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When excessive fat deposits are found in a person who does not consume alcohol, his condition is called non alcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD.<br>[ https://www.liverhelplineindia.com/non-alcoholic-fatty-liver-disease-liver-cirrhosis-liver-failure/ ]
Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease- Liverhelplineindia • When excessive fat deposits are found in a person who does not consume alcohol, his condition is called non alcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD. In this condition, the damage caused to the liver is severe and is similar to that caused due to alcohol abuse. If ignored, it may lead to liver cirrhosis and liverfailure. • Symptoms of Non Alcoholic Fatty liverDisease: • You may experience pain in the upper rightabdomen • You may experiencefatigue • Your liver may getenlarged • Causes of Non Alcoholic Fatty liver Disease • Type 2 diabetes • Obesity andoverweight • High Triglyceridelevels • Insulinresistance • Risk Factors that may cause Non Alcoholic Fatty LiverDisease • If you have high blood triglyceridelevels • If you have highcholesterol • If you have metabolicSyndrome • If you are obese, especially with fat accumulation in theabdomen • If you have sleep apnea • If you have PCOD or Polycystic ovarysyndrome • If you have Type 2 Diabetes • If you have underactive pituitarygland • If your thyroid isunderactive • Factors that help diagnose Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease(NAFLD): • Higher levels of liver enzymes in the bloodtest • Ultrasound of liver to assess fatcontent • Transient elastography to determine the liver’s stiffness. Greater the stiffness, more thescarring • Liver Biopsy is conducted if the above tests still cannot help the doctor to come to a conclusion. A sample of the liver tissue is collected with the help of a needle, that is inserted through the abdomen. The collected sample is then sent to the lab to determine the presence of scarring andinflammation • Complications caused by Non alcoholic Fatty liver Disease(NAFLD): • May cause Cirrhosis which impairs the normal function of the liver like nullifying toxins, producing bile, metabolizing medicines, converting ammonia in the blood into harmless urea for excretion, producing cholesterol and also removing bacteria from theblood • Liver Cirrhosis may cause further complications like cancer and liver failure which may require a liver transplant surgery • Early diagnosis and lifestyle changes may preserve the liver’s health and may prevent any seriousproblems.