleucid) that the first kings of the north came. Russia is the latter day prince of Grecia & king of the north. COMMENT BIBLE QUOTE (Daniel 8:22,23)
The burden of Babylon [modern Iraq], which Isaiah the son of Amoz did see. a tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together.., They come from a far country… Howl ye; for the day of the LORD is at hand Al-Qaeda claims responsibility for Baghdad bombings Daily Telegraph, December 9, 2009 An Al-Qaeda group based in Iraq has claimed responsibility for five coordinated bombings that killed 127 people in Baghdad, US-based monitors said. The Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) issued a statement on a jihadist forum saying it carried out Tuesday's string of car and truck bombings at ministries and courthouses in the Iraqi capital that also wounded 450 people, SITE said. The Al-Qaeda statement, translated by the US monitoring group, threatened more attacks and said they were a "third-wave" after earlier deadly bombings on August 19 and October 25 that killed over 100 people. "The list of targets will not end, with permission from Allah, until the flag of monotheism is raised once against on the land of Baghdad and the sharia of Allah rules the land and the worshippers," it said. Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki sacked Baghdad's security chief after the latest attacks, which police said were carried out by bombers backed by groups in Syria or Saudi Arabia. EVENT The orgy of terror continues in Iraq. It was back on the 1st May 2003 that President Bush announced “Mission accomplished” in relation to the war in Iraq. Almost 7 years later it is clear the mission is NOT accomplished. 98% of the casualties (both coalition and Iraqi forces) have occurred since that speech! The Bible speaks of a latter day conflict in the land of Iraq. It tells us that nations from afar invade the land and bring great destruction. What is most interesting to us is that it tells us that this war happens shortly before the final judgement of the world. We see the war continue in Iraq – the final judgement is near. COMMENT BIBLE QUOTE (Isaiah 13:1,4,6)
And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees’ excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. Ancient Babylon was never destroyed as when God overthrew Sodom – it points to a latter day fulfilment still to happen! Iran troops 'seize Iraq oil well' Bloomberg, December 18, 2009 Iranian forces yesterday entered Iraqi territory at dawn and occupied a well in the East Maysan oil field, Border Guard General Zafer Nazmi said. The Iranian forces positioned tanks around well number 4, which is in the al-Fakah region, 450 kilometres (280 miles) south of Baghdad. The two neighbours have disputed the border of southeast Iraq for decades. “They positioned tanks around it and dug trenches,” General Nazmi said by phone from Basra. “They are still there, they raised the flag.” East Maysan in southern Iraq is an old oil field that is no longer in production, according to Nazmi. Iraq is the third- largest oil producer in the Middle East after Saudi Arabia and Iran. Iranian politics have influenced crude markets at other times this year as the country’s insistence on developing atomic power stokes concern in the U.S. and other nations that it may be trying to make nuclear weapons. EVENT According to several reports, Iranian forces crossed into Iraq and seized an oil well just over the two countries' disputed border. Iraq's government confirmed this on Friday. Baghdad protested and as one report said it provided “a dramatic display of the sometimes tenuous relations between the wary allies.” It is worth considering the following point. We know for certain that Iran will attack Israel because Ezekiel 38 makes that clear. When you look on a map you will see that for Iran to attack Israel they must go straight through Iraq. There is no mention of Iraq (Babylon) attacking Israel. We could therefore presume that either Iraq is part of Persia when it invades, or Iraq is destroyed by Iran as it passes through to Israel. It seems from Isaiah 13 that the latter option is most likely. Babylon will be overthrown as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. Great destruction is possibly coming on Iraq. COMMENT BIBLE QUOTE (Isaiah 13:19)