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Starbucks. Emilia Margherita Janek Kostis Diana Nicole. Starbucks ´ strategy. The Starbucks ' strategy consistent in the ability to balance financial profitability and social impact. Starbucks´ strategy. Enterprise's location Advertising through social medias
Starbucks Emilia Margherita Janek Kostis Diana Nicole
Starbucks´ strategy TheStarbucks' strategyconsistent in theability to balancefinancialprofitability and socialimpact.
Starbucks´ strategy • Enterprise'slocation • Advertisingthroughsocialmedias • Handing out flyers
Starbucks´ financialperformance Based on thefinancial data of 2007-2014, Starbucks´ profitsincreased in all of itssectors;
Starbucks´ financial performance Considering some examples : - total operating expensesareincreasedeveryyear of 1000 - cost of salesarealsoincreasedfrom 2007 to 2014 around 7000
Theoverallcoherence of Starbucks’ strategy in terms of itsfitwiththe company’sexternal and internalenvironments .
DoesStarbucksoperate in theinterests of itsshareholdersoritsstakeholders? Starbucksrespectstheinterests of theshareholders, as wecansee on the case 2 figure 1, for theirgreatcollaborationwiththeentreprise.
WhatthreatsdoesStarbucksface; howshould it counterthesethreats? • Thecompanyhadproblemscausedby mobile ordering and it resulted in crowds in busystoresthatturncustomersaway. • Theyshouldupgradetheirwebsite to make mobile orderingeasier. • Promblemsaboutthecompetitionsthroughallitsservices and betweenotherrestaurants. • Possessingtoomuchshops, cancauseeconomicdecline and theywillnotbeable to sustainthecosts of theircompany.
Whoareyourcustomers? • Starbucks has so many customers because of the ''amazing experience'' which is provided by employees to the clients.
We have different kinds of customers: The regular-takes quick Espresso shots, you don't even have to ring him up because he is already on his way; The novelist-This guy chills in Starbucks all day long, he is thinking, he is typing something on his laptop, he typically orders latte and doesn't drink it. The 12 year-old: she is usually with her friends. When she gets her coffee she is just ready to take the photo of the cup and complete it with hashtags li #starbucksselfie #ilovemefriends...
Whatcoreproblemdoyousolve for yourcustomers? Whatkeybenefitareyouproviding? • It sources, roasts and deliversthehighestquality of coffee • Thecompanyinvests in Roasteries and theReservebrand, whichprovides a moreupscaleStarbucksexperience • Starbuckshelpedpeople to develop a taste for theircoffee, and made it people'sthirdplaceafter home and work.
Whoareyourprimarycompetitors? • In thelastfewyears, Starbuckshasentered into a battle, fightingDunkin´Donuts and McDonald´s for the top position as coffeeking; • Eachcompany is fighting to expand menu options and physicalstorelocations to reach a betterservegreateramount of customers; • Fromdevelopment, Starbuckshasaimed at creating a place for consumers to stop betweenwork and home, and formedconcepts for physicallocationthatprovidecustomers a relaxedatmosphere and overallexperience.
What is yourprimarycompetitiveadvantage / your ‘secretsauce’? • It willcreate a range of newjobs for managers, supervisors, coordinators • It providessixweeks of training to help individualswithdisabilitiesgainmeaningfulworkexperience in manufacturing • It earnedthehonor for a variety of reasons (growth,benefit,program...) • It satisfiescustomersthroughemotions and alsocreategoodopportunities of job for employees
What is theprice of yourproductorservice to thebuyer? A studyshowedthatthecustomersmaybehappyordisappointedwiththesameprice in differentoccasions. For exampleifsomebodypays 4 euro for a coffee and stays at thecoffeshop for overtwohourswhilehavingfunwithhisfriends he willbegladwiththeprice. On theotherhandif he just buys a coffee and goes at hiswork he willnot. Sothepricestandarts of whatcustomerhas to paychange at eachoccasion.
Wheredoyourcustomers look to buyyourproductorservice? • Customerscanbuy products in theircenters(New York, Nevada, Carson Valley...) situated in manycountries and also on itswebsite • https://www.starbucks.com